30 Construction Workers Share What Creepy Secret Rooms They Were Asked To Build
For Secret Rooms, Your home is your castle. So if you want to install a huge window in your street-facing toilet, by all means, go for it.
Just keep in mind that not only your neighbors, but the entire internet might shame your decision. Plus, selling a property with, let’s call them, extravagant features can be tricky.
To learn more about people’s architectural whims, Reddit user OuterSpacewaysInc made a post on the platform, asking construction workers to share stories about all the secret rooms and other strange compartments they had to build for the owners. Turns out, plenty of folks have secrets they want to keep to themselves.
Residential contractor here. A client once asked that I add a 4×6 room next to the master that would be “just big enough to allow someone to ‘calm down’ if they were being ‘bad'”. Specs had no windows. Brick walls. Double thick door, etc. He gave off that creepy as hell vibe, but you know, money.
Anyway, the job was going fine until we ran out of red bricks and started using those blue and yellow ones. He lost his s**t! Canceled the contract and never looked back.
tldr: My son’s standards for Lego houses are so high that Jesus himself couldn’t reach them.
OptimusPrimEvil Report
Just moved into a house that was built in the 70s. The previous owners custom built it, and the architect was the man’s old frat buddy. Custom stuff everywhere (trash chute straight from the kitchen into the garage wheelie bin!).
When we first looked at the house, we really loved it, but there was no office space that my husband could use for his music stuff. It was the only disappointing thing about the house, but since everything else was so perfect, we went ahead and put in the offer.
When we were doing another walkthrough with our parents, we showed them the walk up attic, which is pretty cool too. When I turned around to leave, I noticed a wall of insulation that looked….different. if you push the insulation to one side, a doorknob appears. And behind it is the secret office.
Coolest house ever.
Cultooolo Report
My dad is a doctor and does a lot of construction at home in his free time. This one time he was moving a wall, making one room smaller and another bigger. He was putting an entire-wall-bookshelf kind of thing in the smaller room, and just to f**k with future homeowners he snatched one of those plastic skeletons from his job and hid it in the space between the bookshelf and the wall
I expect headlines sometime in the future
mangster83 Report
In the 1970s, a group of Edinburgh students living in a flat in Niddry Street, in the city’s Old Town, knocked on a wall and heard a hollow sound.
Curious, and probably drunk, they knocked a hole through it, where they exposed an old labyrinth of corridors and rooms underneath North Bridge, nearly half a mile in length. People had lived and died in these rooms, underneath the city’s bridge. There had been bars and brothels, and doss houses for the poor.
People in Victorian times had closed it off and subsequent generations had forgotten where the entrances were.
tomtell Report
Never built one, but I did find one in a house I was doing some plumbing work in once. This was an expensive condo, and they had a secret office that had a secret one-way mirror looking into the GUEST SHOWER. Creepy as f**k, man.
Wife and I had a secret, soundproof “sex dungeon” type room built adjacent to our bedroom. The reason for the room is that we have various devices in there that are impractical to disassemble and put away when we have friends over (or the day we have kids and still want to enjoy our fun discreetly).
We had some devices installed when we built the room, such as a large metal cage and other restraining devices. The people who built the room probably asked us a hundred times if we were sure we didn’t plan to abduct people. The architect nearly dropped the project when I jokingly asked him to make sure there’d be an electric outlet to plug a chainsaw.
1234fckoutthedoor Report
Was a draughtsman for a while. Two super wealthy Chinese parents were building all three of their children houses on their massive property. I was asked to design the ironing room for the eldest daughter. She…genuinely liked doing ironing? And laundry? I ended up designing this massive room with bay windows overlooking the lake with all sorts of storage compartments and a variety of ironing stations. She loved it, I got a healthy bonus, and I’m still confused to this day.
NipponNiGajin Report
I had a client once who wanted a safe room. Full concrete, ballistic glass, rated to withstand explosions, reinforced doors, separate power, and HVAC systems. Dedicated phone and tele/data as well with direct alarms to security and the police.
The thing that was unusual was that they wanted it handled entirely separately. A different building permit, with a different crew, all work being done at night. If anyone was ever able to find blueprints or permits to plan a Hollywood-style caper, they wouldn’t know about the safe room. (This was a public building, not a private residence.)
ivegot2legs Report
During the finishing stages of doing a basement, the customer decided she wanted a wall with dead space behind it. Gave no reasoning, only details how big she wanted it. I had joked multiple times it would end up being a tiny grow room for Marijuana.
It ended up becoming a small grow room for Marijuana.
billmofomurray Report
This one to me is the coolest. We have a family friend who is a builder and built his own house (obviously). I haven’t been over to his house in a while, but last time I was there, they were still finishing it (they’ve been finishing it for several years, and you’ll see why soon). Their house is 7 stories tall (4 above, 3 basement levels), has elevators, a full-size basketball court (indoors), several kitchens and living rooms, a huge theater room, an apartment that is attached with its own kitchen, living room, dining room, and 4 bedrooms, and the main house has countless bedrooms and other multipurpose rooms. The house is enormous.
BUT the coolest part is the house has those McDonald’s slides in it. There are 2 in it (maybe more now) of these slides. One goes from the top floor to the bottom, and one goes from the top floor to ground level. In the biggest one however, there is a secret passage, thats kind of hard to get to. When the slide gets to its steepest point, you have to brace yourself against the walls so you stop. If you can, the slide actually has a tunnel to the side that you can take. When you go through that secret tunnel, it takes you to a secret balcony in their in-home theater, with a fridge and chairs and stuff. It’s a pain in the butt to get to, but it’s really cool.
They do have a few other hidden rooms, but unfortunately, the guy who owned the house wouldn’t tell us, he said we had to find them on our own. Every time I was there spent the entire time knocking on walls, inspecting bookshelves, etc
TheAmishMan Report
I am not a construction worker. I. attended a private boarding school when I was younger the school itself was 200+ years old and the castle it was built around was much older. Upon exploring I and a few other friends found an entrance to a system of tunnels that ran beneath the school. The tunnels were used as maintenance tunnels for the old heating system that was once run from a gas boiler system. Originally we thought that was why they were built. We began trying to map out the tunnels and used to spend hours underneath the school during study time/ night roaming around with a measuring tape drawing it to scale. We never completed the map due to the systems enormity.
As we got further and further into the tunnels we learnt that these were much older than just the gas boiler. A new, cement tunnel seemed to extend about a kilometer in radius. Past a kilometer the tunnels got older and more dangerous. We found that they extended all the way out to a pavilion in our school. These passages were also in cement but were very clearly much older. Most of my time as a 14-year-old was spent roaming around them. It gave us passages into locked rooms, the castle (banned grounds), to the forests, etc. We decorated a lot of the walls down there in shoe polish and stolen art paints. We would even smoke down there a mere few feet below the headmaster’s office.
tiroky Report
Had a request to build a hidden room which was to my belief be used as a sex dungeon. He requested low-hanging support beams, a sunken in part for “storage” we painted it in red and black colours. The floor was tiled in one portion for a drain.
scottsuplol Report
Electrician here. Have done a few. The coolest was a secret passageway and attached room in a very nice house. It was hidden by a movable bookshelf on both ends. The guy said he didn’t have a specific reason for building it, he just always thought it would be cool to have a secret passageway in his house.
The other one that stands out was an underground survival bunker accessed through a hidden door in the back of a garage. It had an additional exit by means of an underground tunnel that lead almost 100 feet in the bordering forest. The strangest thing about it was that it was a survival bunker where he had our wire with outlets and lights, despite there not being any type of backup/off-the-grid power. Makes me think that he actually had an alternative purpose for the shelter.
Barley_Hops_Water Report
Electrician here. The customer wanted a sliding bookcase that hid 2 fire poles that slid down into the basement. Just like the old Batman TV show. He even had the bust on his desk that had a button under the flip-up head. The customer told me the bust was from the original show.
The house also had a couple of hidden doors and a panic room hidden behind a Tardis. It really was bigger on the inside.
electriczap Report
There’s this one house we did where there was a concealed stairway from the master bedroom to the dining room, just so the parents could get booze and snacks without walking past the kid’s rooms. Concealed because at the top of the stair was a massive safe.
DavidSlain Report
Plenty of times. There was one I never saw the finished stages of that was basically an entire apartment accessible only by a small hatch in a closet. Either the homeowner was planning to harbor criminals, or a mistress, a man in an iron mask, or just really wanted to be able to get away from his family. Hope it wasn’t like an HH Holmes thing.
Did a lot of mansions and this wasn’t insanely common but far more than I expected. There was one builder that did a lot of these houses who managed to find a retired electric chair that he kept in a hidden room. He ‘joked’ that when his kids were bad he would make them sit in it for a few hours. It didn’t have power running to it but still.
reddit Report
I was a custom interior carpenter and I did two. One was a bookcase that opened up into a large storage area.
The other was a hidden room behind their wine cellar. We installed a custom wine rack on a piano hinge, with a latch in the space behind one of the bottles. In the room, they installed a safe and a gun safe. All of the electronics for the house lived down there, as well as a panel that opened up into the main living room, in case you wanted to shoot an intruder from the safe room.
Booze, guns, and safety all in one place. I guess what I’m saying is that I know where I’m going when the zombies come.
scrappyjack Report
I built a Narnia closet for someone. Their daughter had one request for the new house: she had a built-in armoire, white and modern looking with nice shelving units on the right side and a bigger opening on the left. However, when you pushed the back of the left, closet side, it opened up into an actual closet that was about 5×10 feet on the inside, not too shabby at all. Was a pretty fun build, albeit somewhat challenging. Edit: spelling/words.
shadowatmidnight104 Report
I used to work construction over the summers in high school and within just a few miles of where I grew up there are 20,000sq+ foot homes…anyways this one client (who was pretty well known for being a CEO of a large corporation) requested a secret self-contained smoking room. Complete with a secret entrance, a bathroom, cedar paneling, self-contained heat and A/c, and an industrial-sized smoke-eater. Along with hideaway shelving that would store an endless amount of mason jars full of pot. Also has some crazy vaporizer as well. He would have meetings upstairs in his underwear and robe whole being high as f**k
Kraus247 Report
I’ve been painting houses since I was 15 and I’ve done two. One was a room behind a bookcase for the kid’s playroom. The second was in a millionaire’s summer home. On the fourth floor of the house, there was a closet on the same wall as the elevator. A section of drywall came away and lead to behind the elevator. There was a wooden ladder that went up and down the entire house, at the very top was a trap door that lead to a small room that was about 6 by 6 feet. It had windows and vents that could be opened or sealed completely. Pretty sure it was for their son to hotbox.
ceigetank Report
I convinced my brother to add a secret door from one closet to the other closer between his daughters rooms when we were building his house.
baderd Report
Kinda not secret. In my old flat, I had a room that was locked with a big yale lock. Whenever we’d have people round, they would always want to know what was in there, but I never let on.
It was my hobby room, so to speak. I used to fix up vintage guitar amps in there and the lock was there simply as I couldn’t trust my drunk friends to not go in there to mess with stuff. Amps have lethal voltages even when they haven’t been used in a while.
But, I liked the mystique and intrigue whenever people were around. The women were the worst and their hypotheses were always centered around a secret dodgy sex life.
raceAround126 Report
My house has two secret rooms, one of them is the obligatory bookshelf. A real shelving unit with real books, that also…. (clicks a secret button)
jackjack44 Report
When the local FBI office in the city I live in was being built an owner change order came in to make all the finishes in these two rooms in the basement rated for pressure washing. These two rooms were immediately nicked named the murder rooms by the construction workers.
Throwawaysallthetime Report
I work for a contractor. We once built a house for a family with three kids. Each bedroom had a high bed, accessible by a ladder, built into the room itself. And each bed had a little door in it that led to a tunnel connecting all the rooms together. Pretty cool!
supernewf Report
Yes, we worked on what was supposedly going to be a hidden/secret walk-in safe in the basement. This room was heavily reinforced.
Normally, walls around doors are framed using wood. This door frame was solid reinforced concrete. The room was a square attached to the outside of the basement, so all four walls were concrete. We poured concrete above it, so the ceiling was concrete. (Very unusual!) We also poured the floor.
So, it was six sides made of concrete. Since it was attached to the outside, there was no sign that it existed from the inside. No ventilation. No wiring from what I saw.
I never saw the finished product, but the owner was keeping it a secret, and wouldn’t explain much about it. So another contractor finished it off.
reddit Report
A friend of the family works as a custom cabinet maker. Most of his jobs involve him making secret compartments for rich clients. Mainly desks with a secret place that can hide guns, keys, ledgers, and swords (oddly enough a lot of people request that), but also that stuff in bookshelves, picture frames, etc. He also gets your typical movable bookshelves.
reddit Report
Yep. All the time. People that can afford it pay a lot for panic rooms and hidden armories. Swinging bookcases, doors in wall paneling, you name it. People with that much money usually have something to protect.
DavidSlain Report
I used to do some construction work on schools during the summer. The principal wanted, in his closet, a door to slide up where he could keep safe for special school records, and a mini-fridge. Although it wasn’t very big or that cool. It was the coolest work I ever was involved in that summer. Plus, who wouldn’t want a mini-fridge hidden in their wall?
nomore_mrniceguy Report
Note: this post originally had 76 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.
30 Construction Workers Share What Creepy Secret Rooms They Were Asked To Build
- Published in #interior design, 700-page, Architecture, Construction, construction workers, Creepy, find, funny., Homepage featured, houses, Other, People, renovation, sahre, secret, secret room, secret room ideas, secret room project, secret rooms, stories, surprise, Weird, workers
Choosing Construction Materials for Your Home
Being the foundation of any house – construction materials should be selected after thorough research and evaluation. Anesthetic design with sustainability is only possible with the proper construction material. However, many remain unaware of the significance of choosing the right materials, foregoing this important step entirely.
To help you make the right decision for your home, Feeta.pk brings you a complete guide on how you should choose construction material for your house.
Estimate your Costs
The construction market offers a wide variety of quality construction materials. However, their prices may vary significantly. Opting for the highest-grade materials should be the right move if you have a limitless spending budget since durability and sustainability are the utmost priority.
However, there will be a limited spending budget in most cases, and finding the perfect materials for your home under a limit can be quite tedious. As a general rule, choose cost-effective materials without compromising overall quality. Estimating a budget can help know how much you can spend on materials, cut down on unnecessary costs and make room for better construction materials.
Availability of Materials
Source: EnvatoElements
Before deciding on any materials, it is essential to determine their availability in the market. Materials that are either rare or unique can become impossible to find in the market, or they might have to be shipped from a different country. This can raise costs and delivery times for the construction and building materials, affecting the overall timeline for the construction of your house.
Climate Conditions
Source: EnvatoElements
Construction materials for homes greatly depend on the climate conditions of the area. Factors such as average rain, snowfall, sunlight, and temperature are essential determinants of the materials. Some materials perform better in cooler temperatures, while others deteriorate under heavy rain or snowfall. This makes it necessary to consider the whole climate while choosing construction materials.
Source: EnvatoElements
With climate activism at an all-time high, the construction industry has also taken a few steps to incorporate sustainability. Construction materials are responsible for a significant portion of the world’s carbon footprint, especially materials such as cement. This has led to a rise in the use of eco-friendly construction materials. If you want your house to be greener, the construction market has several sustainable options that you can explore.
Aesthetic Appeal
Source: EnvatoElements
Another factor to take into consideration while choosing materials is their aesthetic appeal. Construction materials can drastically change the aesthetics of your house. For instance, laminated wooden flooring can give your home a touch of elegance, while opting for ceramic tiles can offer a minimalistic appeal.
The materials that you choose should also complement the surroundings of your house. A log cabin-style home may look pleasant in the hills of Murree but not so much in the streets of Lahore. Your home’s aesthetic appeal should mirror its surroundings while incorporating your unique taste.
Source: EnvatoElements
Durable construction materials are essential for any home, increasing lifespan and lowering maintenance costs. Some materials can offer universal durability, while others are climate-dependent. Generally, construction materials should be repellent to moisture, corrosion, and other environmental conditions such as heavy rain.
Structural Integrity
Source: Pinterest
For construction materials, it boils down to structural integrity and performance. The materials that you choose should withstand heavy loads and excessive weights. The choice of materials should be evaluated, and there should be no compromise on quality. Anything made out of poor quality can become a safety hazard.
Source: EnvatoElements
The best construction materials are those that require minimal maintenance. Maintenance is necessary for preserving your home’s original look. However, it can also rack up additional costs over time. To avoid these costs, opt for high-grade quality materials as they offer higher durability and less maintenance over time.
Construction material should always be selected after thorough research. Factors such as durability, aesthetics, and climate conditions should be considered. However, the general rule of thumb is to never compromise on quality, as these materials are the core of your house. For more information on construction materials, visit Feeta.pk – Pakistan’s first online real estate market.
Choosing Construction Materials for Your Home
Plastic Roads | How will they help?
For Plastic Roads, Plastic is a material so hazardous that it may be at the forefront of causing climate change, yet the human population cannot survive without it. For decades, scientists have tried to find a solution to decomposing plastics, yet their research remained unable to decipher this predicament.
The only solution that remains is recycling, and what better way to mass recycle plastics than to make infrastructure out of it? This was the idea behind the innovation of introducing ‘Plastic Roads’ – a cost-effective way of addressing infrastructure needs while simultaneously recycling plastics. Feeta.pk features an in-depth analysis of plastic roads and their impact.
Adverse Effects of Plastics
Before delving into how plastic roads will help, it is essential to first understand how plastics harm the environment. Plastics are responsible for a considerable portion of the world’s overall carbon footprint. Since plastics cannot decompose, they are either recycled, incinerated, or discarded.
The numbers reveal that almost 55 percent of the world’s plastic waste is discarded, and 25 percent is incinerated. This leaves behind only 20 percent of plastic waste that is recycled. These numbers reveal how plastic waste is a threat to our planet, as more than half of this waste ends up in the ocean, damaging marine life, while the incinerated plastic results in more than 850 million tons of greenhouse emissions being pumped into the atmosphere.
How do Plastic Roads help?
Source: Pinterest
A mix of sustainable road construction technology and climate mitigation – plastic roads originated as an experimental idea in India back in 2001. Since then, immense research has been poured into this innovative idea, and the result is an answer to both climate change and sustainable construction.
The initial benefit of plastic roads is the mass recycling of plastic waste. Just a one-kilometer strip of the plastic road can consume and recycle almost 10 tons of plastic waste. If this innovation is implemented worldwide in constructing roads and highways, the globe’s plastic waste would be slashed to almost zero.
Looking at the sustainability side of plastic roads, these innovative roads come with a wide range of benefits compared to regular roads. They offer higher flexibility, durability, and a lifespan of three times longer than regular roads. Moreover, the construction materials for regular roads are much more expensive, whereas plastics are practically free, taking down construction costs by several folds.
Construction Process
Source: EnvatoElements
Since the idea is still in its initial phases, the plastic road construction processes vary. Each country has tried to develop a unique formula for making plastic roads. India, the first nation to experiment with this idea, used bitumen and plastic to make its plastic roads. Indonesia has experimented with an asphalt-plastic mix. Plastics remain the common denominator.
Since the construction of plastic roads is rooted in recycled plastics, the source of these plastics is everyday-consumer items such as product packaging and water bottles. However, the end product of making these roads is unrecognizable, seeming almost similar to a regular concrete asphalt mixture.
The process of making the mixture is straightforward. The plastic waste material is sorted, cleaned, and shredded. The material is melted at around 170 degrees, with bitumen later added to the mixture. This simple mixture is laid out for roads like a regular asphalt concrete mixture. The wet process in plastic road construction is also quite common, consisting of a mixture of plastics, bitumen, and aggregate.
Pakistan’s first-ever Plastic Road
Source: Pinterest
In December 2021, Islamabad made history by laying down a one-kilometer plastic road on Ataturk Avenue, making it the first plastic road in Pakistan. This project was a result of a collaboration between CDA and Coca-Cola Pakistan. This plastic road in Islamabad has made way for these roads to become the future of Pakistan’s road networks, making the country environment-friendly while saving millions in costs.
Tackling not just climate change but also the question of sustainability, plastic roads are truly the future of modern infrastructure. Despite being in its initial stages, several nations have implemented policies for plastics in construction.
This ground-breaking innovation can decrease the world’s greenhouse emissions by billions of tons while making construction cost-effective. If more countries follow suit, plastic roads could become the symbol of restitution for the Earth’s environment.
For more details, visit Feeta.pk – Pakistan’s first online real estate market.
Plastic Roads | How will they help?
Development Plans for Islamabad’s Sector E-12/4
ISLAMABAD: The development of Islamabad’s sector E-12/4 will be launched soon.
In this regard, the Capital Development Authority has invited bids to start work on the sector. The authority received offers from 5 contractors, with the lowest standing at Rs289.81 million.
As per plans, the development will include construction of roads, including main roads and service roads, installation of street lights, sewerage system with a drainage system and water supply pipelines and development of green belts and public parks.
The authority informed that the proposal of the new sector has already been submitted to the commission formed under the federal government to revise the master plan of the capital city.
For news and blogs, visit Feeta.pk.
Development Plans for Islamabad’s Sector E-12/4
- Published in Construction, Everyday News, International, Zillow
Commonly Used Sands For Construction
When you think of building materials, what comes to your mind?
It’s most likely stone, cement, steel bars and Sands For Construction, etc. However, one other material is fundamental to construction: sand. When mixed with other construction materials, it provides strength and adds bulk. Its tenacious properties make it vital for building materials. On Feeta.pk, you can find many informative blogs regarding construction materials, etc.
Sand has been used in construction materials for ages. It is mainly obtained from the sea, beach, river, and desert. There are many different types of sand, and each serves a different purpose. It’s crucial to know the kinds of sand because you will decide which one would be suitable for your project based on that.
Types of Commonly Used Sands For Construction
Sand is classified into different types based on its grain size, color, shape of granules, binding power, bulk, and price.
Concrete Sand
Following are the characteristics of concrete sand.
As the name suggests, concrete sand is made from crushed concrete. After crushing, the sand is filtered to remove impurities and larger fragments. It mainly consists of limestone, granite rock, and gneiss.
Its Nature and Shape
It is coarse and has relatively smaller particles than crushed stone sand. Its particles are sharp and angular in shape, making them rough and less absorbent.
Its Use
After mixing it with water and cement, it is used for constructing patios, sidewalks, etc.
Other than that, some other uses of concrete sand include leveling medium, bedding pipe, and de-icing.
Pit Sand
Following are the characteristics of Pit sand.
Pit sand is found naturally in deep pits about 2 to 3 meters underground.
Its Nature and Shape
It is also coarse sand with sharp, rough, and angular grains, enabling it to have the perfect binding properties. It is reddish-orange as it contains iron-oxide in it. It usually has zero salts in it compared to sea sand.
Its Use
Due to this reason, it absorbs less moisture, hence making it more suitable for building and construction purposes. Its binding properties make the buildings rigid and stronger.
River Sand
Following are the characteristics of River sand.
The other name for river sand is natural sand. It is found naturally near the streams and banks of rivers.
Shape and Size
It is white-gray and has a really fine structure. Because of its particles’ extremely fine form and softness, it is in high demand for construction work.
Its Uses
Mainly it is used for construction, masonry work, RCC, plastering, block works, etc. It requires less water because of the already trapped moisture in its particles.
It is cheaper than other types of sand because it is found naturally. You need to keep it in mind before using it for construction to make sure that it has less than 5% silica because it generally tends to have higher amounts of silica in it.
Manufactured Sand or M-Sand
Following are the characteristics of M-sand.
It is an artificial type of sand that is manufactured in factories. This sand is used mainly as a substitute for the fine river sand. With the rise in demand for fine quality sand, M-sand has been used more and more. One significant advantage of using this sand is that it cuts the cost of transporting the natural sand from rivers to the construction site. Hard granite goes through crushing, sieving, and washing, and then this river sand-like sand is formed.
Shape and Size
Its granules are angularly shaped, which helps in creating an excellent bonding when used in construction material.
Its Uses
It requires a high amount of water, but it can be compensated by using cement.
Because being manufactured artificially in the factories contains zero silt or any other forms of impurities. Besides being economical, it has fewer chances of adulteration because it’s being prepared under control conditions.
Mortar Sand
Mortar sand is also called masonry sand. It is widely used for landscaping and construction. Masonry sand is a suitable type of sand often used in construction.
Shape and Size
Because it has almost the same-sized grains, it has a smooth and fine structure.
Its Uses
Besides masonry work, it is also used for many other purposes, particularly for exterior finishings because of its nice appearance.
Fill Sand
Following are the characteristics of Fill sand.
As the name tells us, fill sand is mainly used in construction work for serving. Many different sand grains are mixed with aggregate to get this sand. Particularly, fill sand is all finely crushed rock particles that have gone through the process of erosion.
Its Uses
It is a perfect base material for the construction of buildings because of its compaction properties. It can also be used as a backfill to stop drainage in underground concrete tanks.
No matter what type of sand you choose for your project, some things must be considered. The silt material should always be less than 3%, and there should be no traces of any kind of impurities. Also, you should analyze the sand type that you are buying and check whether it is suitable for your project or not. As sand is one of the basic materials used for construction, your carefully chosen sand type can make a difference in the structure’s strength and durability.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
Commonly Used Sands For Construction
- Published in Construction, Infrastructure, International, Real Estate, Technology
NOCs Needed for Project Approval in CDA Jurisdiction
The NOCs ensure timely approval of layout and construction plans, issuing necessary NOCs from relevant departments and agencies, and completing allied formalities.
In this regard, Feeta.pk presents a comprehensive list of all necessary NOCs – published by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) for the approval of projects in the jurisdiction of CDA in Islamabad.
1. Possession Document
‘Border Certificate’ or ‘Shajra’s axis –
Specified map is edited by the ‘Patwari ‘ or ‘Tehsildar ‘ so that the property / project owners give a clear picture of the actual land owned.
“Letter of Assignment” or “Fard” –
A document indicating proof of ownership of a property, primarily necessary for the registration of the property.
Letter or Certificate of Unloading –
A required document is used as a sign of free title or ownership.
2. Pre-Plan Permission (PPP)
A letter reached by CDA’s planning wing seeks to establish whether the scale and nature of proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority.
3. Approved Layout Plan
The approval obtained by the Architectural Directorate, CDA at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA, the layout of a building or structure shows the plan of its foundation on the ground surface according to its drawings.
4. Letter of Approval from Design Board (DVC)
Design examination is the process of thoroughly exploring an arrangement plan before deciding to go ahead with a project.
The Design Control Commission discusses requests for approval of building designs. The Committee approves designs or sometimes delays them due to technical deficiencies.
5. Letter of Approved Construction Plans –
The building permit consists of the construction plan and the layout approval for the construction of the building. Its approval letter can be obtained from Architecture Directorate, CDA at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA.
6. Approved Construction Plans Controlled by Competent Authority –
A construction plan is a scaled diagram of a room or building viewed from above. Its approval can be obtained from Architecture Directorate, CDA at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA.
7. Third Party Verification Certificates –
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Certificate (MEP) –
Relates to the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing aspects of building design and construction.
Certificate of Control in Structural Design –
A building permit application may be accompanied by a design certificate confirming that the building structure complies with the requirements of building regulations.
A Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management that ensures that a building has a developed culture of fire safety and effective firefighting can be implemented.
8. Access Approval
In construction on major CDA avenues and riding roads, an access road approval must be taken by the Authority.
9. Approved letter from National Highway Authority (NHA)
In construction on GT road, a letter of approval must be taken from the National Highway Authority.
10. Certificate of height
An altitude clearance certificate is obtained to protect unobstructed zones around airports and the airspace required for air navigation. The certificate can be obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority.
11. Utility Connection Approvals
Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Approval Letter (SNGPL)
Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) Approves Letter
Water Supply System approval letter
12. Approval letter from Fire Fighting System
Fire Prevention and Life-Saving Rules have been developed to ensure compliance so that fire explosions are prevented.
13. NOCs / Environmental Approval of Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The primary goal of the environmental assessment process – acquired by the Pakistan Environment Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) – is to provide advocates and decision makers and members of the public with an understanding of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed action. The approval can be
14. Construction Final Certificate
Construction Final Certificate is proof that the construction work has been carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations of the citizen authority. The Building Completion Certificate can be obtained from CDA.
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
NOCs Needed for Project Approval in CDA Jurisdiction
Do Foreigners Own Land / Property in Pakistan?
Property in Pakistan, land is a provincial issue with different regulations governing land acquisition in each province. Generally, any foreign national who has received permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Federal) and the respective provincial government can acquire land according to his capacity. In addition, if a company is affiliated with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), a foreigner can own land.
- Upper Limit
In addition to media, banking, agriculture and airlines, the government imposes upper limits on investment. - Lower Border
There is no ‘minimum’ amount set for investment in equity ownership in all permitted sectors. - Strangers can get 100% foreign ownership in all sectors except the areas mentioned in the upper limit.
- According to the sixth clause of the Foreign Private Investment Act 1976, for advertising and investment protection and the procedural requirements defined by the Handbook of Changes of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) 2002, foreign investors retain the right to repatriate their funds, whether acquired profits or their dividends, in the original currency of the respective state from which the investment was made.
- Foreigners may appoint authorized banks or merchants to repatriate profits/investment income/dividends through an appropriate banking channel.
- Regarding portfolio investment, foreigners must open a Special Convertible Rupee Account (SCRA) in any local bank to extract their dividends and sales income. They can invest in all securities listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
- According to the regulations of the SBP and SECP, foreigners can access domestic borrowing according to the Debt Equity Report.
FDI field in Pakistan
Since the last decade, Pakistan has been receiving a healthy and consistent flow of foreign investment from Asia, America, Australia, Africa and Europe.
In July 2021, the SECP reported 1,949 incorporations of new companies, with a total amount of 147,842. In these registrations, the construction and real estate sector tops the list.
Finally, for the promotion of FDI, the government ensures optimal treatment of foreign investment. The Economic Reform Protection Act of 1992 and the Foreign Private Investment (Advertising and Protection) Act of 1976 provide “No Less Favorable” treatment to foreign investors compared to National Investors in similar circumstances. With growing trends in investing as SECP assimilates more and more companies, now is the perfect time to invest in Pakistani real estate.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
Do Foreigners Own Land / Property in Pakistan?
- Published in Construction, International, Real Estate, Real Estate Guide, Real Estate Info Bank
Sleek Geometric Villa In Mallorca WIth A Glass Facade
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On a 1,000 square meter southern plot of land, Villa Anguli overlooks Camp de Mar, Mallorca, from a privileged high position. Created by E5 Living, the modern Mediterranean residence of 399 square meters has spectacular sea views that have influenced its geometric architecture and elegant glass facade. Superior interior luxury is realized in chic modern furniture and a clean minimalist approach. White walls, lots of light and high ceilings make it a perfect gallery space for an avid collection of contemporary works by Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol and Banksy. The artwork injects vibrant bursts of color over three floors of seamless spaces, each drawing to the panorama.
An outdoor lounge is arranged on the pool terrace, to take advantage of the excellent Mediterranean weather. In the luxury villa is developed an interior living room with a double living room and a formal dining room. Four large dining room hanging lights descend from the impressive ceiling height in the center of the space, where bluer skies cut through the white concrete structure.
The longer side of the sofa look inward to the fireplace. A comfortable puff provides a small footrest to toe toes in the winter months. A large regional rug extends a comfortable cream base under the modern living room layout. A range of gray accent cushions contrasts with the cream sofa upholstery.
The artwork that creates a striking draw at the top of this staircase is Kindness, 2011 by Damien Hirst.
On the ground floor plan, we can see the equal scale of three double bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. Sliding glass doors unite the bedrooms with the outdoor space and pool. We can also observe the angular nature of the open living area that cuts the cantilevered sun terrace. The ground floor of the villa was evenly divided between indoor and outdoor living spaces, with retractable walls blurring the boundary.
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Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
Sleek Geometric Villa In Mallorca WIth A Glass Facade
- Published in #architecture, #interior design, architectural wonders, Architecture, Architecture Design, building plan, Construction, creative, creative home design, decor, Decoration, Design Gallery, Featured, home building, Home Decor, interesting designs, interior, Interior Decoration Ideas, Interior Design, International, Luxury, mallorca, new construction, new homes, pool, villa
Are people preferring High rise constructions over plots?
Over time, the construction of mixed-use and residential buildings has increased dramatically in the metropolises. These skyscrapers and residential towers not only enhance the beauty of outdoor buildings throughout the city but also offer all the modern amenities and facilities.
If we delve deeper to find the cause of this change in real estate trends, we will find that there are many reasons behind this sharp demand for high developments in Pakistan. The first and most important reason is the rapid growth of the population in urban areas. The massive influx of people migrating from rural areas to urban centers has forced developers and investors to focus on construction. The lack of land and high prices are some of the key factors behind the real estate investment shift from plots to high and medium towers. The government has also taken strict steps to prevent the horizontal expansion of major cities to prevent any urban sprawl, which is yet another factor that has contributed to this trend.
Demand for Housing and Houses
If we look at the statistics of just the past two years, we can say that the demand for houses and apartments in Pakistan has grown en masse.
The rough analysis of the user records reflects the demand for plots in the Federal Capital Islamabad fell from 26% in 2018 to 21% in 2020. Over the same period, the demand for apartments is growing from 15% to 17%.
A similar pattern has been observed in other regions of the country as well. For example, if we look at Punjab’s statistics, the demand for plots has fallen to 20% in 2020 from 22% in 2018. However, the demand for apartments rose from 15% in 2018 to 17% in 2020.
Real estate in Sindh has also shown a more or less similar trend. Where the demand for plots decreases from 15% to 12% and demand for housing has increased from 23% to 25% over the course of two years.
Real estate trends in KPK have also shown a decrease in the demand for plots from 22% to 20% and an increase in the popularity of housing from 17% to 19%.
The Recent Trends of the Real Estate Market
The growing trend of high development in the country has attracted the attention of real estate investors as well as developers. At present, about 85% of newly launched projects consist of high-quality housing complexes, while the remaining 15% of the newly launched mixed-use and residential projects in major cities have plots for sale.
Considering the demand for apartments and houses, some of the most prestigious builders and apartments have started launching villas, town halls, marquees and apartments. Easy delivery plans have been introduced to attract more buyers.
Loans, Mortgages and Construction Financing
The government is also working to facilitate home loans for investors. Commercial banks have also been instructed to use 5% of their total lending to finance housing while the State Bank of Pakistan has also introduced steps to encourage construction financing to developers.
The government is trying to develop a mortgage financial structure in Pakistan. It has reduced the tax on bank income generated by cheap housing finance from 39% to 20%. This will serve as an incentive for banks to provide mortgage and home loans to middle and low-income earners.
Pakistan Naya Housing Program (NPHP) has also launched a plan for home loan purchases at lower markup.
Please note that we never recommend our readers to choose any funding option that implies an interest in any form.
How This Change In Real Estate Trend Affects The General Sector
The growing demand for high and medium construction is directly proportional to the construction activities in the real estate sector. This will result in generating more job opportunities and more economic growth for the country. This will also grow the trade of hundreds of industries associated with the construction sector.
Additionally, the development of high and medium buildings is a realistic solution to deal with urbanization with a smaller plot of land. Horizontal expansions of cities not only cause urban sprawl but also cause the disappearance of agricultural land, threatening natural resources and environmental peace. From that perspective, we can say that vertical expansion reduces these problems by a significant margin.
Another effect of the real estate investment trend of plots to high towers is that this practice allows investors to raise capital gains and enjoy rental income as opposed to plots.
However, Urbanization is still the biggest factor that has caused the vertical expansion of cities. The need to accommodate the massive influx of people in major metropolises has led the government and builders to choose tall buildings to serve the purpose.
Considering the aspects we discussed above, we can conclude that this shift from real estate trends from plots to medium and tall buildings will not only benefit the construction companies across the country but will also provide an affordable living option for people who want to settle in. urban cities. areas.
Are people preferring High rise constructions over plots?
- Published in #architecture, #interior design, affordable housing, Architecture, Construction, General, Opinion
Best Color Schemes For Bathrooms in Pakistan
Design a colorful bathroom with styles that really speak to you. It’s important to create a space that increases your energy and offers you a quiet rest from your busy schedule, as it’s the room for which you spend time getting ready in the morning and getting ready for bed.
Consider customizing your color scheme and decor if you want to create a new look in your bathroom, but want to avoid a complete interior overhaul. Without an excessive budget, a few quick adjustments will produce a whole new vibe.
Bathrooms can challenge a lover of home design, they are an expensive renovation proposal for most of us with a budget, and it can be difficult to justify a remodel if everything works. But how can the room be decorated? It can make all the difference in how much you enjoy your bathroom … and the good thing is that you can learn to love your bathroom again, or for the first time.
How To Design Your Bathrooms That Give An Attractive Look
We have hand-picked bathroom paint plans that will help transform your space if you are looking for inspiration during the remodeling process.
Pale blue and white
It is wet, traditional and absolutely serene. Pale blue and white as a combination of colors, I mean. It looks great as a bathroom color scheme, especially when brightened by some natural light. (And we can’t help but fall in love with the claw-foot tub with toilet!)
Red and white cherry
A cheerful and bright way to add spunk to an otherwise white bathroom is to add bright red wall tiles and red bathroom mats. The color scheme is hospital-esque, probably because it produces a clean and germ-free appearance.
Traditionally bathrooms were not very bright spaces; traditionally in the sense of decoration/color, they did not seem to attract much interest. If your bathroom is a conventional model, you may enjoy keeping the color scheme, creams and whites very neutral. The look is not only new, but it is also light and bright.
Amaranth and white
Right now, it’s just a warm color, and with good cause. It’s not a peach amaranth, it’s not red, but it’s a nice, rich cross between the two, not too cool or too masculine. We love the unexpected coordination of the cabinet doors and the shower curtain.
Mint and white
Mint and white are fresh and unmistakably cheerful, making a beautiful color scheme, especially in tiny bathrooms, where every square inch matters. A small-scale wallpaper print in the paint scheme destroys the unity of the walls and leaves the room feeling larger. And added to the fresh appeal are side silver and white lamps.
Wood look
Mix a more luxurious bathroom, a double-tap tub and a linoleum floor with a rustic look. To round out the room, play with the natural tones of the forest with oats and brown paint. With this rich color scheme, white and silver accessories augur well, so the natural browns can be mainstream.
Turkish and green apple
One wall of drawn wallpaper in the middle bathroom is enough to dare an ad. For a one-color paint palette, neon green contrasts with turquoise and soft blue. Although white accessories brighten the room, the rustic wood vanity brings character to the room. The flower-designed wall can be imitated by the circular mirror and make the room larger. Ideas like these for bathroom remodeling are perfect for a guest or teen bathroom.
Clear Green Relaxation
You can include your liking for nature in other aspects, including even if you don’t have wide windows scaling your bathroom wall. The natural look will be exuded from stone or wood, while mint green and white colors guarantee a soothing feeling. These square sinks work well in rectangular rooms and panel windows, and clean lines will help repeat the modern theme you’re aiming for.
Thanks to the generous use of warm, earthy tones, this rustic traditional townhouse bathroom style immediately looks friendly and attractive. We appreciate the fact that brick tile varieties are used so as not to overheat, and with occasional doses of pine woods, things break down.
Gray love
Neutral colors, such as gray ash, give a soothing feel to your bathroom. A welcome contrast can be provided by mixing the gray walls with whites and browns. Install a separate tub, shower and sink for a completely luxurious touch and complete the look.
Tangerine Vibes
When it comes to color, don’t be afraid to illustrate your artistic hand. This mandarin orange and white bathroom combination gives a space full of flavor. To replicate this look, you can paint your favorite style or use wallpaper, just make sure to contrast the top with a solid color panel under the chair rail to match it.
Chocolate and cream
No, we don’t just care about ice cream sandwich ingredients. The rich tones of a chocolate brown bathroom make an even smaller space feel spacious and comfortable at the same time. It is a smart choice to separate the brown expanse with a geometrically designed bathroom rug, as well as the use of colored cream tiles between the mirrors.
Strong contrast
Various interiors have a lot of character and present options to mix textures, finishes, shapes and colors that would otherwise overlap and look less good together. To create a unique design, strong rustic accents can be complemented with clean and minimalist contemporary elements. This bathroom, for example, has an elegant oval tub and high-end chandelier, but in general, the walls, ceiling, doors and surroundings have a durable look.
Advantages Of Using Paint As The Core
- If you don’t have proper ventilation, paint can eventually leak out
- Easy for anyone to use
- Usually more affordable
- Easier to change along the way
Advantages Of Using Tiles As A Core
- Easier to clean
- Grout may need to be replaced over time
- More lasting
- Usually associated with higher quality
Wrapping It
Remember that the whole feel of your bathroom can be changed with different colors. For example, a warm pitch will emit yellows, reds, and oranges; while blues, greens and purples will help a bathroom feel more relaxed and cooler.
If your bathroom decor has a natural theme with materials like wood and stone, you can use warm colors. If you have a nautical or ocean-inspired bathroom, cool colors are ideal. You certainly have a favorite shade, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s on the walls of your bathroom. Put some effort into the color of your bathroom and you will be forever happy about the result.
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
Best Color Schemes For Bathrooms in Pakistan
- Published in Bathrooms, Construction, Decoration, Design, Design Gallery, Home Decor, Real Estate, Real Estate Trends
About Gutters: What You Need to Know
Gutters are often the most ignored parts of a rental house. Although they have simple designs, they help protect your property from any major water damage. So, with this important work, it is best to learn more about drains and how this system affects your house.
Basically, drains collect rain from the roof. Whenever it rains, the water rolls down the slope from the roof to the gutters. Like the rainwater pools, it travels through the drainage system from your rental home to your downstream, which carries water from the drains to the base of your property. Typically it is deflected to protect your foundation and basement from flooding and other water damage.
Drains Vary In Materials
Whether you are planning to install a new drain system or replace your current drains, one of the things you need to know is that drains have a variety of materials.
Some of the popular materials of which most drains are made of vinyl, copper, steel and PVC. Cast iron gutter is also a common option nowadays due to its affordability and durability.
To make the best decision on which materials are a good choice for you, you need to explore their pros and cons. This way you can make a well-informed decision about what kind you need to install in your rental property that would best serve your tenants. If you are still confused with the options available, never hesitate to ask for professional help.
Cleaning Your Flute is Important
No matter what your cleaning time is each season, cleaning your playground’s drain system should be one of your priorities. Don’t just rely on your tenants ’schedule or initiative to clean it up. Remember that keeping dirt or debris away from your drains is important to protect the structure of your property and prevent costly nuisances in the future.
There are other reasons why it is necessary to clean drains, especially if you own rentals. These include the following:
Reduce The Risk Of Cracked Foundation:
If you have clogged gutters, the water can build up around the foundation of your home, which can crack your foundation after it freezes and expands during the winter season. As a wolf owner, you don’t want something like this to happen because that would mean significant repair costs.
Save the Plagues:
Clogged street gutters with leaves can be a desirable home for birds, rodents and insects. If you want to keep the pests at bay to prevent them from damaging other areas of your rental, make sure your drains stay clean.
Protect Your Precious Roof:
When rainwater continues to flood, it can leave a leaky or rotten roof. Once your roof has suffered water damage, it may cost you a lot to repair it. So, if you don’t want to spend more for roof repair because your tenants have failed to take care of your drains regularly, be sure to include them in your cleaning routine.
Prevent Water Damage:
Once your showers and drains are blocked with debris and leaves, rainwater may not be properly suited. As the water overflows from the drains, it can result in water damage both outside and inside of your rental property.
Save Money:
Rain and runoff can help prevent costly and unexpected roof or runoff repair services. Taking some preventative measures can help reduce the likelihood of having to replace or repair your roof.
Protect the value of your rental property:
Drains are one of the parts of your rental home that will enhance the aesthetics of your property as they are easily visible. Poorly maintained drains can fall off, and the overflow can stain fascia boards. Such problems can diminish the integrity of your structure. In addition, clogged drains can decrease the rental price you can charge for your property. They will also cause problems if you intend to sell the house in the future.
Considering that reason, it’s important to clean your drains. Repairing them will improve how the roof looks, improving the potential rental prices of your rental home, overall value and brake appeal.
Should You Hire or Hire Professional Gutter Cleaners?
Because cleaning drains is a simple task and can be a part of anyone’s home care checklist, it is also a good idea to do it on your own, which can let you enjoy savings. However, if you have a busy lifestyle and hectic schedules like most wolf owners or investors, it would be best to hire professional street doctors.
The best thing about hiring experts is that they have the proper equipment and tools to properly clean your drains. They also have the knowledge and expertise to provide proper care and maintenance for drains. So, if you have extra money for your budget, it is worth spending on professional solutions.
Gutters are essential as they protect any house from water damage and rain. Without a good drainage system, rainwater will collect in your roof, which can cause mold, deterioration or rot. It will weaken the shingles, fascia and ceiling. So make sure you choose the best drain system suitable for your rental property. Don’t forget to provide proper care and maintenance to extend its lifespan and better serve current and future tenants.
Watch this space for more information on that. Stay tuned to Feeta Blog for the latest updates about Architrcture, Lifestyle and Interior Design.
About Gutters: What You Need to Know
- Published in #architecture, build, building plan, Construction, gutters, home repairs, International, Real Estate, Real Estate Investments, rental property
Answers to Commonly Asked Real Estate Questions
Unlike Pakistan, many people in foreign countries sell and buy property through lawyers. Hiring a lawyer yourself is a very mobile process, but ultimately it reduces the risk of fraud and helps avoid legal complications. We in Pakistan rarely go to lawyers for property. We either do it ourselves or do it with inauthentic real estate. This practice leads to fraud and illegal deals many times over.
The real estate gurus always recommend involving a practical lawyer to take care of the legalities involved in real estate or at least an authentic real estate agent to completely guide you through the process. This will not only help you avoid potential fraud but will also help you secure your investment.
The number of complications in real estate is very high. That’s why we always recommend our readers to have a basic knowledge of real estate-related things and terminology.
Today we will discuss some of the most frequently asked questions about the real estate market.
1) What is Shajra?
A detailed map of an area with land divided into pieces and each block is labeled with a specific number is called Shajra. Shajra includes all the details of each khasra, such as its size and location.
2) What is Khasra?
Khasra is that particular piece of land of Shajra that has been labeled with a specific number.
3) What does fard e milkiyat mean?
Fard e milkiyat is a registry of rights/registry haqdaran-e-Zameen. It is supported by the government authorities to determine the legal owner of the land and to keep a register of real estate rights.
4) What does Tattima Registry mean?
Register Tattima means additional sales test of hasasra. Means an additional sales test of a particular piece of land.
5) What is Baye-Nama?
The Baye-Nama or Register sales test is the document that creates a title in real estate.
6) What are some laws on the real estate sector of Pakistan?
Some of the laws in the constitution of Pakistan that deal with real estate are the following:
1) Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
2) Land Revenue Act, 1967.
3) Stamp Act, 1899
4) Registration Act, 1908.
In addition, always consult an attorney for real estate law counseling.
7) Can we use the farmhouse as an office space?
It is illegal to use a farmhouse for commercial purposes. However, there is an exception for some companies such as IT services, which can be operated from residential areas.
8) Do we inherit the law in Pakistan?
Yes, Pakistan has several inheritance laws that apply depending on religious affiliations. For example, Islamic personal laws are for Muslims and people belonging to other religions have a hereditary law according to their religious leaders.
9) Can I buy a property in Pakistan as a foreign Pakistani without a visit?
Yes, a foreign Pakistani can easily buy property in the country without visiting Pakistan.
10) Do I have to record the transfer of real estate every time?
Yes, every transfer of real estate must be registered and delivered. It can be done only with a registered sales document.
11) What are the necessary documents to legally own a property?
The only document you need is a document to control the delivery of property in your favor. This may include other documents such as a deed of sale, a letter of receipt and a certificate of sale.
12) What does proxy mean?
A prosecutor is a powerful form, assigned to an agent of the principal to perform an act and deed for and on behalf of the principal. A prosecutor may also receive from person A to person B to appear before the court, tribunal, and authority to complete any real property or transaction. When it is allowed to authorize certain transactions, it is called an attorney general and it must be registered.
13) Can a person with a prosecutor’s hand over property on their behalf?
No, the person who is appointed prosecutor on your behalf has a fiduciary duty to act in your interest and do what you would do yourself, if possible.
14) Can I revoke my power of attorney?
Yes, you can revoke your proxy at any time.
15) Is my prosecutor for life?
A prosecutor can be for life and in that case it will end after death.
16) In which case is a prosecutor suspended?
As mentioned in the previous question, it can be canceled at the death of executioners and it can be canceled by the executioners in his life.
17) Can a mortgaged property be sold?
No, real estate mortgaged property cannot be sold.
18) What is stamp duty?
Stamp duty is essentially a government tax on the transfer of property.
19) Who has to pay stamp duty?
The buyer must pay the stamp duty. However, in some cases, sellers also undertake to pay for it themselves.
20) Which authority holds the country record in Pakistan?
The Department of Revenue of the District Administration is responsible for maintaining land records. They also decide the boundaries of property and possession.
21) How can I sell a property as a co-owner?
You may sell the property as a shareholder, but you may sell only the scope of your share.
22) How can we differentiate a will from a gift?
A will is only after the death of the creator, while a gift can be made for a lifetime. An owner is entitled to give all his property to the lawful heir during his lifetime, but he cannot do the same by will. However, a homeowner may give a will to give a third of his property to someone who is not the legal heir. And if this favor is done for a lawful heir, it requires the consent of all other lawful heirs.
23) What are the essentials of a gift?
There are basically three essentials of a gift:
1) Offer from the donor
2) Acceptance of the person to whom the gift is received
3) Transfer of possession
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
Answers to Commonly Asked Real Estate Questions
Low Cost Govt Housing Finance Scheme
Realizing The Dreams Of A Middle-Class Sector
The Government of Pakistan has recently launched cheap house financing to sacrifice aid to the petty-bourgeois sector.
Although many banks face challenges in offering home lending with low-interest rates, the government has taken measures to offer home loans with a markup rate of 5% (for 5 marla houses) and 7% (for 10 Marla houses), for a set of benefits. to the banks.
The ruler. a cheap housing finance plan is structured so that people pay their rent for the house on a monthly basis. This system is based on basic bank loans that would have an interest rate 50 percent lower than those normally paid by banks to their customers.
Old or new projects and plot owners can get funding for the construction of their own houses. The funding must be supported for a period of no more than 25 years. The total amount of funding for cheap housing will be between 2.7 million and 5 million.
In addition, the interest rate subsidy is available from all banks and is divided into three groups:
Group 1
Financing for houses/apartments/apartments up to 5 marl or 125 sq. Ft. Available under group 1. Courtyards, fenced full area 850 sq. Ft. The feet and the maximum price under NAPHDA enterprises is Rs. 3.5 million.
Within this group, the maximum funding is Rs 2.7 million with a maximum tenure of up to 20 years.
Banks will charge KIBOR plus 250 basis points for the full marking rate. In the first five years, however, the GOP will have an additional payment to reduce the debtor’s debt to 5 percent and in the next five years 7 percent.
KIBOR is known as the Karachi Interbank Offer Rate, which is a market benchmark for most retail lending banks and is established on a daily basis. These prices are listed regularly on the website of the State Bank of Pakistan.
Group 2
Support for houses/flats/apartments up to 5 marl or 125 sq. Ft. Group 2 is also given. Most covered yards of 850 sq. Ft. Feet and Rs 3.5 million maximum prices.
Under this group, the maximum support is Rs 3 million, with a maximum tenure of up to 20 years. This degree assists individuals and households not eligible or eligible for NAPHDA projects to build or lease housing.
Banks can charge KIBOR plus 400 basis points with a maximum markup rate. For the first 10 years of Group 2, however, the subsidized rate for borrowers is the same as for Group 1.
Group 3
The marking facility in Group 3 supports subsidized housing for poor families. Group 3 approves subsidized funds for the development or acquisition of more than 5 Marla (125 sq. Yards) and Up to 10 Marla (250 sq. Yards) houses/apartments/flats with a total protected area of 850 sq. Km. 1,100 square feet. Feet and Rs 6 million maximum prices.
In this line of funding, the maximum funding is Rs. 5 million for tenure for up to 20 years.
Banks can charge KIBOR plus 400 basis points with a maximum markup rate. However, for the first five years and the next five years, the GOP will have a brand subsidy to reduce the borrowed rate to 7 percent.
Wrapping It
Loans are easily accessible in the world for the housing industry, although in Pakistan the procedure is very difficult which has contributed to the formation of a committee. The purpose of the plan is to provide people who could not afford their own house, with cheap housing. The rules on the building sector will also be simplified and the payment of loans encouraged.
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
Low Cost Govt Housing Finance Scheme
Technology Brings Prosperity Impact in Smart Homes
Scientific Research facilitates and comforts human life through its consequent deep struggle to find the final possibilities by which they complicate human life and bypass the difficult efforts but to bring the intelligent effort, you can do your job without performing a long procedure just to do. a unique instructional task that makes your life hassle-free with Smart Homes.
Smart homes use Solar LED lights
We don’t have to worry about technological improvement, The Solar System is one of the major scientific inventions that is very successful in Pakistan due to its climatic nature. Many people have completely adopted this technology and are completely eliminating these numbers of wired electricity.
It also saves you money with its smart feature auto and off option, which is why people are very impressed with the cost-effectiveness that has been added to their lifestyle after switching to smart home appliances.
Logitech Harmony Elite
People were completely angry because of a lot of cell phones. This device is a complete high-tech device. It works with over 260,000 entertainment channels and from smart homes you just need a harmonious elite for which you completely control the number of a task accomplished with the help of this unique device. For example, TV, game console, smart lights, smart locks, thermostats and smart speakers, etc means that you are relieved of some big responsibilities you have to do in daily life.
Led Bulbs
Imagine you are sleeping in your room and you just have to wake up early to want to eat something, you leave a room without turning off the light bulbs, What about turning off your room lights with a cell phone?
Because of this smart technology, you are saved to do the procedure and experience the modern smart lighting system that can be controlled by your Smartphone with the help of a program via Wi-Fi bridge.
Door Bell Sheep
If your children are alone at home, Doorbell you will make sure by constant notification by sending a video on your mobile phone every time the person enters your door and will feel free from the fear that your children have made a mistake without asking them. open the door.
Smart Lock
When you go somewhere and forget where you put a key last time. So this smart lock works with the help of a program installed on your phone that allows you to let those people you trust behind your presence and update you with all the blockchain and unlocking activities performed in your home.
Amazon Echo
It is a home speaker that integrates a personal voice called Alexa similar to Siri and Google. It is always connected to your Wi-Fi allowing them to access cloud services and Bluetooth, letting you stream music from a cell phone. It is a highly customized program to order or to make any reservation and their availability, This device completely dominates smart home products like Philips Hue, LIFX, WEMO etc.
Ready Refrigerator
Smart refrigerators are very capable refrigerator doors with an eight-inch LCD screen. Their screen easily interacts with your mobile app. It performs the dual role of controller and information server. Along with these, you can peek into the fridge through your phone with its built-in cameras.
Ready Home Vacuums
In this era you don’t have to get off the couch to empty in this era, it itself will come back to charge before the juice is completely exhausted and then when charged, it will return to the place where it left off. We can also set the appropriate time for the vacuum to clean even if you are not at home.
Nest Smoke Detector
Sometimes you thought of negative intuitions about leaving your home, even though you had complete control over all the necessary things during the departure. A nest smoke detector has an industry-grade sensor that automatically tests itself. It’s also the first alarm you can hide from your phone with any extra hardware needed and it also has an advanced detection function to show where the smoke is coming from, whether your toast is burning or the toaster itself.
All of these devices play an important role in our lifestyles and look through the positive impact of Smart Homes, in terms of saving time, cost-effectiveness, Management of daily routine work and Safety of the house. The four important traits come together to form a 24-hour day, the whole day depends on those elements, why is it so important to us? If Technology Really Affects These Factors? Why do we all often adopt in terms of acceptance of Technology? Therefore, we have some successive questions that we need them to answer.
It is important to discuss these four factors with these important questions. Technology facilitates and manages human life; it also reduces the risk of security and is extremely easy to manage, these devices should cost very little maintenance. Most people in Pakistan prefer to use smart technology to regulate their security. Smart home technology refers to any set of devices, devices, or systems that are connected to a common network. This can be controlled from your smartphone or via a mobile phone display device. This whole process of Smart Homes allows you to touch on high-tech functionality and luxury that have not been possible in the past. After the flow of time, the technology expands quickly and options for consumers are home automation to make life more enjoyable. A smart home system tends to be surprisingly flexible when it comes to housing new appliances and appliances. No matter how modern your devices look today, they will never be more impressive over time. Moreover, you will be replacing the older ones to discover new technology to go with your indoor and outdoor spaces and need to keep updating the latest lifestyle.
Manage a home internally. You can control how you watch TV and what you watch, what foods you like to cook, the foods you keep in your fridge and your energy consumption over time. According to this routine, you may be able to analyze your daily routine habits and schedule and make adjustments to live the life you want.
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
Technology Brings Prosperity Impact in Smart Homes
- Published in Architecture, Construction, Design Gallery, Featured, Home Decor, Interior Design, News, News and Update, Tips & Advice, Trends
Capital Smart City Islamabad – Project, Location & Plot Prices
Capital Smart City is a new mega housing project situated on Motorway M-2 Islamabad sponsored by Future Development Holdings (pvt) Ltd. in association with Surbana Jurong, Singapore. It is a unique housing concept in Pakistan which aims to bring housing development standards to par with the modern world. High-end development infrastructure coupled with modern technologies makes a city smart, hence we call it “Capital Smart City”.
Read Also: Capital Smart City Launches Low-Cost Plots & Apartments in Harmony Park Block
Capital Smart City is one of the biggest housing projects in Islamabad, and the first in Pakistan to introduce “Smart City Features”. It has been launched officially on October 6, 2019. Development work is currently in progress at a rapid pace allowing early possessions of a few residential sectors in its “Overseas & Executive Blocks”.
FDHL is an international consortium of big development companies, which is a well-known and reputable name in the industry of housing and construction with an illustrious history spanning over 6 decades. Besides HRL’s expertise in mega infrastructure projects, i.e. Motorways, Dams, Power Plants, Highways and Airports; it has developed quality housing projects like Bahria Town and DHA. It has already delivered its own housing projects by the name of “Royal Orchard” in Multan, Sargodha and Sahiwal.
HRL has deployed the best of its professional expertise and resources in planning and development of this first ever smart city housing project in Pakistan. A number of international urban planning & design consultants have also been taken on board in order to carve out exemplary town planning in Capital Smart City. Some of the local and international consultants include Surbana Jurong, Cracknell, Harradine Golf, Troon Golf, DSA Architects, Arquivio Architects, AIP Studioworks, and Designmen.
What is a Smart City?
As the tagline goes “Smart is the way to live today”, Capital Smart City is an important harbinger of a revolution in the real estate industry of Pakistan. We have come a long way from the era of standard towns and gated communities which have cropped up across the country over the past 2 decades.
Today is the age of technology, hence deploying modern technologies and IT infrastructure for efficient and effective public services is what a “Smart City” is all about.
NOC and Legal Status
Capital Smart City is a legitimate & approved housing project. It has obtained initial and revised NOCs from RDA. The society is planned over an area of 55000 kanals of land, while ample land has been appropriated for future extensions in order to actualize the concept of a Smart City.

Initially, the development work has started over an area of about 15000 kanals of land. The development scope will keep expanding over time so soon as initial blocks are delivered and building construction work begins. FDHL has already acquired more than 80% of the total required land, while more land is being purchased for future extensions.
Eco-Friendly Environment
Capital Smart City is essentially an eco-friendly project. Special attention has been given to the preservation of the natural beauty of this verdant terrain, and multiple areas have been earmarked for parks, nurseries and plantations. Additionally, sophisticated technologies are being deployed for automated disposal of refuse, especially hazardous one, and treatment of sewerage water in order to curb pollution.
It is planned on the principles of self-sustainability keeping in view the projected influx of population in Rawalpindi & Islamabad over time. Smart technologies will help maintain sanitary environment by keeping a check on air & water pollution and reducing emission of carbon (CO2) and methane (CH4).
Project Location
Capital Smart City is ideally located close to Thalian Interchange at about 9.2 KM distance from Motorway M-2 Toll Plaza. It falls in Mouza Chauhan and Mouza Mandwal with about 6 KM stretch of land facing the motorway.
Society is planned with a futuristic vision. The land is fertile with ample reservoirs of water in the form of Chauhan Dam, hence the availability of natural resources and planned connectivity to major road networks is driving people’s attention towards this suburban area of Rawalpindi.
Currently, the society has access from Chakri Road, while 2nd access will be from its dedicated interchange on Motorway M-2. Once the Rawalpindi Ring Road project is completed, it will be directly connected to GT road via Ring Road with easy access to all parts of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Following is the location map of Capital Smart City Islamabad:

New Islamabad International Airport, coupled with CPEC western route, is going to drive the future of developments in Islamabad. Therefore, the location of Capital Smart City is of vital importance.
Once the connectivity issue is resolved, a major chunk of the population and businesses will rush towards this newly developing commercial zone along the motorway. Direct access through Motorway M-2 Interchange will make it much easier for the residents to travel to New Islamabad Airport, as well as Islamabad City through Kashmir Highway Interchange.
The Neighborhood
Since this area is going to be the future hub of residential and commercial activities in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, a host of housing projects have emerged over the past couple of years. Close-by housing schemes include Al-Haram City, CBR Town Phase 2, PIA Enclave, Bin Alam City, Blue World City and FGEHF Thalian Housing Scheme.
The Master Plan
Capital Smart City’s master plan is meticulously designed by a Singaporean government-owned urban planner “Surbana Jurong“, which is renowned for designing smart cities across the World. The consulting companies include Future Developments Holdings Pvt. Ltd. and Engineering Dimensions Ltd.
The master plan map of Capital Smart City is attached below:

The master plan can be divided into several districts with respect to planned activities including education, health care, recreation, residence, and business. We will share detailed information on the planned features of Capital Smart City in the appropriate section of this page.
As you can see on the master plan map given above, there are several blocks dedicated to residential, commercial and recreational purposes. There are over 45000 dwelling units planned in the society that will house over 360,000 people.

The maximum distance to public facilities in each block is approximately 500 meters. This mega development will create over 200,000 employment opportunities including over 90,000 IT-related jobs to bolster the economy.
You can go through the brief description of each District of Capital Smart City below:
Panda District
This is a dedicated area for mixed-use residential, commercial and recreational activities. It will have shopping malls, offices, restaurants and retail businesses.
Health Care District
Quality health care services are of paramount importance in Capital Smart City. Be it a hospital, clinic, laboratory or any other health care services, the society has a dedicated district for such activities.
A big name “Agha Khan University Hospital” is rumored to have been in negotiations with FDHL to open up a branch in Capital Smart City, so it is an important place.
Aviation District
This area is specifically reserved for logistics warehouses, cold storage warehouses, logistics corporate offices, exhibition halls, technology parks, 3 star hotels, and restaurants.
Education District
This area is reserved for educational activities. National Defence University has already signed an agreement to open up its branch. Although each residential block will have its own local schools and institutions, this district is solely meant for this purpose.
More quality schools, colleges, medical colleges, universities, libraries and vocational institutions will be established in this particular district.
Financial Square
Financial Square is the major corporate business hub of Capital Smart City. All the banks will be established in this dedicated area. It will also have Financial Square Gate Offices, Conference/Exhibition Halls, Restaurants, 5 Star Boutique Hotels and Residential Apartments.
Crystal Lake
It is a mixed-use commercial and retail activity area. It will have a crystal water lake with a floating village. Other features include Shopping Malls, 3D Cinemas, a Concert Arena, Music and dancing Fountain, Lake Walk, 4 Star Hotels, Restaurants, Offices and Residential Apartments.
Holiday Park
This area is designed for leisure and entertainment activities. It will have a street food truck park, birds park, theme park and restaurants.
Executive Block
This is a residential area comprising residential plots and villas meant for native resident Pakistanis. It will have dedicated spaces reserved for Masjid, family parks, and small commercial markets for grocery stores, food shops, etc. It will also have health care and education facilities within the block. Executive Block will be ready for possessions by mid 2020.
Overseas Block
This is a residential block comprising residential plots and villas meant for Overseas Pakistanis. It will have its own commercial markets, Masjids, family parks, school and health care facilities. Overseas District 1 is the first area in Capital Smart City to be developed and handed over by the first quarter of 2020, while Overseas District 2 will be developed subsequently and delivered by 2022.
Harmony Park
Quite recently, a low-cost residential block named “Harmony Park” has been launched which offers 3.5 marla residential plots and standard one-bed and two-bed villa apartments on flexible installment plans. This block lies next to the Executive block, and it will be accessible through Gate No.2 of Capital Smart City, i.e. Ex-National Garden Housing Scheme, on Chakri Road.
All residential and commercial amenities including parks, commercial areas, masjid, school and entertainment areas will be developed for the residents of Harmony Park. The master plan of this block is currently being prepared, and development is starting soon. Capital Smart City Harmony Park Block will be ready for living by 2023.
Capital Hills
Capital Hills is a special block dedicated to a golf-loving community. It will have an 18-hole golf course designed by Harradine Golf, and a Golf Club managed by Troon Golf. Cracknell is the planning consultant of Capital Hills.
Capital Hills is planned to have residential plots, luxury villas and apartments. Other amenities include a Golf Club, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Sports Facilities and Restaurants, etc.
Features and Amenities
Capital Smart City offers a comprehensive and integrated set of facilities and amenities to its residents. A whole range of facilities are planned in different parts and districts of the society including transportation services, seamless connectivity, sporting facilities, community buildings and smart city facilities.
We have briefly described below each of the exclusive features of Capital Smart City:
BRT System
Capital Smart City has planned a comprehensive Bus Rapid Transport service for easy commutation of its residents. A separate lane will be dedicated for BRT that will pass through all parts of the society and across. It will have dedicated BRT Stations and it will commute between Islamabad and Capital Smart City.
Capital Smart City is a gated community, so it will have two main entrances. The first one is on Chakri Road, and 2nd one is on Motorway M-2. The society will be secured by a boundary wall against intrusions.
It will have its own dedicated interchange on Motorway M-2, which is already approved by FWO and construction work will start in June 2020. Smart street lights will be installed on each road and street. Separate cycling and running tracks will be built along the roads.
Central Boulevard of the society will be 400 feet wide and it will have 18 lanes. Internal roads will be 150 ft, 120 feet, 100 feet, 80 feet and 60 feet wide. Streets will be a minimum of 40 feet wide. All roads and streets are well integrated in a systematic way so that traffic flow will be uninterrupted.
Garden Parks
The society will have approximately 40% open spaces for landscaping and gardening. A number of small and large family parks will be built across the society.
Different types of gardens will be developed including Flower Gardens, Linear Gardens and Heritage Gardens.
Each sector will have its sector Mosque for prayers and religious rituals. A grand Jamia Masjid will also be built in the society for grand congregations.
Urban Utilities
There are a number of urban utilities that are inherently planned in Capital Smart City, which include:
- Grid Stations
- Solar Parks
- Potable Water Treatment Plants
- Sewerage Treatment Plants
- Irrigation System
- Solid Waste Management System
- Security Control
- Fire Fighting System
- Police Station
FDH Buildings
It is the society office area planned in Capital Smart City. It will have a sales gallery, restaurant and facility management services.
Smart City Features
Capital Smart City is a revolution in the real estate industry of Pakistan. It is introducing an unconventional urban development model that will turn around the concept of housing development in Pakistan. All the modern cities in the World like Singapore and Dubai have worked up a smart management system using modern technologies to improve the efficiency of public services.
Smart technologies will help the management of Capital Smart City to take control of a number of things, such as environment, security and public services. Society will be able to monitor the quantity of Carbon in the air and devise ways to decrease carbon emissions to ensure a salubrious environment for the residents.
Special sensors and face recognition cameras will be installed at major points of the society to ensure the safety and security of the residents. Certain areas/blocks will be accessible through fingerprint/card scans or facial recognition cameras only, so you can make sure that your security will be of paramount importance in Capital Smart City.

Capital Smart City plans to implement an integrated IT infrastructure to record and maintain an online database of activities within the community. Whether it be the schedule of public transport or the schedule of events at the community club, the society will maintain an up-to-date online record of all activities.
Most of the public services in Capital Smart City will be automated which include automated garbage collection & disposal, automated utility supply, load-shedding free environment, automated traffic control system, CCTV with facial and object recognition, free WiFi zones, automated street lights and much more.
You can find more information on the project features and planned amenities in the brochure attached below:
Capital Smart City Brochure
Major Attractions
Apart from the intrinsic features of Capital Smart City, it also aims to bring international investors and businesses to Pakistan in order to provide quality services and generate employment. During the initial days of its journey, some recognized institutions have signed agreements with FDHL to open up their branches in Capital Smart City, while more will be coming over time.
MOVENPICK Hotels & Resorts
Capital Smart City has begun to attract major investors and institutions, and a few have inked agreements with FDHL to open up their businesses and campuses in the society. Recently Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts has signed an agreement with the society to open up a grand hotel that will be completed by 2023.
Harradine Golf
Harradine Golf has been given the task to design an 18 hole golf course in the Capital Hills Block. The work on the Golf Course project has already started. The urban planning of the Capital Hills has been undertaken by Cracknell.
Read Also: Capital Smart City Latest News and Development Updates
National Defence University
FDHL marked another major achievement when the National Defence University (NDU) inked an agreement with HRL to open up an international university campus at Capital Smart City. The site for the university has already been finalized, while construction work will start in a couple of months.
FREIJ Entertainment International
FREIJ International is a globally renowned traveling operator of amusement parks and rides currently operating in 26 countries. The company has a long history of operating amusement activities, i.e. funfairs, carnival rides, skill games, traveling international circuses and much more.
FREIJ Entertainment International CEO Mr. Freij El Zein signed an agreement with FDHL in October 2019 to establish first of its first-of-its-kind amusement park in Capital Smart City.
Trivelles Smart Homes
Trivelles International, a renowned real estate developer from the UK, has launched its exclusive residential project “Trivelles Lake Boulevard” offering smart homes in Overseas Block. The company plans to launch more projects in the future including commercial high-rise buildings, and residential apartments.
Capital Smart City Villas
FDHL has also launched a limited number of Smart Villas in Overseas and Executive Blocks. Groundbreaking of villas has already been done, and a construction contract has been awarded to Shangrila Hotels & Resorts
Development Progress
HRL started development work in June 2018, and the fleet and crew kept increasing over time. Currently, more than 400 vehicles are actively working at different sections of Capital Smart City, mostly in Overseas and Executive Blocks.
Read Also: Capital Smart City Development and Price Update October 2019
Overseas District 1 is the first area to be developed and handed over. There are 5 residential blocks in OS District 1, i.e. A to E blocks. Similarly, there are 4 residential blocks in the Executive area, where development work is currently in progress.
Following are some latest development images of Capital Smart City:
If you look at the development progress, you might not be surprised to know that possessions are starting from the first quarter of 2020. Overseas blocks and Executive blocks will be the first to be developed and handed over, while general blocks and farmhouses will follow soon thereafter.
Plot Prices and Payment Schedule
Capital Smart City offers a variety of options including residential plots, commercial plots, luxury villas and farmhouses. Currently, the society is offering 5 marla, 7 marla, 10 marla, 12 marla, 1 kanal and 2 kanal residential plots and smart villas, 4 kanal and 8 kanal farmhouses, and 4 marla and 8 marla commercial plots on 3 years flexible installment plan.
Capital Smart City plot prices are comparatively a bit higher than adjacent housing schemes, and yet there is a gradual increase in official prices periodically. The reasons behind higher prices are the revolutionary smart features and the shining track record of HRL, which encourage investors to put their trust in the project.
Following are the prices and payment plans for 4 kanal and 8 kanal farmhouses:
Plot Size | Booking | Confirmation | Installments x 12 Qtrs | Total Price |
4 Kanal | 29,50,000/- | 29,50,000/- | 19,65,000/- | 29,500,000/- |
8 Kanal | 49,00,000/- | 49,00,000/- | 32,65,000/- | 49,000,000/- |
Following are the prices and payment plans of 5 marla, 7 marla, 10 marla, 12 marla, 1 kanal and 2 kanal residential plots:
Plot Size | Booking | Confirmation | Installments x 12 Qtrs | Total Price |
5 Marla | 483,000/- | NIL | 160,000/- | 2,415,000/- |
7 Marla | 630,200/- | NIL | 210,000/- | 3,151,000/- |
10 Marla | 414,000/- | 414,000/- | 276,000/- | 4,140,000/- |
12 Marla | 457,700/- | 457,700/- | 305,000/- | 45,77,000/- |
1 Kanal | 621,000/- | 621,000/- | 415,000/- | 6,210,000/- |
2 Kanal | 12,19,000/- | 12,19,000/- | 815,000/- | 12,190,000/- |
Following are the prices and payment plans of 4 marla and 8 marla commercial plots:
Plot Size | Booking | Confirmation | Installments x 12 Qtrs | Total Price |
4 Marla | 10,53,000/- | 10,53,000/- | 702,000/- | 105,30,000/- |
6 Marla | 14,04,000/- | 14,04,000/- | 936,000/- | 14,040,000/- |
8 Marla | 17,55,000/- | 17,55,000/- | 11,70,000/- | 17,550,000/- |
Please note that commercial plots have limited availability on fresh booking. If you want to buy an old booking of a commercial plot, you will need to pay good profit along with a 20% down payment and a few installments at the time of purchase.
Please note that residential and commercial plot prices are exclusive of development charges. Estimated development charges are 1 lac per marla for residential plots and 5 lacs per marla for commercial plots.
10% discount is applicable if you pay the full amount at the time of booking, and 5% discount is applicable if you pay 50% amount. There are very limited options available for booking, so you should make your decision fast if you want to avail this opportunity.
Introductory Video
Watch the detailed video presentation of Capital Smart City Islamabad:
Success Story
Watch this amazing video of the Success Story of Capital Smart City which entails different development milestones achieved overtime by FDH:
Booking Procedure
If you want to book a residential or commercial plot or farmhouse in Capital Smart City Islamabad, please follow the procedure given below:
- Pay order of 10% down payment in favor of “Future Developments Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.
- Download, print and fill out this Application Form
- Attach 3 passport-size photographs of the applicant
- Attach CNIC/NICOP copy of the applicant and next of kin (nominee)
- Submit your form, documents and pay order to us to confirm your booking.
- Your file will be ready within 30 days and dispatched to your address.
Capital Smart City Islamabad – Project, Location & Plot Prices
- Published in Area Guides, Construction, Featured, Market Overview, News, News and Update, Real Estate Guide
Buying a house in Lahore
Lahore is the capital of Punjab, which is known as the social focus of Pakistan. There is a well-known saying in Urdu about the energetic life and delights of the city. It may be interpreted as “the individuals who have not seen Lahore have seen nothing.” Lahore is an awesome mix of dynamic culture, incredible legacy and energetic individuals. Individuals here appreciate life without limit. Lahore is additionally appreciated for its great food. There are a large number of eateries in Lahore that offer a wide assortment of food, from Desi street food to International dishes.
In Pakistan, particularly in Lahore, the land area has developed fundamentally in the most recent couple of years. Alterations to the assessment laws have prompted a sharp ascent in property costs and new lodging plans in Lahore after some time. The profit from speculation is high and the standpoint is acceptable. There is no lack of alternatives in the Lahore housing market. There are numerous private improvements like Al Rahim Park, Ali Town, Bahria Town Lahore that offer units available to be purchased.
Types of homes in Lahore
In the event that you are putting resources into current lodging projects like Lake City in Lahore, purchasing a house in Lahore can be an overwhelming assignment. The venture is situated on the celebrated Rewind Road. The task covers a region of around 2,400 acres of land and gives a remarkable lifestyle for the overall local area in the peaceful green climate. The best thing about the Lake City lodging project is that it has its own ring street, which makes life simpler for occupants.
Bahria Town covers a huge region of land and is another well-known private project in Lahore. The Project is situated on the edges of the city close to Canal Road and Thokar Niaz Baig. Multan Road and Mall Street are close by, which raises house costs and makes it a superior spot to contribute. This sort of local area can be reached in an assortment of ways, for instance, it is situated a little way from Lahore Ring Road.
Home Trends in Lahore
Things like public vehicles, markets, streets interfacing instructive establishments and downtown areas, and security all significantly affect property costs. Luckily, practically all significant lodging projects in the city have such freedoms. Hence, in these networks in Lahore, it very suitable to purchase a house as there is a decent possibility of cost increment later on, which can prompt great benefits.
Bahria Town, Lahore, is a famous residential project. Houses here sell rapidly. The 5 Marla house costs between 74Lakhs PKR to 1.68 crores.
Educational Environment of Lahore
Auxiliary schools, universities and colleges are situated on the whole significant locales, including the significant urban communities of Lahore. Well known colleges like Girls’ Primary School, Bismillah Campus, Bank of Laurel High School, State Certification College, Lahore Medical and Dental College, Concordia College, Light Business and Science College, and Azra Nahid close to Lake Lahore Medical School, Sheriff Dental College of Medicine, Beacon House National University, UET, Lahore School of Architecture and other clinical universities and colleges. Probably the best school here is Froebel’s International School.
Safe city Lahore
Contrasted with certain significant urban areas in Punjab, Lahore has awesome designs for water conveyance, waste, phone lines, power and web. Lahore is likewise more secure than other significant urban areas in the country.
Commercial Hub in Lahore
Lahore is famous for food and diversion, so you have minimal decision with regards to eateries, shops and corner stores in Lahore. For instance, if you think about Al Rahim Garden Lahore, know that there is no neighborhood food, yet you will discover Bismillah eateries that represent considerable authority in contemporary cooking and close by cafés and food markets.
Close to Bahria Town Lahore, you can discover numerous cafés like Crista 11, McDonald’s, The Pizza Shop, Jimenez Java Cafe, Luxurious Hotels and Café, Flames Grill N Bar. The city is in excess of a retail outlet. Green valley Supermarket, Salam Square, Lake City Mall and Lahore Mall are the absolute most mainstream shops in Lahore.
Why invest in Lahore?
One of the fundamental motivations to put resources into Lahore is the city’s effective trade framework. Lahore is an enormous benefit over the quick metro transport administration around the city. In the event that you come from a major city, it’s difficult to work, so it’s ideal to move here. Lahore is the second biggest monetary focus after Karachi Pakistan, so there are thousands of occupations here.
Buying a house in Lahore
- Published in Area Guides, Construction, Featured, News, Tips & Advice, Trends
Buy a home in Islamabad
Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan and is among the beautiful cities of Pakistan. It is the only planned city in the country. Islamabad is famous for its natural beauty vast green spaces, parks, landmarks, forests, wildlife, etc.
Islamabad is located on the northern plains and it has pleasant weather. The Islamabad city provides its residents with a high standard of living because they have easy access to basic amenities and are happy to live in the cleanest city of Pakistan. The majority of the population of Islamabad belongs to the middle, upper-middle and upper class.
Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) is a federal city under the control of the federal government. It is also a place where all state affairs are discussed and resolved. Home to a very large section of personnel, Islamabad has some great and prominent features. There are number of residential projects in Islamabad where people often invest heavily like in Bahria housing, DHA homes and others. Housing prices in Islamabad have increased since the 1960s.
Islamabad, like other metropolitan areas, offers immense investment opportunities.
Home in Islamabad
Are you looking for a home for sale in Islamabad or to find the perfect property in Islamabad, the city offers a wide range of properties. There are 5 Marla, 10 Marla and 01 Kanal houses in Islamabad. It offers single, double and triple bed beautiful apartments.
Residential properties in Islamabad
Residential properties include all types of homes, apartments, townhouses, flats and apartments. If the investment is low or you do not want to invest a large amount of money in real estate, try buying a home of 5 Marla in Islamabad.
Hundreds of 5 Marla and 10 Marla Houses are available for sale in Islamabad. You can also own a home by paying a small amount each month.
Commercial real estate in Islamabad
These properties include commercial and office space that is rented for any type of business. Similarly, you can get free income from your commercial property in Islamabad.
Industrial real estate in Islamabad
Features of the industrial property is that you can use it for creating products, storing products and distribution of the products. Where Islamabad employs industrial areas, investing in industrial real estate is generally more profitable.
It is not wrong to say that the best facilities offered by Islamabad to Pakistan are modern infrastructure such as clean and safe water, electricity and gas, modern facilities like educational institutions and cemeteries, large playgrounds, green parks, cinemas and theaters, Islamabad has all.
Educational institutions in Islamabad
There are hundreds of small and large schools and universities in Islamabad today. There are schools and universities in many fields and communities near houses in Islamabad. Private and public educational institutions are playing their role in giving the city the best educational facilities.
Transmission system
There are many transport services in Islamabad. The Metrobus service is widely used by the working class in all major parts of the city. Although private taxi services also operate in Islamabad but many Islamabad residents prefer to use their own vehicles.
Islamabad is considered as the safest city in Pakistan due to its sophisticated security system and more than 1500 surveillance cameras. Most buildings and houses in Islamabad have installed surveillance cameras inside and outside. Crime rate in Islamabad is lower than other cities comparatively.
Shopping centers in Islamabad
Some of the major shopping malls in Pakistan are already operating in Islamabad and are planning to implement the following projects, Arabia Mall, Imarat Builder Mall and Amazon Mall.
Islamabad has a large number of local markets that allow people to buy anything locally.
Health Centers in Islamabad
Islamabad is the place to find the best health facilities. There are many private and public hospitals and clinics that successfully meet the health needs of local and foreign citizens.
The best medical providers in Islamabad are Shifa International Hospital, Quaid-e-Azam hospital, PIMS, Kalsoom international etc.
Nearby places
There are many places around Islamabad to relax or spend a day with family and friends. Do you love Islamic architecture? Take a look at the famous Faisal Masjid. Would you like to go on a weekend trip? Go to the Margalla Hills.
If you just love the natural beauty visit Rawal lake, Daman-e-Koh or Pir Sohva can be a great place. History enthusiasts should visit the monuments of Pakistan, Lok Virsa and Saidpur village.
There are also the best and most luxurious hotels in Islamabad. Many of these popular hotels include the Marriott and Serena hotels. The hotel’s aesthetic ambiance, swimming pool, gym, high-quality restaurant and landscaping will enhance your visit. In addition to these luxury hotels in Islamabad, there are many rest/guest houses.
Buy a home in Islamabad
- Published in Construction, Featured, News, Tips & Advice, Trends
10 Ways to Reduce Construction Cost
Construction is a wide field and there is a lot of competition among contractors who bargain on the quality of construction they provide. Here are few tips on which you can decrease construction cost without compromising on construction quality.
1. Good plan/layout of building:
First and basic requirement for construction is a good layout/plan of the building/project you want to construct. A good plan can decrease or increase your construction cost. So Plan must be simple, elegant and energy efficient keeping in view the concept of green building.
2. Hire Qualified Contractor/Subcontractor:
Hiring a qualified contractor can result in reducing material wastage, making corrections in drawing as per field, understanding the purpose and feel of building. Always try to hire qualified and young engineers as they work very professionally and work hard to make their name and also they’ll charge less as compared to experienced contractors.
3. Hire skilled labour:
If you are constructing house/building by yourself and want to hire labour for that project go for skilled labour. Monitoring the labour is a hell of task but skilled labor will reduce 50% of your pain for the project. Though they’ll charge a little high but will do more quantity of work than unskilled labour.
4. Thickness of walls:
Thickness of internal walls (Washroom/toilet, powder, kitchen etc.) should be less than external walls. As internal walls act as partition walls and no load/minimum load is distributed through these walls so thickness should be less.
5. Use local material:
As local material is readily available and it reduces transportation cost. In some areas. Bricks are cheaper and in some areas concrete blocks are cheaper, so use local Material for construction.
6. Avoid Unnecessary construction members:
Most of time, clients on the direction of unqualified contractors provide unnecessary beams or other members to support structure which result in increasing the cost of construction.
7. Squared Shape Rooms:
Constructing rooms having length and width same instead of rectangular shape will result in decreasing cost up to 20%.
8. Minimum rooms/walls on ground floor:
Constructing the least rooms/walls on ground floor results in minimizing foundation which then results in decreasing the cost up to 30%. As most of the Money is utilized in making foundation extra stronger which increase the cost. So provide more rooms on 1st or 2nd floor.
9. Foundation Width:
Most of the time people want to construct more foundation width than usual without knowing the reasons like type of soil, height and load of building, Soundings etc. and results in wasting a lot of Money on nothing.
10. Time Frame:
Delaying the project results in increasing the cost so always try to complete the project within minimum time frame. When we delay the project it’ll cost labor charges and escalation of material which increases the cost. So Always try to finish the project in minimum time frame.
In today’s world of selfish nature, nobody cares about your loss, most architects even don’t think before designing and copy paste their designs and try to adjust them in different environments without thinking about the client’s money. So it’s only you who have to care about money and quality of work.
Feeta.pk is Pakistan’s No.1 property website offering sale, purchase and rent with a user-friendly medium for the citizens. It offers all types of plots, houses, residential, commercial, business and apartments.
10 Ways to Reduce Construction Cost
- Published in Construction, Featured, News, Tips & Advice, Trends
Various Construction Equipment Types Used in Pakistan
The construction industry in Pakistan is quite vast. Although Pakistan’s economy is downhill, the construction industry still contributes significantly to the GDP. As per the estimations, the sector contributes 40-60% in gross fixed capital formation. Since the start of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), this industry has given a boost that was so ever necessary. There are now more investments and projects in the main cities but small cities like Gujranwala, Faisalabad, etc. Not to mention how Gwadar is in the process of being transformed into a completely new city now.
Construction at big scales such as these requires heavy-duty equipment. Only heavy-duty equipment along with their small counterparts can build whole new cities and societies. Here, below are mentioned some of the most influential heavy equipment currently used in the construction area of Pakistan. It is exciting and equally important to know what goes in there to make your country beautiful (or disastrous?)
Boom Lift
It is found in both small and big constructions. This helps the workers reach places where they can’t reach on their own. The machine has a platform where one to two people can easily fit. That platform is lifted from the ground to reach a height. To make this machine portable, it has wheels or a continuous band or treads. The platform can be raised by a hydraulic system installed in it. A boom lift has two further types of lift, a Telescopic boom lift and an Articulated boom lift. The telescopic boom lift is needed when more horizontal reach is to be attained. While articulated boom lift is more complex and extends plus bends more than telescopic boom lift. Articulate can reach parts and heights which telescopic cannot.
Here is another member of the lifter family. A forklift is seen on construction sites, and wherever small or medium range lifting is required. It is a pretty common sight in warehouses and other storages. This is because it is very easy to use and is relatively smooth than other lifts. The forklift can move both ways, vertically and horizontally. An operator can operate it through a dashboard and steering wheel. On construction sites, it is used for loading and unloading heavy items like cement and grit sacs. Forklifts also have certain types that are specified for different uses. For example, some can reach incredibly high heights, while others are limited to a small height.
This is quite similar yet different from a forklift. The machine has the exact function of a forklift, but you will find it only on massive construction sites. The telehandlers can reach a very high height, which is not the feature of a forklift. Telehandlers has an arm which can extend to reach different height. The most different feature of a forklift is, it has big tires. These big tires can easily take the machine to off-road locations too. Operating a telehandler is not tricky. It has steering and dashboard through which one can drive as well as operate the arm.
Bulldozers are a must NEED for any construction site. It is not possible to carry out a big scale construction or even small-scale destruction without a bulldozer. They have several uses depending upon where and how they are used. It has a metal plate at the front on its arm. This metal plate is curved to carry out the work. The plate is quite strong and durable. This is why it can be easily used to push, condense, or even carry the soil or any loose substance but considerable quantity substance on site. It is also used to break walls or significant reliable parts on the site. Bulldozer is also used to separate compact materials.
Skid Steer Loader
It is a small vehicle but is used to do big tasks. The machine is engine-powered and has a cabin in between from where the operator operates the machine. At the front, there is an arm available on which multiple tools can be attached. It can be said that skid steer loader is multipurpose heavy construction equipment. It’s small so that it can fit places where bigger machinery is impossible to reach. Despite being small, the tires are prominent for off-road use. The plus point of this machine is differential steering. There is no difficult task for a skid steer loader to get onto unusual sites and be stable.
Excavator is one of the giant machineries that you might have seen on construction sites. These are found mainly at the start of any construction. The machine has two purposes, to crush and to dig. These are the two foremost tasks to begin any construction. It has a big broom at the front. The broom is controlled through a hydraulic system. At the end of the broom, the arm has a metal shovel. The shovel has sharp prongs at the end for efficient digging. An operator at the cabin controls the arm and shovel. The cabin is over the continuous metal treads. The cabin can also rotate for the operator to have a better view and, most importantly, the arm to reach all sides.
Articulated Hauler
Now can any construction work be carried out without loading and off-loading of loose materials like sand? Of course not. This is where the articulated hauler comes in. It is very much like a normal truck and operated as such. The only thing different here is the pivot joint. Because of this joint, the truck can carry hefty loads even on sharp turns. It makes it suitable for most of the construction sites. The back of the truck has a material pail. In this pail, any material, usually the loose one, is transported. They work as a four-wheeler drive so that reaching different areas is easy and not complicated.
Carry Deck Crane
This, as the name suggests, is a crane. But it isn’t the giant-sized crane. Carry deck is a small mobile crane. This makes the crane easy to transport and fits spaces usually not reachable. It can be used in both small and large-scale construction works. On the platform over wheels, there’s a cabin for the operator. There’s another platform over which the crane is attached. This platform can move 360-degrees. The crane is a four-wheeler. It can reach the right height but not like those big cranes. Usually, it is also used to lift heavy materials, even on a site where there’s no construction.
Concrete Mixture
Like bulldozers, you must have scene concrete mixture trucks on construction sites too. They can even be seen in traffics where the there round ball is rotating with the cement inside. For small constructions, concrete is mixed with a small portable machine, but it is not feasible when something big to build from scratch. For this, either the concrete mixture trucks are used or towers depending upon the requirement of construction. A truck is considered to be very easy to use. Dry materials and water are added to the drum on the truck, and the material is mixed during transportation to the construction site. There is a spiral blade inside the drum which rotates and mixes the material.
Tower Cranes
This is the crane that is used for significant construction sites. It can usually be found in building constructions. Since constructions like building construction can take months or years, the tower crane is just placed in one construction site. Tower cranes can reach extreme heights. The height of the tower crane can and should extend the building or construction being done. Other than that, the tower crane is also a standard tool in marines. There it is used for the unloading and loading of boating goods. It has a tall vertical structure with a horizontal boom. The boom can rotate a full 360 degrees.
Pile Driving Equipment
This is a device or tool used in construction to provide strength and support or strength to buildings. The machine drives piles into the soil to add stability. It has a vertical drive with a weight between the drive to slide. The pile is placed where needed, and weight is made to reach the height point as per the machine. Weight is lifted with the help of different systems such as diesel, hydraulic, or steam. Once the weight reaches its height, it is dropped on the pile, settling in the ground.
Scissor Lift
The last heavy equipment is a part of the lift family. This is comparatively a small lift used for the workers and equipment both. It extends in a vertical direction. The scissor lift is used in a place of a ladder. It can complete the work more efficiently, safely, and timely than a ladder.
The mentioned heavy equipment is one can find on any construction site in Pakistan. Not all of these need to be seen together, but there sure will be some of them. To complete a construction here in Pakistan without any one of these is almost impossible. This heavy equipment is the reason we have building taller than we could imagine once.
Various Construction Equipment Types Used in Pakistan
- Published in Construction, News, Tips & Advice, Trends
Guide to Bacha Khan International Airport
Bacha Khan International Airport (BKIAP) was once called as Peshawar Airport. Let’s talk about history! It is known as the international travel hub and is considered as the fourth busiest airport in Pakistan. Location is way simpler and just about a 10-minute drive from central Peshawar. It was renamed to a Nationalist Political Leader, Bacha Khan. It has become the easiest yet convenient for the people of Peshawar as you can plan any trip domestically or Internationally. The staff there won’t let you wait more because it provides the best service and uncountable flights.
Now there’s one thing you cannot just ignore is that the Airport itself is expanded and has recently being evaluated having the highest percentage of internationally bounded flights. Now stay with us to have a proper guide to Bacha Khan International Airport so that it can provide ease for you and you can get to know more about it.
Basic Opportunities for Passengers
There are several opportunities being provided by the Airport to the passengers you might want to know.
- Peshawar Airport provides really reliable walkways for both Cargo flights and Passengers.
- There’s perfect parking for bigger aircraft and for narrow-bodied aircraft as well.
- A huge runway for about 9,000 feet long and 150 feet wide.
- It is further connected to Civil Aviation Organization.
Peshawar International Administration
The basic responsibility of their management is to look over both types of flights; Domestic and International as well. It was first inaugurated by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Subsequent responsibilities are:
- All sorts of activities concerning airline and its operation are being improved and controlled by this department.
- In terms of air-trafficking, better construction of infrastructure must be provided by them.
- Lastly, they are professionals in providing affordable prices for air transport.
Probable Connections of Peshawar Airport
The link starts from the neighborhoods, basically from DHA and Hayatabad. Now it connects major cities like Peshawar Ring Road as well as Grand Trunk Road. Furthermore, it is linked with the regions of Northern Bypass, Charsadda, and Dora Road respectively.
Let’s make headway to have further know-how about the typical area that are connected through BKIAP.
- Gulberg
- University Town
- Riaz Shaheed Colony
- Hassan Ghari
Not just these areas but also the nearby residential areas are included.
What is the Best Possible way to Reach the Airport?
This Airport is situated in Hayatabad, moreover, the major benefit you can possibly get is the nearby connections which means that it has become easier from any core of the city. Now with all these benefits you are provided with the shuttle service given by Daewoo or solely use public transportation to reach through. As the city is entirely amazing so there’s no way near difficulty is possible.
Important Facilities Provided by BKIAP
Apparently, the services are provided by the Airport staff and faculty has its importance. You can get almost every service instantly if needed. Following are some basic ones and you must be aware to have a perfect know-how:
- All kinds of services related to Medical and Emergency
- Proper protocol
- Senior citizens are more prone to get special care
- Porter’s services are also included.
- Proper and reliable service is available for baggage and trolleys
- Mart is available for food and other services
- Prayer rooms for Muslims
- Restrooms with fastest internet service
- Shuttle Services provided either way
Functional Airlines
There are plenty of functional airlines set off through Peshawar Airport that must be known including International and Domestic as well. Subsequent are the main ones:
Air blue, Gulf Air, Qatar Airways, Emirates, Pakistan International Airlines, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Shaheen Airline, Etihad Airways, Air Indus, and Air Arabia.
Here we conclude with everything related to your knowledge so that you can get a proper idea if you ever get to visit Bacha Khan International Airport Pakistan. You only must go through the details and the facilities it is providing for better passenger service. Even though it has become more convenient for the people of Peshawar mainly as it is considered as the fourth busiest airport across Pakistan. For further queries and details, don’t hesitate to reach out to our website, and also you can directly contact us to know more.
Guide to Bacha Khan International Airport
- Published in Area Guides, Construction, Featured, News, Tips & Advice, Trends
Top Rated Areas where Residential Plots are for Sale in Karachi
Isn’t it safe to invest money somewhere for a proper saving purpose? But, we know that people ask for more, more what? Yes, you got it right! BIG PROFITS IN RETURN. Although, investing in the real estate market is considered as the best option doesn’t exist, why? Because some people opt for investing in businesses, those might turn out to be disadvantageous as there’s no such surety to get profits as an outcome, not even the amount you spent. Therefore, despite the uncountable pros of real estate, one biggest benefit is that you can sell it whenever you require a huge amount of money.
Nevertheless, this market has reached its peak since now and the demand is increased to the extent. However, we intend to provide you some best areas across Karachi where you don’t need to think twice, YES! Not even twice so let’s make headway to know the process and prices, everything in just this blog.
Why Karachi?
Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan and is called the ‘city of lights’ for decades. Being an economical center of the country, it runs businesses worldwide. Not to brag about, but the real estate market in this city has its importance across Pakistan wholly. There are plenty of houses, apartments, plots (residential or commercial), etc are highly available and on sale. So get yours at reasonable prices as these particular areas offer both middle and high-scale investors.
Famous Areas for Investment in Karachi
The following are Considerable areas where you are supposed to be investing; starting from the low-high demanding areas in the hierarchy of top-rated areas.
- DHA City Karachi
- DHA Karachi
- Gadap Town
- Scheme 33
- Bahria Town Karachi
DHA City Karachi
DHA City Karachi is one of the unique residential projects that are not only well developed but also has beautiful infrastructure. It manifests the vision of better tomorrow with proper necessities including education, health hospitals, family-friendly environment, and much more. Despite everything, you can get to live a peaceful, comfortable, and secure life.
DHA City Karachi is situated in National Highway between Karachi and Hyderabad. It has spread over a vast land of 20,000 acres. Moreover, there’s been plenty of residential plots that are on sale and the best thing about this area is that it offers both kinds of investors.
If we check the searched history of this area then we come to know that the total ratio is 5.1% of buying residential plots here. The area of authority of DHA City is manifested in the mega plan of investing and purposes. The extracted data include plots in different categories such as square yards ranging from 125, 500, and 1000 as well.
Prices range in DHA City Karachi
Consider this area demanding as the real estate market has its name in the list where you are more likely to invest in residential plots under your requirements. In DHA City, the required prices for a 125 sq yard plot starts from 3 million PKR to 5 million PKR. If you opt for buying a plot of 500 sq yd then the prices start from 6 million PKR to 10.7 million PKR. Lastly, the investors of large scale are more prone to buy plots of 1000 sq yd whose prices start from 9 Million PKR to 20 Million PKR. Buy any of these plots according to your range.
DHA Karachi
Defence Karachi is one of the secured options as this is divided into eight phases and under maximum security. According to the searched record, total buying properties were in the ratio of 7.8%, hence comes forth in the given hierarchy. Large-scale investors would be benefitted as larger investments are directly proportional to larger gains. Therefore, high demanding in terms of area, location, and maximized security.
Meanwhile, DHA Karachi offers three usual plot sizes likewise, 120, 500, and 1000 sq yd respectively. Hundreds of options including all eight phases where residential plots are on sale. Let’s move ahead to get the idea of minimum to maximum costs of these considerable plots.
Price Range in DHA Karachi
Looking for an astounding residential plot as per demand? Then, DHA Karachi is the right place. Opting for 120 sq yd plot would cost around 2 Crore PKR to 4 Crore PKR. The required range for 500 sq yd starts from 3 crores PKR to 10 crores PKR. Now for large-scale investors, there are plots for 1000 sq yd which are ranging from 18.5 crores PKR. So, DHA is wholly for large scale investors as plots there are highly expensive.
Gadap Town
Gadap Town is situated between the border of Balochistan and Sindh. There are plenty of residential plots are there for sale. Moreover, there is a record of a total search ratio of 14.4% since 2019. It means that the residential plots have been bought concerning this ratio. Gadap Town comes fourth in the hierarchy of top-rated areas in Karachi. It is considered as one of the largest towns in the city having a vast land.
Consequently, it provides exceptional opportunities for both mid-scale and large-scale investors. The residential plot size ranges from 120, 240, and 500 sq yd. Now you know in which category you should be investing in. Let’s dive in to know how much these plots cost.
Prices Range in Gadap Town
As it comes to fourth in hierarchy therefore, the demand is high in proportionality. In Gadap Town, the prices for the above-categorized plots sizes are different from one another. Let’s start with the lowest one, such that 120 sq yd ranging from 3 Lakh PKR to 1.25 Crore PKR. Subsequently, the required price for 240 sq yd plot starts from 8 Lakh PKR to 1.6 crores PKR, solely depending upon the location. Now comes a bigger property investment, you got it right! Initiates from 50 Lakh PKR to 3.15 Crore PKR. These kinds of investments are usually for large-scale investors, so get yours within, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on this perfect opportunity.
Scheme 33
Scheme 33 is considered as one of the largest networks of properties in Karachi. It takes third place among the given hierarchy therefore the total search record is high and of 17.6% of total ratio that directs to the maximum investing in residential plots over the past years. You can find plenty of plots in distinct housing societies of this area namely; Meerut Society, lawyers colony, and Gulshan-e-Azeem.
However, there are different prices for each category along with mid and high-scale investments. Considering residential plots for entirely three unfamiliar sizes like 120,240, and 600 sq yard. Therefore, you are supposed to invest in these plots for maximum gains and due to its popularity too.
Price Range in Scheme 33
The required prices are reasonable because of how vast this area is for Investment. Grab yours before its too late! Let’s make headway to know the range of these considerable plots. The price of 120 sq yd is ranging from 5.5 Lakh PKR to 1.8 crores PKR, depending upon the location as we’ve already discussed. Although different societies of this area are still under construction requiring approx 10-20 Lakh, nevertheless, Scheme like Saadi Town requires properties over a crore, and making it enough worth investing. However, the ranging prices of 240 sq yd start from 20 Lakh to 3 Crore. Last but not least, the plots of 600 sq yd starts from crores. As scheme 33 is high in demand so prices can slightly be expensive.
Bahria Town Karachi
Bahria Town comes at the top of the hierarchy, why? As there is a total searched ratio of 21.9%. Why Bahria? Because it provides the lavishing lifestyle in Karachi and has a separate society along with each necessity. However, the market of real estate has increased since then, moreover, it is situated in a vast area under high-security. As it has famous among all the given areas of Karachi so there are maximum chances of maximum investment. Though Bahria is still under construction, residential plots are for sale so avail the opportunity and get yourself one!
Despite the current situation, its place is still there. Therefore, do not refrain from investing in this area. The required sizes of plots in sq yd start from 125, 250, to 500. You might want to know the actual prices so that it can become easier for you to decide likewise.
Price Range in Bahria Town Karachi
You can get a 125 sq yd residential plot at reasonable prices, ranging from 11 Lakh PKR to 1 Crore in Bahria Town. Consequently, the cost of 250 sq yd plot solely depending upon the location and area starts from 14 Lakh PKR to 1.8 Crore PKR. These above plots are for both middles as well as large-scale investors. But lastly, a 500 sq yd plot is basically for large-scale investors, so the starting price is 25 Lakh PKR till 2.95 Crore PKR. Just do not let this option go if you are interested in investing. Meanwhile, Bahria Town needs no introduction.
Here, we wrap it up! Already you’ve been given 5 different yet most popular areas of Karachi. Just go through this blog completely and the prices, of course, to get yourself one done alongwith reasonable prices. This hierarchy can help you throughout your planning and stuff. We’ve manifested all five of them properly to clear every doubt of yours. We are here to help you always so for further queries and detail, do not hesitate to contact us!
Top Rated Areas where Residential Plots are for Sale in Karachi
- Published in Area Guides, Construction, News, Tips & Advice, Trends
Top Investment Areas in Pakistan Real Estate 2023
Investing money nowhere in the real estate market can make up your mindset of business to an extent. In terms of obtaining profits as an outcome along with beneficial opportunities, consider it the best option that doesn’t exist. In Pakistan, the demand for real estate is phenomenal, why? As it generates the purpose of saving money by investing in lands or plots where you are more prone to gain if the recommended area is demanding plus, perfectly advised by the best real estate agent, so, what are you waiting for? Go and get the property in your desired area!
Pakistan is the world’s 5th most populated country which has exceeded the population of 212.2 million. Hence, the area is 881,913 square kilometers. So due to the extensive requirements of living, there have been built societies where you are allowed to buy or invest in multiple properties.
For investing and purposes, a buyer or investor needs to have know-how regarding the trends of the real estate market. They should be aware of all the required taxes, interests as well and demands of that particular property before proceeding ahead. Two things are more important for an investor’s knowledge; proper research and planning. If you are one of them then consider it the right place you are at because we will suggest some of the best areas for investment across distinct cities in Pakistan. Let’s make headway to know more about it!
Which are the Considerable Cities for Investment?
Who isn’t aware of the three entirely big and famous cities of Pakistan? Well, freshmen do not need to worry about it as we are going to highlight them with their well-known areas. To be more specific, Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad are those cities where investment would turn out to be profitable because they meet your needs covering all aspects.
Let’s dive in without further delay!
Areas for Investment in Karachi
Karachi is one of the biggest cities in Pakistan and the economic center, highly famous for its lightning all over and well-known as “The city of Lights”. The demand for this city is competitively high in Pakistan’s real estate market. Following are some of the specific areas of Karachi where you might want to invest in societies like:
➢ Gulistan-e-Jauhar
➢ Defence Housing Authority
➢ Scheme 33
If you are living in Karachi, you have already known about Gulistan-e-Jauhar and the societies in this area. The land is expanded and holds a large area. You will be given all the opportunities such as:
● Affordability in housing units
● Big investment, big gain
● Perfect infrastructure, middle and large scale investments
● The rich supply of electricity, gas, and water
● Innumerable facilities such as; all kinds of institutions, parks, sports complexes, public transport, and nearby markets.
DHA, Karachi
DHA is one of the safest options in Karachi to invest and is well-known for its highly secured residential across Pakistan. Mostly, the large-scale investors opt for defence as it fulfills all the necessities within a single area, moreover, covers the Seaview and Clifton proximities.
Defence Housing Society is one of the premium societies that meet your needs and provides a lavishing lifestyle along with proper necessities, you will get:
● Multiple phases for both kinds of investors
● Lavishing lifestyle with exquisite infrastructure
● High-demanding property
● Huge profits as per increment in real estate trends
● Best schools, colleges, and universities across Pakistan
● Parks, Hospitals, and commercial markets
● An abundant supply of water, electricity, and gas
● Exceptionally reliable in almost every aspect including religious centers
Scheme 33
This area has its charm whenever it comes to investment. The land is widespread and expands from Gulshan-e-Iqbal covering Gulistan-e-Jauhar to Malir Cant. There are plenty of housing societies in Karachi but this area covers 293 different societies which are specifically divided into 54 sectors. You might want to know why you should opt for scheme 33:
● Exceptionally affordable for both types of investors
● Prices are competitive among
● You can get several opportunities like educational institutions, parks, hospitals, and basic amenities as well.
● Situated nearer the superhighway
Areas for Investment in Lahore
Lahore is the second biggest city after Karachi and is commonly known as “the city of gardens” while being enriched in greenery. Lahore has vacant land and is a really good option for investors due to its affordability. However, the demand for this city is competitively high in the real estate market after Karachi. Let’s move ahead to know about the areas where you should probably be investing:
➢ Raiwand Road
➢ Bahria Town
➢ DHA Lahore
Raiwand Road
One of the reasonable areas to invest is mainly for middle-scale investors. Why wouldn’t someone want peace? Everyone does, therefore, Raiwand Road is known as the most peaceful area in Lahore, away from the city’s hustle and bustle. Reasons why should invest in this particular area:
● The housing scheme is inexpensive
● Multiple opportunities and utilities including affordability
● Modern and premium lifestyle
● All kinds of necessities including institutions, hospitals, residential, parks, etc.
Bahria Town, Lahore
Bahria town is one of the most developed yet lavishing options to invest in Pakistan’s real estate market. From beautiful infrastructure to commercial and residential amenities, Bahria is leading throughout other areas in Lahore as it is known as the epitome of perfection. Highly considerable option for both investors. Let’s dive in to know the reason why Bahria.
● Peaceful living with a perfect housing society
● Private schools, hospitals, and other basic requirements in just a single town
● A beautiful infrastructure that meets the needs of middle-scale as well as large-scale investments
DHA, Lahore
As we have already discussed the Defence Housing Society is the secured option that doesn’t exist in Pakistan. Well-planned in terms of housing societies including commercial and residential areas. You can get everything in a bundle as it is divided into several phases, each phase has uncountable opportunities an investor could ever get.
DHA Lahore offers a premium lifestyle that has all basic features and utilities from educational institutions to hospitals and shopping malls as well. Large-scale investors are more likely to invest in this society as it is expensive.
Areas for Investment in Islamabad
Who doesn’t admire the natural beauty, greenery, and exquisite scenery? Well, Islamabad is known as one of the most beautiful cities in Pakistan. Most importantly, there’s a high chance of maximum gains, moreover, depends on the market rates and values. Let’s move ahead to know which are the best areas to invest in Islamabad.
➢ DHA Islamabad
➢ Bahria Town Islamabad
➢ Gulberg
DHA Islamabad
Islamabad is itself a beauty but defence area has ranked it on the top. If you’re looking for a dreamy lifestyle then opting for DHA Islamabad would help you out. It is situated on the N-5 Highway. Whenever it comes to safety, Defence needs no introduction as security is a priority here. Furthermore, people always seek opportunities and facilities that you could find in a bundle and here you go:
● Maximum security and safety
● Large-scale investors can rush easily
● Appreciable infrastructure
● All sorts of requirements include International schools, markets, parks, etc.
Bahria Town
Bahria Town Islamabad is a prime location for Investment and purposes. The amenities, infrastructure, luxurious lifestyle, and modernistic architecture you can get in a single area. Bahria Town not only means providing you with a perfect lifestyle but also good returns on investments you make. Basic necessities will be given with respect to modernization.
In Islamabad, Gulberg is one of the attractive locations and just started expanding on the expressway of Islamabad fringes. Both kinds of investors can rush into it because it offers different packages you might want to consider. Investors usually seek clean and green places in this city, hence, Gulberg has everything to offer along with amenities, and mandatory needs. Moreover, roads are wide and carpeted with alluring infrastructure.
Here we conclude with the basic information an investor must have a know-how of. The real estate market is more likely to have ups and downs as over the past years we have seen a downfall in this market. Nevertheless, 2023 might be a year of lasting success. Those areas should be kept in consideration for better outcomes. Both middle and large scale investors may get benefitted if they move along with a proper plan. Happy Investing!
Top Investment Areas in Pakistan Real Estate 2023
- Published in Construction, Featured, News, Tips & Advice, Trends
Pros and Cons of Building Your Own Home
Building a house is a very complicated process. It requires energy and enough money as you want perfection in every aspect, whether a lifestyle, location, or neighborhood. You can get everything according to the plans you have made your “dream home” to look like. Eventually, there is a complete process before building one, first of all, you have seen or imagined how your home should look like, right after that go for proper planning. Planning is meant to cover all the costs requiring labor, painting, and almost every possible commodity. Instead, if you opt for purchasing then there’s definitely renovation becomes mandatory.
How costly is it to build your own house in Pakistan?
In Pakistan, it is quite the toughest task and process for purchasing or building a house. As the economy of Pakistan doesn’t allow us to go with the flow, in short as per plan. An increase and decrease in the economy would be an obstacle, so we recommend you to get it done when there’s a downfall in prices. Anyhow the total cost of construction per square foot ranging from 2800 PKR to 4000 PKR these days. Furthermore, it depends on the structure you are willing your house to build upon.
There are certain advantages and disadvantages you might want to put inconsiderate before building your own dream house. Here you go!
Benefits of Building a House
Building a house involves plenty of benefits, here is the reason why you want to opt for constructing your own home despite buying it.
- Slightly Affordable
Affordability comes first concerning how much you can invest in accordance to the planned budget. However, buying a home requires renovation even if you pay as equal to constructing personally. So it is one of the benefits where you can save money and decorate the way you want your home to be.
- Exceptionally Customizable
Customizing a home that meet your needs would be advantageous in various purposes. Let us tell you how? Do you want a big kitchen or a garden or you want a big open space? You just plan it and briefly explain the idea to that particular architecture about how you want it to be. Follow your dreams and make your house the way you want. More often there would be chances of renovation in old houses, as you know nothing stays same and especially the appliances are made with some sort of warranty. Better save that money to decorate it luxuriously.
- Efficient Energy Structure
After affordability and customization, here comes efficiency of energy which means well-organized structure of power or energy state, whenever you opt for building a house. The entire structure would be new, the appliances that provide energy would be fresh and new so there will not be any chances for renovation. It would save you money as well as utility bills. However, you would be able to save even more.
Downsides of Building your Own House
Without uncertainty, there come certain major downfalls if you opt for building a house on your own. The cost might run out of the flow causing it to stimulate the budget out of extent. That is why you are directed to reach out to all the possibilities along with perfect research. You might want to get acknowledged as if how does it generate the downfall.
- Highly Expensive
The fact is no way near hidden that the prices are costly enough in Pakistan. So, it is understood that the price of purchasing counts low with respect to building a new one. How? Although, the one you are willing to make would be the perfect you have ever come across, moreover, the one that meets your needs. However, it has become quite difficult to mortgage because the rates are interacting with the sky. If you don’t bother to get with plan and research then you are not able to build it under the expected budget. So the call is yours!
- Neighborhood
New houses are usually built in unorganized or undeveloped communities that means there might be fewer facilities nearby including, smaller sizes of yards, and a closeness to your neighbors. It won’t be present in the countryside so there’s a high chance of confronting mud and dust until and unless you are capable of affording a person yard. The construction around will not stop until it becomes a fully established community. It can last for weeks, months, or even years, so this basically is a downfall.
- Lack of quality
As a matter of fact, new houses must follow certain building codes, there’s a huge possibility of human error during construction as such, it seems necessary to inquire about the material’s quality as well as how the builder will be using it. Better refrain from focusing on customization before the budget and always look for good quality.
Select the Right Builder
Opting for a right builder is a real game. Obviously, a lot of competitors out there are working so you have plenty of options. However, if you couldn’t judge him right on time then it will be regrettable for the rest of your life. Building a home in this era is already one of the trickiest tasks that have ever existed. So, choose wisely.
Building your own house requires a big amount because you want your desired house to be perfect. When it comes to purchasing a house, the renovation is the only option left. So we would recommend you to go for constructing one for yourself, why? With the help of incredible research and planning, you can make your dream house a reality, moreover, within budget. But if you are not good at it then you are all set to purchase. It makes a difference because there’s plenty of costs is required, not to forget! New things demand more investment. However, build one for yourself and family as it is affordable, customizable, and energy-efficient. At the same time it can turn out to be expensive, solely depends on your capabilities. For further queries and details, contact us!
Pros and Cons of Building Your Own Home
- Published in Construction, News, Tips & Advice
Considerable Designs for Kitchen Flooring
It’s 2020 and things have changed a bit more!
We are living in a creative and modern world and whenever it comes to living, lifestyle is being indicated. People love to furnish and design their own houses to stay updated according to modernization.
You must be thinking about how to stay updated, right? Let’s just discuss it right away!
Apparently, it’s not easy to renovate home every time just to look likewise, not at all. You might want to change your kitchen flooring that is why you are here. As you know that flooring of the kitchen turns out to look lavishing, yes it does because if you have an open kitchen, the flooring would be the first thing that is more prone to be viewed.
In Pakistan, the market manifests the variety of flooring tiles, and opting for a good one for yourself is going to be the best decision. More importantly, you can’t buy before even knowing the cost and its reliability. You should be careful while selecting and if you don’t have any idea what to select? Then we will be discussing here, but just stay on this blog to get all the knowledge regarding the best material.
Preferable Choices for Kitchen Flooring
You would want to consider some suitable yet durable kitchen flooring options and here you go!
- Hardwood flooring
- Ceramic tiles flooring
- Linoleum flooring
- Natural stone flooring
- Bamboo flooring
Hardwood is one of the most astounding options for flooring, not to forget it gives lavishing look and add value to your kitchen. However, it is not water-resistant and not manufactured as water-proof material so consider it a restriction for those who wash off their kitchen daily instead of moping it. Though it is wood that is always allergic to water as well as moisture which sometimes makes it a poor choice, also the floor gets discolored. So, if you are fond of doing variations every year or two then it is one of the best options to be opted for.
Design of Hardwood
Hardwood is one of the premium materials for flooring and stuff. Moreover, it adds the value of a real estate to a home. It offers texture and visual warmth and manifests architectural style. If hardwood flooring might be installed in the kitchen it would give the best look throughout the entire house.
Kinds of Hardwood Flooring
If you opt for Hardwood flooring then you must what kind of floor you actually want? It has several kinds along with instructions of what and what not to choose, so let’s get started!
1. Rigid Unfinished Floor
Installation for hardwood flooring is done after when finishing and staining of the hardwood is done in the kitchen. The board is tightly attached to another so that water cannot be penetrated in between the linings.
2. Rigid prefinished Floor
Prefinished flooring is better than the unfinished one, why? Because it is stained and sealed in the factory which makes things easy for installers. It is durable to some extent.
- It creates attractiveness on the surface
- It might be refinished
- Increases the value of a home
- Gives a lavishing look to a kitchen
- It is much softer and warmer than tile
- It is highly susceptible to water
- Can damage the floor with dents and scratches
- Exceptionally high in maintenance
- It is not easy for DIYers to install by themselves
- Not that much pocket-friendly
Ceramic tiles flooring is very famous across Pakistan as it one of the most versatile yet reliable for a long time and causes less burden to your pocket. During the hot climate, ceramic seems useful enough as it is much colder than any other category of tile.
You must opt for ceramic tile as these tiles can be installed everywhere from kitchen to bathroom, or even in rooms. The material is amazing causes zero irritation if it comes to high-trafficking. Hasn’t it become easier for you to select what’s best for your home? Or else what do you want in much less cost? It would be an extraordinary choice for an extra luxurious life.
Ceramic tiles have a rigid and hard surface that does not attract or hold onto dust, dirt, pollen, or other unknown allergens. Whenever these small particles try to land on a ceramic flooring, they cannot stay against it, you can easily wipe them off the surface. This helps reduce the chances of getting sick.
Design of Ceramic
The design is what makes a difference depending upon your demand. The design of ceramic can be printed by manufacturers to any sort of style you want it to be. These are rigid and forms patterns in terms of matching and mixing. These kinds of tiles come in distinct geometry such as Triangle, plank, and rectangle. Eventually, ceramic is the most appropriate option one should consider.
- These are highly durable
- Impermeable to stains, moisture, and water
- Hypoallergenic
- Designs come in numerous variety
- Less expensive
- Not a good option for winters
- A surface is slightly hard underfoot
- Weight of the tile is very heavy
- Time-consuming and strenuous to install
Linoleum is an eco-friendly and stain-resistant material that is tough on high-trafficking and a perfect option for Kitchen Flooring being durable and sustainable. Linoleum provides a sumptuous look to the kitchen and anywhere around your home you want it to be installed.
This was intensified by the fact that there were several low-grade materials being manufactured and marketed under the linoleum name. When these bargain products started to warp, crack, and fall apart, it was linoleum that received the blame. For the matter of fact, it has been intensified that innumerable low-grade materials being marketed in the name of linoleum but you can purchase with the expert advice.
Design of Linoleum
Consumers are more likely to get attracted linoleum because it is a natural material and more common in high-traffic applications of commercial as well as residential construction, the kitchen is specifically included.
- Linoleum is versatile and Soft
- Incredibly bounceable and durable.
- Have plenty of patterns, colors, designs, and installation Options
- Requires Low Maintenance if sealed
- Exceptionally clean and renewable
- It is unsafe in sunlight
- Receptive to Scratches solely because of its softness
- Requires high maintenance if unsealed
- Produce odor while installation
Whenever we think about flooring, we always seek for advantages, right? Yes, because why not? It’s not easy to furnish the floor every year and people expect good quality, and durability. Natural stone is one of the easiest flooring, very easy to clean and water-friendly. Opt for larger pieces to get rid of those lines in between and you are all set to have an exquisite kitchen.
To look up for elegancy and luxurious lifestyle, natural stone stays up ahead. It is made of mineral substances found from mountains. For Kitchen purposes, natural stone is an option that stands out among other flooring materials. The demand for natural stone flooring is high because it gives a luxurious look to your kitchen and even home.
Design of Natural Stone
The design of natural stone is really attractive to consumers and more prone to get more attention because of the beautiful look it gives to the kitchen. Synthetically made while having an idea in mind of mountains and stones.
- Gives off durability
- More likely to tolerate heavy foot-trafficking
- Manifests a natural and elegant look
- Easy to clean and wipe off allergens
- Increases the value of your home
- Some kinds of stone should be treated with a sealing agent to prevent damage
- Very expensive at times
- Can be brittle and easily be chopped off
- Some stones can be scratched easily
Bamboo is one of those premium options for exquisite flooring and an alternative to hardwoods because of having certain similarities. It is highly durable, versatile, strong, water-resistant, and eco-friendly as well.
Before purchasing any material, you must know what color, size, and style you are looking for along with the method of installation. Know-how of its advantages and disadvantages are really important as it is wood.
Kinds of Bamboo Flooring
As we have already discussed that bamboo is strong enough and is common in high-trafficking, however, you must be aware of the dependency of staining and finishing of bamboo concerning its types. Have a look!
- Horizontal
It creates sort of a look that manifests fewer lines joined together, moreover, natural features of Bamboo.
- Vertical
It creates a surface that has more lines joined together, however, less natural features of Bamboo.
- Strand-Woven
This kind of floor shows the fewer lines joined together and natural features with the most consistent look.
- This material is renewable
- Easy when it comes to maintenance
- More likely to be refinished
- Adds value to the real estate of home
- Easily scratchable
- Humidity can cause cracks in between the tile
- Toxins are present
You have plenty of options for flooring your kitchen beautifully, just have a look on all of the preferences given above and get yourself done one. Luxurious life demands perfection and creativity, so go creative according to what your home demands. We always show the amazing side of real estate as it is mandatory to know what you can do on your own.
Considerable Designs for Kitchen Flooring
- Published in Construction, Design Gallery, Kitchens We Love, News
Kitchen Cabinet Organization Tips | Custom Cabinets
A home kitchen rarely, if ever, looks like it might belong on a showroom floor. We simply use the space too much in our busy, day-to-day lives. This is why proper organization and space planning are crucial, whether you’re looking at a complete kitchen remodel or just ways to improve your current organizational habits.
In need of fresh ideas or maybe a push in the right direction for getting your kitchen ready for the upcoming spring? Follow along with the custom design team at Jack Rosen Custom Kitchens while we detail some of the simplest and most effective ways to organize your kitchen space.
Quick & Simple Tips
Much of the clutter and mess that resides in any kitchen space comes as a result of daily use. Misplaced bags and scattered appliances add up over time, eventually leaving you with a maddening clutter. Use these simple tips to stay ahead:
- Sift out old appliances and kitchen tools. It seems like every year adds another oddball tool or never-used set of silver. Take the time to pull everything out and really examine whether or not you need all of your kitchen tools.
- Upgrade food storage. Tupperware, baskets, and plastics can provide a very effective means of corralling food items and keeping them separate. This means less wasted space and a much more visually appealing kitchen and pantry.
- Organize according to importance. Items you use every single day, such as a blender or important food staples, should be kept somewhere easily accessible. This helps you avoid the issue of wrestling around and trying to grab things that should be easy to find.
- Make use of wall space. Never neglect the fact that you have plenty of usable space along walls. Strategic shelving frees up lots of room and can look smart with your kitchen design at the same time.
Investments for Better Organization
Keeping up can only do so much, and for many of us, space is always at a premium. However, there are many ways to add functional space to a kitchen, and many can be done with a minimal to moderate investment:
- Upgrade to custom cabinetry. Most homes are fitted with simple cabinets that are more dressing than substance. Custom cabinets can be created to fit you and your needs with precision. That means everything where you want it, accessories you actually need, and cabinets that look great and will last for decades.
- Overhaul your floor plan. If all else fails, remember you’re not stuck with what you have! A kitchen remodels can be the right way to match your space to what you want most and offer tons of extra storage and functionality.
Kitchen Cabinet Organization Tips | Custom Cabinets
- Published in Construction, Style Your Home
Government Incentives for Pakistan’s Construction Industry
The prime minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan has announced on 3rd April 2020 to re-open construction sectors for those people who have been struggling due to COVID-19 pandemic, daily wagers and laborers are highly necessitated and in need of food and income, so from 14th April 2020, the renewal of these sectors were to be pledged. Solely, for that purpose, he is conferring incentives of 1200 billion rupees. Moreover, 150 billion out of the total amount so far has been released a week ago. Due to this widespread disease, 10 million people have already applied to the AHSAS program. Basically, PM is aiding poverty-stricken people by providing them 12000 Pakistan rupees through this initiative.
Initiating status of the construction industry:
The construction sector is the second biggest sector after agriculture where several jobs are being laid out yet, the government has already re-opened the agricultural sector to provide jobs for daily wagers and Jobless and also to shut out coronavirus by the giving resources of it. The economy of Pakistan is directly proportional to the construction industry, it means ongoing work in construction industry would balance the economy in the respective circumstances. Apparently, the status of initiating construction industry is approved by the prime minister. However, the execution of this statement was counseled to be postponed until the next budget by Federal Business Revenue (FBR) and ministry. The government also announced establishing the Construction Industry Development Board (CIBD) to aid or promoting construction industry.
- Freedom for Investors:
He further enunciates that whoever is investing this year in construction industry would not be asked any question related to investments, the sources of income or where is the origin point of their money? So consider it a good news for those who are willing, have been allowed to invest.
- Consolation in taxes:
The fixed-tax regime had been announced by the government for construction sectors. Since, it seemed one of the complications confronted by the construction industry and they appealed to fix it. So from now on taxes will be reduced to refrain from agitating daily wagers. The taxes are supposed to be given in square yards or square feet as demanded by them. Although, if this sector helps in building the NAYA PAKISTAN HOUSING SCHEME, then the taxes will be reduced by 90% which means 10 rupees for every hundred. However, formal sectors like steel industries and cement industries are intended to give taxes respectively. And likewise, exempted for informal sectors so basically it has become very helpful for our lower-class community to get almost tax free jobs.
- Rationalization of Capital Gain Tax (CGT):
This sounds good news for those who want to sell their house as the regime has exempted capital gain tax (CGT). So the huge asset of making the construction sector, an industry and making it an organization so that the construction industry can be promoted in distinct purposes. Subsidy of 30 billion rupees is introduced to expand the structure of NAYA PAKISTAN HOUSING SCHEME.
- Reduction in sales tax:
Prime minister said both the provinces, KPK and Punjab respectively, are conjoined to diminish sales tax and already have made it less by 2%. So that it could help the buyers and sellers to some extent.
- Estimation of real estate:
The procedure of the latest estimation of urban real estate organizations of specific cities has been initiated by the Federal Business of Revenue (FBR). This process requires acceleration for the betterment of current circumstances.
Review about incentive-package for construction sector:
Though it seems a good package for the construction sector that will going to give Real Estate Market a new meaning or purpose to start, also it will manipulate builders and developers in almost everything. This package will provide a lot of job opportunities for daily wagers and jobless people to prevent hunger in this coronavirus pandemic. Due to this, Pakistan’s economy would get on board as well in such strenuous time. As a whole, this package directs the betterment of the economy assisted through the construction industry which will play a cardinal role in it. The future of real estate looks better with this bundle of incentives as it is going to offer our youth, distinct jobs and also for the other traders as well. Once, we are done with this quarantine, we’ll be seeing this industry rising in the future.
Government Incentives for Pakistan’s Construction Industry
- Published in Construction, Construction Company, Construction Company in Pakistan, News, Trends