17 Benefits Of Investing In Student Housing
Taking a leap to decide to invest in real estate is something to pat yourself on the back—good job for bringing the risk to gain high returns. Student housing investment is an excellent asset class that has proven to be resilient to economic fluctuations. It has been known as one of the stable investment opportunities. The current coronavirus pandemic and the most recent economic recession have proven this point of merit.
Some investors note that investing in student housing could be pretty risky and scary. With possibility of students thrashing the place, it’s no wonder why some people feel this way. However, the reality is that student housing is an authentic component of real estate.
Nowadays, many companies are building their business models around student housing because of its growing business potential and high returns. Putting money for building and maintaining college apartments, like sunrisevillageapts.com, is a great investment move to take advantage of today.
If you are having doubts until now, read more of the benefits of investing in student housing:
- High Enrollment
Despite the raging tuition fees among many countries worldwide, the demand for undergraduate and graduate degrees is increasing. Student enrollment is rising continuously, and parents continue to send their children to college. The need for education is still huge.
When it comes to real estate, the typical factors in perceiving and considering are job growth and demographics. But, in this case, high enrollment is the primary indicator for student housing. Applications and their continuing processes indicate that a specific area, especially if it’s near a university, will be populated with students.
- High Demand
If you have tried being an in-house university student, you’ll agree that most schools promote or offer housing on campus only to first-year students. This is because they can’t keep up with the high demand.
Starting when universities stopped sustaining these increasing demands among students, third-party real estate investors and developers have started coming in to take advantage of this business opportunity. Purpose-built establishments and apartments are now constructed just outside of campuses. This real estate trend is witnessed all across the country and even overseas too.
The number of students pursuing further education has reached 2.28 million in the school year 2015-2016. This data alone proves why there is a vast pool of demand for student accommodations.
- Turnkey
Many student housing investments are turnkey, so all you need to do is find student tenants. You don’t need to shell out money for remodeling or home improvements for your property investment. Many developers nowadays buy out large apartment complexes or condominiums and have each unit rented out. Sometimes, they sell these units too.
When such opportunities arise, you can purchase a smaller unit from that large complex and have a turnkey investment where they will be the ones to manage it. This is a convenient way for you to make money, as you don’t need to do anything.
- Recession-Proof
It’s natural to hear the term ‘recession-proof,’ which is often claimed by many business analysts. Although they may be valid, sometimes they’re not. Nonetheless, student housing is an investment that is genuinely resilient to the economic downturn.
In reality, when a local crisis happens, the opposite effect on student housing happens. In contrast to what other real estate properties experience, more students or an increasing number of people apply for student housing. The reason is that they believe that an undergraduate degree will give them more possibilities to land a job when the labor market has collapsed or is impossibly competitive. People do their best to afford college, and those who finished a bachelor’s degree would think that a master’s degree is an even better solution.
Hence, the demand does not change, even during a recession. People never stop going to school, even when the economy is suffering.
Another critical phenomenon is the online learning alternative due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although it has affected many student housing properties, they managed to reopen since many universities announced their intention to go back to on-campus learning. This scenario serves as an example of how resilient a student housing investment can be.
- Marketability
When your student housing property is located in one of the vibrant places in your city or town, you won’t need to market it to increase occupancy manually. These locations usually already have nearby restaurants, art galleries, malls, and nightlife, so these establishments become magnets for students to rent your housing unit.
Say goodbye to posting advertisements everywhere to seek out tenants. Let the tenants reach out to you. These college town properties usually sell themselves, so you have very minimal effort for promoting them.
- Guaranteed Rent
Although some real estate owners have a negative judgment regarding students not paying on time or difficult tenants, students are actually responsible payers most of the time. The best thing about student housing is that they are usually good tenants or have a parental guarantor, which ensures no problem with rental collections.
- Students Could Be Long-Term Tenants
Many students either study for associate degrees that last for two years or an undergraduate degree that lasts up to five years. They may even extend their housing terms if they plan to proceed to higher education, like master’s or doctor’s degrees. Due to the duration requirements for college, this would mean that students are long-term tenants.
Most landlords that aren’t in the student housing industry may have a hard time listing their rental properties, but not with student apartments because they usually stay until they graduate from college.
- No Need for Car Space
Since most of your tenants are living close to the university, they won’t need to drive a car. Some may not afford a car, either. This will be an advantage on your end because you won’t have to provide car space.
- No Chance for Losing All Income
Investing in student housing has a 100 percent chance of not losing your entire income. Unlike other rental business models, you get to retain some income source because there will always be enough students occupying your property.
It’s a big swing for some private property owners who rent the entire home to a family. When the whole family leaves, there will be zero income for you.
The good thing about a student apartment is that even if some students leave and stop renting, there will still be some income left due to the other students renting continuously. It may not be ideal to have some vacancy, but it sure is better than losing your total income.
- Less Delinquency
Although there is nothing like a guaranteed investment, student rentals can be one of the closest things. Even when you encounter irresponsible students and run from their financial obligations, you will always have guaranteed income through your parents. It’s not uncommon to have the parents sign guarantees, so your payment will be protected.
Also, a large majority of students are responsible for their finances. This means some hand out their rent fees on the first of the month to ensure that they have secured their housing expenses already paid. This makes the student rentals have lesser delinquencies than other areas in real estate.
- International Student Tenants
Since your student housing property is located in a college town, you can expect many international students seeking out to rent. Universities in America are very active in attracting students from other countries. There will be a high demand for your property, and in turn, you will be left with no risk of having zero income.
- Concrete Structures
Most student rentals are built for comfort, so they usually come in concrete and high-quality construction materials. Students could not create considerable damage, unlike with other properties that may have used light materials.
The concrete structures also become more attractive for students to live in. This becomes a selling point for you to market. Young people always prefer to stay in a living space made of concrete because it gives them an impression of safety and security.
- Price Appreciation
Student housing properties usually have a good prospect for price appreciation in the future. Since many other investors will be interested in buying a property around this high-traffic area, the properties will increase in value almost every year. If you plan to sell and make more money through asset sales and profits, you can do so by buying now when it’s still affordable.
You may buy a purpose-built property now and have it rented out for some years. When the time is right, and the real estate has boomed enough, then you can sell your assets and make big profits.
- Maintain Market Rents
Some states in the country implemented rent control prohibiting property owners from raising rents until they get a new tenant. Unfortunately, this could be a real pain for them, especially if the existing tenants have no plans of moving out. Because of this policy, you are not entitled to ‘mark to market.’
However, when it comes to student rentals, you have the chance to do this simply because you will have an opportunity to attract a new crop of students every two years or so. This will not be a downside for you even when your property falls under a state that implements rent control.
You will always have new students come into your property because they will soon move out after finishing their undergraduate studies. Most of them often transfer and find a different place to live, which might be closer to where they’re going to work soon.
- Managed Property Investment
If you invest in custom-built student accommodation, it usually already includes property management. This allows you to entrust the administration to experts like the university itself or building administrators. This is intelligent investment management that is active and proactive.
On another note, you may also reach out to third-party real estate property managers who can do all the tasks that involve your property.
- More Significant Returns
The best advice to take when investing in student housing is to spread out your investments into a few stable properties with credible operators and, at the same time, take a risk to invest in new properties around some areas that have the potential for growing demand. Doing so will create a more balanced portfolio, so even if one property suffers from unpredictable circumstances, your overall investment will still balance out.
If you invest in a diversified and concentrated single asset, your returns are secure and sure. On the contrary, if you invest in several acquisitions, there are also opportunities for good returns with minimal risk.
Hence, the key is to spread out your student housing investment as much as possible because this will be a surer way to generate your desired returns.
- Student Accommodation Is Attractive
The amenities and facilities present in purpose-built student accommodation are already secured. These benefits are imperative for the daily lives of students and occupants in the building premises. For example, they can enjoy communal areas, high-speed Wi-Fi, and study areas. All these amenities become available and attract many student tenants.
One of the best features that your student housing can have is when the location is near to their university or close to shops, cafes, local nightclubs, and workplaces. When you choose to invest in student housing, you will benefit from higher yields and shorter void periods. This entails the certainty and security that many investors are looking for.
Student rentals, in summary, are a significant investment. Depending on the area you choose, you will indeed have the best returns, especially when it’s near a university, coffee shops, restaurants, and workplaces. Like any investment, though, there are always risks involved. What you need to do is to lessen the risk and contain it.
When you think about the trouble of managing a student housing unit or apartment, feel free to ignore this because you can always find a third-party real estate management company that can take over all the operations for your property.
Take advantage of investing in student rental properties if you are familiar with an area where it’s booming with students and lots of traffic. Invest now and wait for your returns to generate.
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
17 Benefits Of Investing In Student Housing
- Published in International, Real Estate, Real Estate Investments, Student housing
The great Pakistani real estate racket
We begin this story with two requests of our readers – the first is that they remember, as they read through this description of dicey events and questionable business practices, all of the relatives and friends they undoubtedly have that have been scammed by property dealers, housing projects, and real estate developers. Because this much we can safely assume: that the average reader of Profit at the very least knows someone that has their money stuck in some unsellable plot, or has bought a ‘file’ or a registration certificate for a plot in some shiny new housing scheme that they have yet to receive and are likely not to.
Our second request is to applaud and marvel at the twin genius of the internet and citizen journalism. Because the idea for this story comes from a tweet, or more precisely, one twitter handle @2paisay, that has been relentlessly waging a battle against the Master Tiles Group and their latest project, La Ville De Paris, and has written a brilliant blog compiling all of the red flags from the project through meticulous research and analysis of the project’s marketing campaign.
Yes, this is the same Master Tiles that recently hosted the much talked about wedding in which their daughter married the scion of the family that owns Jalal Sons. The project is nearly as gaudy as the wedding and plans to build a replica of Paris over 4800 acres full with a 200 meter tall Eiffel Tower, a replica of the Arc de Triomphe, and a Champs-Elysees-style road. It is also the same Master group, that only a few years ago in 2015, was involved in Master City, in which the buying and selling of plots was halted after the courts got involved, and when the housing scheme did not comply, contempt notices were issued against its owners.
Since the publishing of the blog by Twitter user @2paisay, Profit has been digging into the regulatory and legal realities of Le Ville De Paris. On Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) warned the general public about the La Ville De Paris scheme, declaring it unlawful for investment. Before this, the Chairman of the Gujranwala Development Authority (GDA) confirmed to Profit that not only had the Le Ville De Paris not gotten the necessary approval from the GDA, but that the GDA had not even received a request from them, yet they have been collecting money from people in lieu of ‘certificates.’
All of this is illegal. All of this is a scam. Hook, line, and sinker. All of this is infuriatingly typical of what goes on in the murky world of Pakistani real estate. The story of what led to the SECP recognising and declaring what seemed to be a massive undertaking a scam tells the larger story of the real estate scam in Pakistan that so many regularly fall prey to. Profit investigates.
The bait – Paris
There is one and only one real cultural estimation of whether you have ‘made it’ in Pakistan – and that measure is whether veteran journalist Sohail Warraich has ever called you up and asked to film an ‘Aik Din Geo Kai Saath’ episode with you. A seemingly unassuming, gentlemanly, even oafish presence, Warraich is beneath the surface a master interviewer that can shrewdly get powerful men and women to spill their secrets, and bring out the private personalities of those that otherwise maintain very stoic media profiles out of necessity.
In an episode of the show that he filmed with Malik Riaz, the founder of the Bahria Town group, one moment of Warraich’s journalistic mastery was on display when he asked Malik Riaz a number of lighthearted questions to soften him up, before throwing a pointed question about the European inspiration behind his housing projects. “We go to foreign countries, we see what they have done, we steal the idea and we bring it here,” Riaz responds with shocking candour. “That is all there is. Like I just saw the Eiffel Tower recently, so we imported a replica from China and everyone loves it and comes to Bahria Town from far away to see it.”
This little tidbit reveals a much darker side of how real estate developers hook in people for their housing schemes. A ‘plot’ (pee-lat) in Pakistan is sacred. The desire to live in a clean, gated, ‘posh’ area is the upper-middle class dream for most Pakistanis, one that they spend their entire lives at times, trying to achieve.
Every year, the urban housing demand in Pakistan is 350,000 homes. Of this, 62 per cent is for lower-income groups, 25 per cent for lower middle- income groups, and 10 per cent for higher and upper middle-income groups. The formal supply per year is 150,000 units, a vast majority of which caters to the higher and middle-income groups. So when a swanky businessman like Malik Riaz or Sheikh Mehmood Iqbal of the Master Group says they are going to build a European city in Pakistan, and you can buy a file or a certificate to be a part of it when it is fully developed in a very short amount of time, you don’t think, you run and find the nearest property dealer.
That is exactly how La Ville De Paris began as well. With huge billboards, full page newspaper advertisements, and property dealers on commission. The marketing campaign for this project was massive, and along with a promise to build Paris in Gujranwala, there was the added bonus of a French team working on the project, led by Chairman, Jean Louis Raja Martinez, a supposedly famous French management guru that was to have control of everything from investors to the technical aspects of the project. While Martinez was unavailable for comment, the project’s marketing manager, Bilal Sandhu said that Martinez had come to Pakistan only out of love for the project and that now Pakistanis “will have a place like Paris where houses will be offered for sale at a reasonable price, with the kind of facilities that they would expect to find in Paris.”
That is a pretty little mission statement. The problem is, for all their pomp and show, La Villa De Paris is operating the same way you would expect any housing society in Pakistan to operate. The general perception is that since there is a large group like Master Tiles behind the project, it will be legitimate and free from fraud. The truth is a little different. You see, buying a residential plot in a new society is like building a house on sand.
The real estate developer, even before acquiring any land or deciding where the project will exactly be located, begins a marketing campaign with big promises of a Paris-esque housing society. It is usually named something like ‘Dream Gardens,’ ‘Paradise Villas,’ or some other Utopian sounding name. Along with the marketing campaign is an offer to buy ‘files’ or ‘certificates’ to pre-register for the opportunity to buy plots in these societies. All of this is done without any approval from district administration, housing authorities, and any sorts of checks from regulatory agencies like the SECP. Then, once they have collected enough capital from selling these certificates, they then buy the land and begin development. If this does not work out, the money often sinks and people are left stranded.
These tactics are common, however. They are the same ones that Bahria Town uses, and which are being used in ARY Lagoona. Even in societies like DHA, the infamous ‘file system’ is operational which has been explained in more detail in the in-set that accompanies this story. But what got the SECP to notice the La Ville De Paris project and advise the general public “to refrain from investing their hard-earned money in any unauthorized scheme,” was the lottery that they recently tried to hold.
The hook – Le Paris’ method
La Ville De Paris is offering certificates. Essentially, you buy a certificate for Rs 115,000 and then you have the right to conduct business and buy and purchase plots in the housing scheme. Without a certificate, you cannot do any of this. The problem is how mysterious everything surrounding these certificates has been. For starters, by their own admission, as revealed to Profit, Le Ville De Paris has only purchased 3000 acres out of the 4800 acres the society is to be built on.
This means that while the company may claim this is just a business tactic, the money from the certificates will be used to purchase the rest of the land. More importantly than this, they have gotten no approval from any government agency or the Gujranwala Development Authority (GDA), before launching this project since they will not get it before purchasing all of the land.
And if any issue crops up or the project cannot go ahead or fail, the certificates become useless and the money people have put into them is lost. The problem is made worse considering that the details surrounding the certificates are few and inconsistent. Speaking to Profit, the project’s marketing manager initially said that anyone can buy more than 100 certificates if they want.
According to Sandhu, the project’s marketing manager, these certificates are required for investing in La Ville De Paris or for any type of plot, whether commercial or residential. “These certificates must be in the possession of the customer making any purchase in the La Ville De Paris project. A customer who does not have a company certificate will not be able to make any purchases in this project in the future. Our main purpose in announcing the value of the certificate was to reach the original buyer. If we gave these certificates for free, we would probably be able to reach only ten or twenty percent of the original buyers and the rest would get our free certificates without having to make any investment later,” he claims.
But the SECP, in its warning to the general public, said that “any investment opportunity, whereby any future return/benefit, determined by chance or lottery or like manner, is assured or promised in return for a deposit or contribution is an unlawful activity and is a ground for winding up of such a company in terms of section 301 of the Companies Act, 2017.”
In addition to this, while the Master group promises that the project will be completed in 12 to 18 months and guarantees money back if it is not done in that time, the encouragement to sell the certificates ahead and the guarantee of profit make it questionable. With Pakistan’s land registry the way that it is, and the certificates in no way being a promise of land, it is entirely possible that the money is not returned.
The problem with this is that La Ville De Paris claims that they are not selling the certificates to gather capital to buy land and begin the project’s development. They say the only purpose the certificates serve is to attract serious customers that will buy the plots in the project. However, only one certificate is required to make purchases, so why would anyone want to buy hundreds unless they plan on selling them ahead. And why would La Ville De Paris agree to doing this unless they were trying to gather capital quickly so they could acquire the land.
By their own admission, they have not bought all of the projected land yet. Of the 4800 acres, only 3000 acres have been purchased and of these 800 acres have been earmarked for the Prime Minister’s Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme. With thousands of certificates being sold, it seems that this is a drive to raise investment.
When confronted with this, Sandhu changed his tone later on and said that only limited certificates are being sold, which can be up to 2 percent of the quantum of the whole project. Despite being asked a number of times, Sandhu and officials of the project refused to reveal how many certificates have been sold so far, how many the company aims to sell, and how many of the certificates have been sold to the same person.
The lottery
This goes pretty much how you would expect it. If you have been driving around Lahore or Gujranwala in recent days, you might even have noticed huge billboards announcing a lottery on the 31st of March this year for people that are in possession of certificates for the La Ville De Paris Project. The lottery has some big prizes, with the total lot of 105 prizes amounting to Rs 143.5 million, and the prizes are all cash. The first prize will be Rs 50 million, which will go to one lucky winner, while the second prize of Rs 10 million will be won by two lucky winners. Similarly, the third prize will be Rs 5 million which will be given to five lucky winners, and the fourth prize will be Rs 0.5 million will be won by 97 people.
Now, keep in mind that this Rs 143.5 million is of course only a fraction of the money that the developers have gathered. They have sourced this amount by selling certificates. Essentially, what La Ville De Paris did is offer certificates for sale to people that you need to acquire if you want to buy any commercial or residential plot in Le Paris.The confusion is that the certificate that is being sold and it is guaranteeing a profit.
The lottery just makes the deal more attractive. Why not put in Rs 115,000 for the chance to walk away with Rs 50 million? And if you don’t end up winning anything at all, you can then always either use the certificate to buy a plot in the project or sell the certificate to someone that does want to do this.
A history of deceit
This is perhaps the biggest red flag of them all, both about the La Ville De Paris Project and about real estate developers in Pakistan in general. This is not the first time that the Master Group has ventured into this business, and when that happened, it did not go very well. Despite the proven fraud of that episode, the group has very easily been able to come back into the industry, with the past having been forgotten, and with their promises and armies of property dealers been able to wrangle significant investment from people unaware of what exactly they are signing up for.
Back in 2015, the group had developed a housing scheme called Master City. According to one official of the Board of Revenue, the management of Master City had tried to commit fraud with overseas Pakistanis through the same old technique of selling files and then not handing over any plots to the buyers despite the time in which development was to have finished ending. The episode was quite the spectacle, with the victims of Master City protesting for several days. “The victims claimed that billions of rupees have been defrauded from the people by the owners of Master City. Meanwhile, a person named Javed had also obtained a stay order from the court on the sale and purchase of plots in Master City,” revealed the official on condition of anonymity.
“The court ordered the owners not to buy or sell until further court orders, and at that time, the managing director of Master City, Sheikh Ahmed bin Maqsood, had also admitted that buying and selling was not being done in compliance with the court orders. Despite this, Master City continued both the buying and selling of plots after which the court took notice again and this time not only issued a notice against them, but also charged them with contempt of court.”
Despite all of this, the Master Group were able to continue the buying and selling of plots in Master City with impunity, and have now been able to launch a new project while many unsuspecting investors in the Mater City project, who were also made the same promise of quick returns and development in 12 to 18 months, continue to not receive any dividend or any plot allotment from the project. You see, when the court issued the stay order, Master City could no longer accept money in lieu of files, and since they had not actually acquired all the land for the project beforehand but had sold more files than were plots, they cannot assign plots to people that bought those files under the promise of getting a plot within a couple of years. Now, as long as the project remains tied up in court (which could be decades), these investors cannot touch their money.
The association with Master City is something that the group has actively tried to avoid, of course, something that is evident in the project not containing the word ‘Master’ when even the wedding of the group’s owner’s son had ‘Master’ plastered everywhere. One official of the Gujranwala Development Authority (GDA) also confirmed to Profit that La Ville De Paris was being run under a different entity, and an advertisement was also issued recently in which the project denied any connection with Master City. However, despite the entity being different, the owners of the project remain the same people behind the Master Group and Master City.
“This is a technical difference only. Back in 2015, Sheikh Mahmood Iqbal had taken a lot of pride in it and had presented it as a result of the group’s hard work over years.Now that people have been defrauded in Master City, they do not want the baggage from that to affect their new scheme,” says the GDA official on condition of anonymity. “The only difference is that Sheikh Mahmood Iqbal is looking after the affairs of Le Paris, while his brother Sheikh Maqsood Iqbal was looking after the affairs of Master City.”
“The GDA has already started preparing for legal action, and we would encourage people to be wary of such fraudulent schemes. The government needs to take action to make sure that unless a scheme completes its area, its design and its infrastructure, it will not be approved – otherwise, innocents will continue to be fooled into investing with these crooks.”
This seems to be a solid idea, particularly because if a group can actually produce the amount of money that is needed to procure and begin development on 4800 acres of residential, urban land, then it can be expected that they are not in it to make a quick buck but are invested in making sure that the housing scheme is up to the mark and that genuine investors and buyers come to them, and get what they came there for instead of being enticed in with the offer for cheap plots only to lose all of their money.
The GDA’s Town Planning Director has also issued a public notice stating that the owners of Master Tiles had advertised the plots and files of La Ville De Paris City, which was totally illegal. The notice also states that La Ville De Paris is a completely fake and illegal housing scheme, which the GDA has no record of yet. In addition, the distribution of certificates and lucky draws by the scheme owners is completely illegal. The notice also warned investors not to invest in any illegal scheme and seek GDA details about its legal status before investing in any scheme,” he said.
“There was a definite problem of over-selling in Master City,” admits Sandhu. “But that project was completely under Sheikh Mahmood Iqbal, La Ville De Paris is the vision of Sheikh Maqbool Iqbal. People are just getting worried because of similar names. “Our project is very transparent and we want to keep it neat and clean.”
“Some people in the ceramics industry that are our rivals have also tried to say that we have a cash flow problem and are not to be trusted. However, we are only selling a few thousand certificates. Master Tiles has a net worth of $4 billion. Do you really think the group would want to risk its business and its reputation for a single project? Senior property dealers are overseeing this project even the president of Property Dealers Association DHA Lahore, Abubakar Bhatti is personally overseeing this project in Lahore. After all, this is the credibility of the project, that’s when so many senior dealers are marketing it.”
Despite these clarifications, officials of both the Board of Revenue and the GDA continue to slam the La Ville De Paris project, saying another fraud was going to happen, and that the clock was ticking to possibly contain some of the damage. “The biggest red flag is that the purchase of land for this project has not been completed yet and the project has been announced. Secondly, the purchase of land and its transfer is not an easy task, and there is not a single 4,800 acre area in Gujranwala where there are no court cases. When a housing society is announced, it must first be approved. For example, any Housing Society in Gujranwala has to get approval from the Gujranwala Development Authority (GDA) and La Ville De Paris does not have any approval,” says a revenue board official.
To these accusations, La Ville De Paris have claimed that they are in the process of approval, and are waiting to acquire all the land before applying for final approval. This still does not explain how they have launched without the approval, or are accepting money for the certificates. The chairman of the GDA, Ali Ashraf Mughal, responded to these claims by vehemently denying any approval being “in the process” and said that they had not even been approached by La Ville De Paris yet. “We have not received any documents from La Ville De Paris and we have removed all their advertisements from Gujranwala city. We have also written letters to the concerned authorities to remove their advertisements from Lahore as well.”
The great Pakistani real estate racket
Chakri’s real estate gang wars
Less than 60 kilometers away from the federal capital, a gang war between two rival real estate companies has left the once small area of Chakri devastated. For a long time now, Chakri has been considered a prime location for new housing societies to sink their teeth into. Currently, according to details available with Profit, there are at least 50 housing societies vying for space in the area around Chakri interchange, where they believe a new city extending out of Islamabad and Rawalpindi will attract investors.
The only problem is that the land in Chakri is a quagmire of legal cases, feuds, and disputed ownership that now has multiple parties involved. In Pakistan, real estate development is a game of gambling. No single investor or group has enough money to buy thousands of kanals of land, develop it, and then start to sell the plots to people. So instead of doing all this hard work, they focus on marketing heavily, selling pre-registration certificates, files for plots to be allotted in the future, and by getting property dealers to hype up their upcoming housing societies.
It is only after they have made enough money by selling files, certificates, and all kinds of marketing tools to gather the capital they need for these projects, that they actually start buying the land that they have promised a number of people in the form of files. The problem is, since the land has not been acquired completely as of yet, it either gets sold to someone else in the meantime or some legal issue arises over it, which means people that buy files in these societies end up having their money tied up for years on end. All of this they do without getting any prior permission from local authorities, so even if the land is successfully acquired, it may be a long time before they are given permission to build their society on it.
On our radar this week is Blue World City, a supposedly mammoth undertaking in Chakri’s real estate development game which is currently feuding with Abdullah City, another large real estate project in the area.
Most of these societies in Chakri have no standing with the Rawalpindi Development Authority, which is the governing body on such issues. Despite this, they continue to inflict violence on each other and fight over disputed land, all the while fooling unwitting investors into giving them their money. Initially, when it was launched in 2017, Blue World City was only one of these small fish in a big pond. By 2018, however, they started appearing as a big name. Having presumably collected a decent amount from initial sales of files, they went on a massive marketing campaign that used all of the tactics mentioned above and then some. They even roped in Engin Altan, the Turkish actor that plays the lead role in the Ertugrul Resurrection drama series that has become a phenomenon in Pakistan, to be their brand ambassador.
Since those early high flying days when Blue City became one of the hottest names in the Chakri real estate market, things have gone south. The society still does not have approval from the RDA and the land authority says it is not planning to give its approval any time soon. In fact, on recommendation of the RDA, Blue City is being investigated by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), and has not bought a fraction of the land they claim to already be in possession of. This is how it all happened.
Blue World’s actions
In March 2021, Tahir Aziz called the Chauntra police station and complained that five armed guards had barged into the housing society of his brother on Chakri road named Abdullah City. The five guards overlooked the destruction of residential houses in the society. Who were these culprits? Tahir Aziz claimed that the guards said they had been sent by Nadeem Ijaz, Naeem Ijaz and Saad Nazir – the owners of Blue World City to demolish residential houses of Abdullah City. The intruders said they would kill anyone who tries to stop them.
Shortly after this, the Chauntra police station received another complaint from Sawab Gul, an employee of the Blue World City, in which he stated that he and two other security guards of the housing society, Ahmad Shah and Mohammad Naseer Abbasi, were sitting in their camp when unidentified armed men attacked them. Gul alleged that armed men from Dera Mushtaq Anwar which is under the control of Abdullah City owners Asim Aziz and Tahir Aziz stormed in and opened fire.
“ In the Chakri area, the armed guards of both societies have started a series of gang wars, which the police are also afraid of. Abdullah City, Blue World and Mavida City are located side by side on Chakri Road. The same claims made by Blue World regarding the land area are also made by the management of Abdullah City,” explains a police official on condition of anonymity.
This sort of attack and counterattack had become the norm in Chakri back in March. Here is what happened in a nutshell. Blue World City bought 1534 kanals of land near Chakri, and went to the Rawalpindi District Council (local government) for verification of their land in 2018. They are then supposed to take the verification to the RDA, after which they are supposed to get their planning permission, and then finally an NOC from the RDA, after which they can begin selling plots.
The only problem is that Blue World City did not really buy all this land outright. With the help of Nadeem Ijaz, a domineering figure in Chakri, they had made deals for a lot of this land with land owners in Chakri for ‘token money’ and then treated it as if the deal was done, and started collecting money from investors. However, when they finally went to finalise the deals, they found out that a lot of the land they had taken token money for was disputed or that other societies had also taken token money for it. This is where the dispute between Blue World and Abdullah City originated. “Since both the parties keep claiming that they have thousands of kanals of land but in reality it is the opposite. Lands in this area were not very expensive. Nadeem Ijaz, the owner of Blue World, is an influential figure in his area and even lower class people are afraid of him. So instead of buying plots from the people, Ijaz pays them a token and agrees that the people give him possession of their land,” explains the police official.
“The same is true of the people of Abdullah City. Of course, when developers buy people’s land, where do they pay the full amount? Now most of the people in the area have taken token money from Blue World and Abdullah City in exchange for their plots.”
One example was the ancestral land of PML-N MNA Rana Tanveer, who was going to sell to Blue World City. However, it was only later that Blue World found out there were FBR cases on the land that made it impossible to sell. The second reason is that Rana Tanveer, an MNA of PML-N in the area, also has thousands of kanals of ancestral land. On the one hand, Blue World intends to buy this land and on the other hand, Abdullah City is also trying to either buy a part of this land or this deal cannot be done between the two parties. However, due to some FBR cases on this land, it cannot be sold yet.
It is a classic case of having the cart before the horse. Any real estate developed should first acquire the land, get permission from the authorities, and then start marketing and selling the project. Instead Blue World, and indeed other societies like Abdullah City, began by marketing it first, then trying to (unsuccessfully) get permissions, and then trying to (unsuccessfully) acquire the land. In the process, gun battles have left one dead, Blue World City staged a protest on the motorway by blocking it, and had one of their directors, Chaudhry Naheem Ijaz, arrested in the process back in March. All of this, and they still neither have any land that they own there despite having sold thousands of files, and they also continue to get denied permission from the Rawalpindi Development Authority.
In the process, they have turned Chakri into gangland. Getting young boys in at salaries of Rs 25000 to Rs 30000, as told to Profit by the police, to move around with guns and strike terror into the hearts of their opponents. Gun ranges have been established, and even the police are afraid of the consequences of what has become a quickly escalating and heavily armed situation.
Two months ago, the police sent the owners of the both illegal housing societies to Adiala Jail on a court order. Chaudhry Naeem of Blue World City and Tahir Aziz of Abdullah City were summoned by the police for inquiry into the land dispute. During the inquiry, both parties started threatening each other with dire consequences in the presence of Rawalpindi police officers and district administration officers and there were quarrels between them. The situation has since been eerily calm, but with the RDA continuing to not give Blue World City the green light and Blue World City continuing to sell files despite this in clear violation of the law, it may only be a matter of time before things take a turn for the worse.
The RDA’s role
Normally, the bigger housing societies do go through all of these hoops and then start selling more plots than they own. For example, if a developer has 500 plots, he may book 5,000 plots and then dodge the people. While this is illegal, the entire premise of the project is not illegal. In Blue World’s case, they seem to have taken it to another level. On August 8th 2018, they got verification from the district council, which was only the first step. They sent this verification to the RDA and began selling plots and marketing their society as “approved”, before it had actually been. But then four days later, on August 12th 2018, the RDA declared Blue World City an illegal housing society. Blue World has since gotten planning permission twice, but has still not received an NOC and is categorised as illegal. Despite this, they are continuing to sell plots. “Who cares about that. It will become legal soon enough,” said one agent for Blue World when Profit called them pretending to be a customer.
The transparency of any housing society is measured by how much land it has. That is, how much land the developer has bought and no disputes or lawsuits over the land. (Editor’s note: This by the way is one of the main reasons for the success of DHAs. They, for some reason, are amongst the best at convincing people to sell their lands). The next important thing to look at is whether the society that is buying and selling the plots is approved by the relevant development authority in its area. If approved, it means there is less chance of fraud. Then there is the reputation of the housing society and the developer in the market. In the case of Blue World, none of these things are encouraging signs.
Now, the management of Blue World claims that this is an effort by their competitors to try and conspire against them.They also claimed that they are not being issued an NOC on purpose, because the RDA is out to get them for some reason. This would be a reasonable explanation perhaps, and crazier things have happened. But the facts of this case are sensational.
RDA takes a stand
The RDA took a big stand against Blue World. Jamshed Aftab, then RDA’s director of metropolitan planning and traffic engineer (MP&TE), also informed the press that Blue World City has been declared an illegal scheme and legal notices have been issued to its sponsors because the said housing society was not approved by RDA. Meanwhile, the RDA had warned the public in their own interest not to invest in the said housing scheme. However, an RDA official informed that despite being declared an illegal scheme, Blue World City continued its advertising campaign and sale of plots.
However, the RDA official believes that in fact, not only the housing society but also government agencies are to blame for such incidents. “If someone is doing something illegal, they should be caught immediately, instead of being cautious when they succeed in committing fraud. The problem with us is that the prices of clear lands are very high. If the housing society approves at all and if it starts selling after taking NOCs, then the price of the plots they are selling for Rs1.5 million go up to Rs5 million and it should be out of reach of the common man.”
“Deception is always beautiful, that is why the people also want to be deceived. Why do people go to these societies when the law says that no housing society can sell plots without NOC? We also object to the media people publishing advertisements of such societies and doing them on air.”
The RDA official believed that since Prime Minister Imran Khan announced the Naya Pakistan Housing Project, many illegal housing societies have been trying to give the impression under the guise of this vision that they too are associated with government projects. “The reality is quite the opposite. How can any society which has no legal status do a government project. Blue World City is booking residential and commercial plots of five marla to four kanal areas in its various blocks without NOC for Rs500,000 to Rs 2 million. In the meantime, they also take money from people in the form of plot installments and I don’t understand why they call this project a Pak-China friendly project. What does this project have to do with China or CPEC? Adding the name of an illegal housing society to such a big project like CPEC is tantamount to deceiving the entire public,” he said.
“According to our estimates, they have also sold thousands of such files against which they have no land area and if the inquiries against them are conducted in a transparent manner, it is a scandal worth more than Rs 2 billion. We were informed that the owners of Blue World City are going to buy the ancestral land of Rana Tanveer, a PML-N MNA in the same area which covers thousands of kanals but some FBR cases are going on on this land and these cases don’t seem to be resolved,” he added.
The RDA official further complained that many real estate based web portals also market such projects as our cyber laws are not fully functional. “Why do these property portals market such housing societies or register their properties which have no legal status? People are trusting these web portals and these portals also play the same role in deceiving the public as real estate developers,” he said.
Even in the case it was found out that the said society is neither registered with the concerned development authority nor does it have as much area as is being claimed. The second is that Blue World City is not selling plots but files.
Blue World tries to mount a defence
Blue World City Chairman, Chaudhry Saad Nazir. tried to dispel the impression through a TV channel that he had an area of 30 to 35 thousand kanals in the process of mutation while an area of 25,000 to 27,000 kanals has been transferred to his name. Nazir said he had documents for all the items that could be shown to any institution. Apart from this, they have sale deeds of many other land areas with a volume of 60,000 to 70,000 kanals.
“Chaudhry Nadeem Ijaz, the partner and owner of Blue World City, has a good reputation in the area and is well versed in land acquisition. Due to the good reputation of Ijaz, people hand over the possession of their land to him for token money,” he explained. This in itself is a huge problem, since he is admitting here that they do not own the land yet, a prerequisite to get the permissions they need for a project like this.
He also claimed that when the Blue World City project was launched, planning permission for the project was obtained by the RDA in 2017. Later, another planning permission for an area of 1543 kanals was obtained in 2019 and earlier an NOC was also issued to Blue World City by the District Council. As mentioned earlier, the two planning permissions did happen. The problem is that no NOC was ever given by the RDA, and it was only a recommendation given by the district council to give them the NOC, which the RDA did not comply with.
Nazir later held a press conference at the Lahore Press Club here in November last year and accused the RDA chairman and government figures of taking illegal action against the society. Nazir had alleged that RDA chairman Tariq Murtaza, who had a political post, was demanding large sums of money from him through his frontman and started harassing him through false cases and various means.
According to an official of RDA, Nazir held the press conference because the RDA had sought registration of an FIR against Blue World City at the Chontra police station, alleging that the society was involved in illegal marketing, advertising and sale of plots.
“Initially, the Chontra police station stayed the application and when the RDA approached the Additional Sessions Judge Rawalpindi under Rule 22-A, the Blue World City officials obtained a stay order from the High Court,” the official said. They also said that without an NOC, Blue World City continued all kinds of advertising campaigns and also used social media for the campaign.
NAB gets involved
Stung by the accusations of the owners of Blue World, the RDA and its chairman Tariq Murtaza decided to clap back. During this time, Blue World managed to bag Turkish actor Engin Altan as their brand ambassador. However, the RDA very quickly moved to declare Blue World illegal again, and the actor ended up cancelling on the deal because of the bad press that Blue World was getting. After this, the RDA Chairman also wrote a letter to the Chairman NAB, and an inquiry was initiated against Blue World.
A press release was also issued by the NAB to inform the public through the media according to which, the Chairman of the National Accountability Bureau, Justice Javed Iqbal, had taken notice of the complaints of the Blue World Private Housing Scheme for allegedly extorting billions of rupees from the public through massive fraud and DG NAB Rawalpindi had ordered to conduct an inquiry. The Chairman NAB had directed the DG NAB to take all legal steps for the timely return of the money looted from the public apart from investigating the illegal activities of the Blue World Private Housing Scheme.
At this point, the explanations of Chaudhry Nazir began to sound a little hysterical. He said that Ertugral star Engin Altan did not end up coming to Pakistan because India did not want it to happen. He also cried foul on different platforms, claiming that the RDA Chairman was out to get him and his family and project because of personal grievances. He has also repeatedly claimed that the NOC was only a matter of time and that his society would get it, the same answer that all dealers for the society have been told to give as well.
RDA spokesman Hafiz Irfan, while giving a clear answer to Profit about the legal status of Blue World City, said that this society is illegal. “For the last few years, we have been informing the people about their illegal status and have taken several actions against them. No matter what Blue World City says, they sold plot files to people without getting NOC which was an illegal act. Sometimes they say that the area of Blue World City does not fall within the limits of RDA, sometimes they ask us for NOC.”
“The reason for not getting NOC is non-implementation of layout plan, and there is nothing personal about it,” he adds. “Let us say if this area does not come under the jurisdiction of RDA, then whatever development authority comes under its jurisdiction, do they have their NOC? They are working totally illegally and the NAB is also investigating them.”
On the other hand Assistant Director (Monitoring) at the Anti-Corruption Establishment Rawalpindi, Zahid Zahoor, believes that the society’s management is befooling the people. The method of fraud is the same in almost all fake and illegal societies. “The first thing is that this housing society is not approved by the RDA and yet they are selling plot files to the people. The second thing is that only the files are sold to the people and then a long series of starvation begins. We had a lot of complaints against them and then we registered an FIR against the management as well,” he said.
According to the FIR which was registered against Nazir, Ijaz and different government officials, the management of BWC encroached state land measuring 1250 kanals. “Reliable sources have confirmed that a housing society namely Blue World City has encroached state land measuring 1250 kanals land in Mauza Sangral in Tehsil and District Rawalpindi. Sources also informed that the encroached state land has been made a part of society and the developer is selling this encroached state land along with the actual land he owns in the shape of plots. It is also important to mention that the housing society is not approved, and all marketing and sale of plots is illegal. District administration is protecting the encroachers rather than reclaiming it from the illegal possession of Blue World City,” the FIR states.
Now here is where it gets interesting. While the RDA is not giving Blue World an NOC, the district council did recommend that it be given. In the FIR, the very same officials of the district administration that played a role in that recommendation have been named. One of them is Patwari Halq Anjum Rabbani, who has been working in league with said housing society, facilitating the said society in fulfilling their nefarious plans of encroaching state land worth millions of rupees.
“The district administration supported the Blue World Housing Society by inaction despite public voices against this criminal act and senior level of administration supported the Patwari Anjum Rabbani, by assigning him the additional charge of adjoining Patwar circles which were lucrative in terms of potential areas for a housing sector. This land was free from all encroachments till July, 2018, after which Patwari Halqa entered fake and bogus mutations enabling the society to encroach state land in excess of its shares. No efforts were made by district administration to stop these encroachments which shows involvement of officials as well,” the FIR reveals.
Director MP&TE, Tahir Mayo, Deputy Director MP&TE, Samiullah Niazi, Assistant Director Planning RDA, Shehzad Mehmood Scheme Inspector, Patwari Anjum Rabbani, Saad Nazir and Chaudhry Nadeem Ijaz have been nominated in the FIR. Representatives of a firm named Sky Marketing, which also markets Blue World City and booked plots there, are unconcerned that the society is illegal.
Omar, a Sky Marketing representative, claimed that Blue World City had a land area of about 100,000 kanals. While this claim is completely bogus, coming from the marketing agency, it gives us an idea of how many bookings have been made so far. This would indicate that nearly a hundred times more than the amount of land they claim to have (1534 kanals), and even that is under dispute. “If it is illegal then what happened? The process of getting NOC from RDA is in process and NOC will be available soon. A large number of people are booking here and with the speed at which development work is going on there, construction of houses will start in the next few months,” he claimed.
When Omar was asked if anyone wanted to get possession of the plot by paying the full amount directly instead of buying the plot file, he replied that society has some plots available which are also numbered and can be taken directly.“The price of posessionable plots is a bit higher. There is going to be a draw soon for those who are booking, in which they will also know the number of their plots,” Omer added.
When Chaudhry Nadeem Ijaz, who is a self professed expert in land acquisition and owner of Blue World City, was contacted by Profit about whether Blue World City was really cheating people and whether there was as much land as was being claimed, Ijaz flatly refused to answer these questions.
Why do people keep falling for the same thing?
We have been through this before. In fact, very recently we went over the case of La Ville De Paris, a housing society in Gujranwala aggressively marketing themselves as the next big thing in Pakistan’s real estate market. They too used pictures of the Prime Minister and the tag of the Nayya Pakistan Housing Scheme. They too have yet to get the go ahead from the GDA and have still not bought as much land as they have already sold off. They too have tied up the money of a lot of hardworking people for who knows how long.
Somehow, real estate is the most dangerous investment opportunity in Pakistan tantamount to walking through a field of landmines. Yet people keep coming back for more. There are many explanations for this. One is that there either are no other opportunities for investment in Pakistan (blatantly false) or that there is very little awareness about them. The other is that there is something about the concept of owning land that speaks to the Pakistani middle and upper class. Something deeply ingrained from a culture that reveres land ownership.
Whatever the case, we are unfortunately stuck with it, and real estate developers exploit this to no end. In their marketing campaigns they always appeal to this most basic instinct – that one can have a peaceful life in a home that one owns. That is how Blue World played it in 2017. As one consultant for a real estate marketing firm in Islamabad, who did not want to be named, informed Profit the project was introduced in 2017 with a very small area. The management then generated a huge fund by selling its files and later they started spending that fund on land purchase, but mostly on more marketing.
“As real estate is considered a lucrative business around the world, including in Pakistan, there are also frequent complaints in it that many people complain about losing their capital. Pakistan has the highest investment in real estate compared to other sectors. This is the sector that is of the greatest interest to the public. Ask any poor, rich, or middle class person in Pakistan where to invest, then everyone from all walks of life will immediately answer that they should invest in real estate. A common observation is that no matter what the circumstances, no matter how dissatisfied the people are with the system, the buying and selling of property has been on the rise in every era and land prices have risen in every era,” explain this consultant.
Chakri’s real estate gang wars
- Published in Featured, Real Estate, Top Non Business
Why Software Engineers Should Invest in Real Estate?
You cut your teeth as an engineer, developing everything from simple applications to complex distributed systems used by millions of users. Maybe you work for one of the FANG companies (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google), and make six figures. You’ve been thinking about investing in real estate for some time, but you’ve held off because you believe there’s a high barrier to entry. Software is your world. You don’t have extensive knowledge of real estate.
What’s more, you work 60+ hours a week, and because of the amount of work, you don’t have time to study all the various ways of achieving financial freedom. So, you end up investing in stocks or crypto – and here lies a waste of capital allocation for software engineers.
Let’s face it: You didn’t land where you are today because you’re incapable of learning something new and complex. In fact, your expertise, attention to detail, and higher-than-average income make you the perfect candidate for real estate investing.
I decided to write this article to help techies like myself achieve financial freedom through real estate investing. And not only techies. This article is definitely one to read if you’re an engineer, product manager, designer, investment banker, sales manager, or another high-income earner.
Are you playing baseball in golden handcuffs?
What do baseball and golden handcuffs have to do with software engineers getting into real estate? You may not realize it, but most high-income earners like you are in a very sticky situation.
Employees stay with the same company for a variety of reasons. Exciting work. Thrilling challenges. Industry prestige. But of course, the main reasons they stay are the benefits: excellent base salary, stock, health insurance, and matching retirement plans.
All these exceptional benefits are “golden handcuffs.” They’re the juicy perks that encourage high-income employees to stay right where they are instead of seeking new opportunities.
Here’s where software engineers, golden handcuffs, and baseball players collide…
In large tech companies, software engineers can count on multiplying their total compensation by 1.3 every time they’re promoted to the next level. Let’s say you work for one of the FANG companies where compensation is pretty high:
- A junior engineer (SDE 1, E3, fresh grad) makes a $125K base salary + $100K in stock for total compensation of $225K per year.
- A mid-level engineer with 3-4 years experience (SDE II, E4), makes about $165K+ base salary + 130K or more in stock.
- A senior-level engineer (SDE, E5, 5+ years of experience) can easily reach $420K, $200K from base salary.
- Then there are E6s, who constitute approximately 10% of the engineers at FANG companies. E6s earn up to $550K in total compensation. About 5% of E6 Facebook engineers make $700K-$1MM+.
Their salary increases sublinearly by about 10% from one level to the next. Stocks rise superlinearly about 50% from level to level. Now, the stocks that these engineers hold have also increased in value by about 8-10% annually over the last few years. As a result, they contribute to the $700K-$1MM high earners for folks in their late 20s and early 30s.
Don’t get me wrong, being an E6 at Facebook or Amazon is tough. It takes a lot of skill to reach this level. Most E6s have natural technical talent and graduated at the top of their class. These are true “high performers.”
But if you’re an E6 who’s coding, mentoring, providing technical vision and strategy, and leading your entire team’s technical charter – you end up working 60+ hours per week. Can you continue to meet such high demands for the next 5, 10, 15 years?
The younger techs can.
Paul Peebles from Old Capital calls this phenomenon the “baseball player effect.” Fresh tech grads earn almost the same amount of money as lower league baseball players. Plus, their careers peak in the mid-30s. After that, they compete with the “fresh blood” who eagerly churn out 60+ hour weeks without issue.
It’s the same for software engineers. Once you’re in the mid-30s, you hit the peak in your career. Then, your career and compensation stop growing at the same rate as before, eventually coming to a standstill.
You have an exact window of time to distribute your resources wisely so you can afford early retirement and comfortable life without depending on an employer.
When it comes to investing, time is of the essence.
If you work and live in California, like most techies, you pay the government up to 50% of your income. As a result, even if you make $800K a year, you’re left with only $400K.
Most California-based techies live in shiny houses, costing $2MM on average. With a 20% down payment, you then pay $10K for the monthly mortgage. You’re now left with $23K per month for all other expenses.
Now add the family, kids, expensive cars, and vacation to the equation. All of this can cost up to $10K per month, leaving you with only about $150K per year to invest. Talk about lackluster!
And what if you only earn $500K annually? If your career and income peak in your mid-30s, you’ll need to allocate your funds wisely (while you still can) in the growth stage.
But here we are again: Working 60+ hours per week with no time to explore investment options. Let’s talk about how to change that.
Real Estate vs. Stocks
We can’t go into a head-to-head comparison of real estate vs. stocks because it’s like comparing apples to oranges. The factors that affect stocks or real estate values and returns are very distinct.
But, here are some thoughts I’d like to share with you on this topic:
It’s safe to say that most techies invest in the stock market because they think it doesn’t require that much research or money. When you buy stocks, you own a piece of that company. Consequently, you make money with value appreciation and dividends.
Then there’s real estate investing…
There’s a massive misconception that real estate investing requires a substantial initial investment and tons of time researching the market.
However, the ways you make ROI on stocks vs. real estate are entirely different. That’s why portfolio diversification is paramount.
With real estate, you acquire physical property. One of the most popular and sustainable ways to make money from real estate is by collecting rent. Another way is through appreciation – capitalizing on increased property value. Lastly, you can pay down your loan principal.
The advantage of real estate is that it is a tangible, diversifiable asset that you can control. In addition, real estate investing offers you some substantial tax benefits. Despite not having similar liquidity as the stock market, it provides long-term cash flow and passive income to help you retire early.
Real estate returns vs. stocks
Most syndications offer 6-8% cash on cash return and 10-12% total annualized return. It’s certainly better than the stock market, period. Yes, you could argue that real estate can take a hit during economic recessions. But this applies to the stock market too.
Here is a comparison of the total returns of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) and the Vanguard Real Estate ETF Total Return (VNQ) for the last 17 years:
Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2020
Should you syndicate your own deal?
Real estate syndication consists of two parties. One group is the syndicators, who do all the work for you, such as finding and evaluating deals, getting the property under contract, hiring and overseeing the property management company, executing the business plan, and finally disposing of the property. The other group is the passive investors – they don’t do any work but invest $50K, $100K, or $150K. They do this so they can buy a large piece of real estate that they cannot buy otherwise individually. Syndicators make extra due to their sweat equity.
There are 2 types of people out there. Knowing which one you are will help you decide if being a real estate syndicator is right for you:
- First, there are high-income earners who believe they don’t have the time or interest to invest in real estate syndication. While that may be true, it’s problematic because not investing in real estate is a waste of capital allocation.
- Second, there are low-income earners who believe syndication is the way out of their situation. This is problematic because the quality of syndication is not that high.
I am a real estate syndicator myself and have invested in more than 1,500 units. I’m also a lead syndicator on two deals totaling 580 units. Let’s explore the pros and cons of becoming a real estate syndicator.
Pros and cons of being a real estate syndicator
Have you been visualizing yourself traveling the world while the income keeps rolling in from your investments? That might be your goal, but here are other benefits of real estate syndication:
- Steady wealth building. Although it often starts at a slow pace ($50K per year), once you buy your 400 and 500-unit properties, you may be able to replace your current income in as little as 3-4 years. However, these initial years do require a fair amount of work.
- Invaluable skills. The experience and skills gained by syndicating your deals are hard to acquire elsewhere. You learn asset management, how to stay in the game, and how to build a strong network of multifamily vendors, such as brokers and lenders. Even if you decide to buy multifamily independently without doing syndication, these skills are invaluable. However, make sure you enjoy the day-to-day of being a real estate syndicator.
- Great retirement is more than possible. When you commit to syndication and managing your assets, early retirement for your high-income lifestyle is within reach and sustainable.
Before you make a decision, here is a list of reasons why syndicating while having a high-income job is not necessarily worth it:
- Initial ROI vs. time spent. A sponsorship team makes around $1K per unit a year. The cash on cash ratio vs. property appreciation ratio is approximately 2:1. For example, if you purchase a 150-unit multifamily property, the sponsorship team earns around $150K per year. So, if you have 3 people on the team, you each end up with $50K per year, including appreciation. Without appreciation (only cash flow and asset management fees), it’s $33K per person annually. Those looking to replace their after-tax income from a W2 job will need 1,000 units to make $1M/3 = $333K a year in a 3-person sponsorship team.
- Risk and responsibility. Imagine being responsible for that much equity under management while only making $333K per year. Is it truly worth it? Take a moment to consider this before making a decision!
The bottom line: Real estate syndication is not rocket science. It’s mostly hard work, a little bit of research, and 5th-grade spreadsheet skills.
How to passively invest in real estate
If you’re a high-income earner and don’t have enough time to do research, passively investing with real estate syndication is your way to go.
It surprises me that while syndication provides an excellent resource for passive income, I’ve hardly met any FANG engineers in real estate syndication mentoring groups. It’s unfortunate because real estate syndication offers high-income techies an opportunity to diversify their portfolios and enjoy early retirement.
You don’t have to “work your way up” or spend a lot of time becoming a syndicator or general partner yourself. Passively invest in syndications!
Here’s an example of what that looks like:
I work in the tech world (engineering manager at Lyft). A few of my friends invest in my real estate deals. I take care of their tax filings, so I may have to call them from time to time.
While I’m doing all the paperwork, they’re out in Hawaii just surfing and enjoying life. Sometimes I get jealous. Why am I doing all this for them while they’re not working for any of the money that’s coming in?
That’s the power of passive investment in real estate. The return on your time equals infinity – especially if you have someone like myself doing the work for you.
A roadmap for software engineers looking to diversify into real estate
Diversifying your portfolio into real estate doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s what to do:
- Dive to blogs and podcasts to learn about real estate syndication. I’ve put together a list of real estate investing podcasts and a list of real estate syndication blogs.
- Buy your first rental property. Use it as a learning curve before investing in syndication. Once you experience being a landlord you’ll value all the effort that goes into keeping a rental property operating smoothly.
- Buy a house-hacking home. It will help you save a lot of money on mortgage payments and invest it into real estate. If your spouse doesn’t want to share the house, go for something that doesn’t cost $2MM.
- Passively invest in syndication, but check the syndicator’s background and track record. With Cash Flow Portal, we take care of this for you. On our platform, you can easily talk to them, check their references – even connect to meet for coffee! Make sure they are responsive, confident, and experienced. Check online reviews of the syndicator.
- Network with syndicators. Cash Flow Portal offers a simple way to connect with syndicators, vet them, and passively invest in their deals.
Author Bio
Perry Zheng is the founder and CEO of Cash Flow Portal, a real estate syndication software. He lives in Seattle, where he owns six single-family properties. Perry started real estate syndication three years ago. Today, he has more than 1500 units, raised over $16M, and is a lead syndicator on two deals totaling 580 units.
His goal is to help other syndicators succeed and overcome common challenges like raising capital and finding deals even while having full-time jobs. Perry is also a full-time engineering manager at Lyft. He worked at Twitter and Amazon before that.
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Why Software Engineers Should Invest in Real Estate?
9 Things To Check Before Buying Investment Property
The real estate industry has seen impressive development over the past few years, thanks to the growing number of prospective homeowners. Today, you can find all sorts of investment properties to purchase, whether it’s vacant land, a commercial structure, or a residential building.
One thing about many of these for-sale properties, however, is that they may seem impressive from the outside, but the interior is wanting. For instance, there are those that might require repairs or termite treatment before you can move in, which could easily hurt your budget.
That’s not to say every stunning building has a set of hidden issues, but it’s better to be sure before investing your hard-earned money. So, what are some of the things to check keenly in an investment property before accepting your next deal? Read on to learn more.
- Pest inspection
Pests can be quite destructive to structures, especially those with several wooden designs. Unfortunately, not every homeowner takes the idea of pest control seriously, which is why you should prioritize it in your home inspection process.
Of course, it’s almost impossible to determine such issues with your naked eye. As such, it’d be prudent to hire a professional expert to carry out the inspection in all the rooms. After the process, they’ll give you a full report and whether there are any signs of a future pest infestation.
You might be wondering how such an inspection will be beneficial to you. Well, for one, it’ll save you any future regrets. It can be quite frustrating to move into a house only to realize later that it’s infested with termites and other creepy crawlies.
Another advantage is the fact that it helps in uncovering any other hidden issues. For instance, pests might have messed up with the building’s structural design, which can easily go unnoticed.
With all these in mind, you’ll have the upper hand during negotiations. Of course, the help of a real estate agent might come in handy, especially when trying to estimate the final value of the property.
- Well water
Most residential properties have a private well which is the main source of water within the home. If your target property has this, it’d be wise to have it inspected thoroughly before going ahead with the purchase.
It’s a no-brainer that contaminated water can pose a risk to the health of its users. Well, water can be easily polluted depending on its location and the design of its seal. In fact, the latter should be your first warning sign as you commence the inspection process.
Again, it’s important that you hire an expert to test the well water and ascertain the condition of the well itself. Oh, and don’t forget to check the flow rate and pressure.
Drilling a new well can be very expensive. Therefore, you need to be sure that the available one is still useable; otherwise, it could come back to haunt you.
- Plumbing
Is the plumbing system still in good shape? This is another critical question that will need answers before you can invest your money in any given property. It doesn’t matter if it’s a commercial or residential property; poor plumbing can always lead to a lot of frustrations.
So, where should you start with the plumbing inspection? The aesthetics can be very appealing to the eye, but that doesn’t guarantee a fully functional plumbing system. Therefore, most of your checks here should focus on the operation rather than the appearance—although that’s another aspect.
One way of inspecting this section of the building is by checking the pressure of the water. Hook up a pressure gauge to the hose faucet in one of the rooms and turn it on when the rest of the sections aren’t in use. The recommended pressure is always anywhere between 30 and 80psi. If yours doesn’t meet this threshold, then there must be an issue with the plumbing system.
You can also get a miniature camera and drop it into the sewer line. Inspect for blockages and any noticeable damages along these sections. Remember, failure to carry out such inspections could leave you with repairs amounting to more than USD$5000, depending on the size of the building.
- Beware of any room fresheners
The easiest way to know whether there are some issues within the property is when there is an unpleasant smell. Of course, the sellers already know this and might decide to mask the smell with a room freshener rather than dealing with its root cause. As a buyer, if you’re not careful, the beautiful smell from these fresheners could fool you.
Take, for example, a house that was previously owned by a smoker. Of course, the tobacco odor rarely goes away immediately. If fresheners are used, it might be difficult for you to realize, but once you’ve moved in, it won’t take you long to notice the smell of tobacco. Apart from creating an uncomfortable environment, it could also lead to some health complications.
- Floor condition
Uneven floors may not seem much of an issue at first, but they can be quite frustrating for you as a new homeowner. For instance, if the living room has an uneven floor, it’ll be quite difficult to organize your furniture. For one, you might need to use some supporters to stabilize your tables, seats, TV stand, and other furniture.
So, how can you avoid such an experience? Well, it’s all about how you inspect the house. It’s always recommended that you bring a marble during the inspection and place it around various areas of the floor in every room you visit. This will show you any defects in the floor design.
Keep in mind that this isn’t proof of poor construction, especially if the house is quite old. Some houses can settle aggressively, and this will create a hump in the middle. Without inspection, some owners may not be aware, while others might want to play it down.
However, the fact of the matter is that this could be quite costly. The solution to deflections in floors may demand that you rip out the entire existing floor. In other words, you’ll need to reconstruct the floor from scratch; otherwise, you might have some unpleasant patches all over. Therefore, realizing this before taking the deal can save you a lot of money in the long run.
- Condition of the walls
Another very important factor you should open your eyes to is the condition of the walls. This is something that you can’t run away from because it determines the aesthetics of your home. For instance, no matter how organized your living room is, poorly designed walls will always drag your efforts back.
Some defects like worn-out paints and other naked damages are quite easy to trace. Remember, there is no ‘negligible’ damage when it comes to home inspection. For instance, there could be some stains left behind due to the tobacco residue in case you’re buying from a smoker. The yellowish-brown stains can be quite costly to get rid of as they’ll require a lot of scrubbing and two or more coats of paint. Therefore, be sure to record everything that you think requires attention before you can commence the negotiations.
There are, however, some issues that aren’t easy to notice. For instance, some people conceal water damage by painting over them. In the process, moisture is trapped beneath these paints, which can easily lead to the growth of mold. Black molds, generally, pose a threat to your health when you breathe in that odor.
So, how will you determine such issues? The biggest culprits when it comes to water damage are areas under the drawers, sinks, or beneath the tubs and toilets. In fact, if you come across warped sheetrock, that’s an indication that there might be some leaks, which could also mean that there is some water damage around the area.
Of course, the sellers are always required to disclose this information to their prospective buyers. If you happen to realize these issues during your inspection but aren’t mentioned in the package, then that could say a lot about the seller. In such a scenario, you have all the reasons to back out because you don’t know what else they’re hiding from you. In fact, depending on your state laws, the sellers might be forced to reimburse you for any costs incurred during the inspection.
- Are the walls soundproof?
Now that you’re impressed with the condition of the walls, it’s time to find out if they’re soundproof. This is quite important because of many things. For one, you will definitely need your privacy at some point, and when you have friends over or children around, it can be difficult if the walls aren’t soundproof.
Also, if you’re working from home, then we can’t stress how much this aspect is important. You wouldn’t want to be distracted by the noise from the living room while you’re busy with work in your home office. Of course, it can be difficult to tell with empty rooms, but you can still test it by playing music in other rooms while the door to your office is shut.
- Roofing
This is the first thing that you see the moment you enter that gate. This is a vital part of any home, and its condition should be confirmed before you can sign the deal. There are several things that you’ll need to check.
Here is part of the checklist;
- Broken or missing shingles
- Worn-out rubber boots supporting the vent pipes
- Damaged or missing chimney cap
- Cracked caulk
These are some of the factors to consider during the inspection. In addition to these, you might also want to check the design and see if it resonates with your needs. Some might be too old for a modern house, which means you’ll be forced to make a few changes—and that’ll be costly. It goes without saying that you’ll need to hire a professional roofing inspector for you to get the best results.
If there are some repairable defects, you can give the current homeowner some time to do the necessary. However, if it needs a lot of redesigning, then be sure to communicate the same and see if you can come to an agreement. Of course, if you don’t find common ground, then it’d be wise to move on to the next candidate.
- Ownership history
Knowing the condition of the house is one thing, but understanding its ownership history is another. So, why is this aspect vital? Inasmuch as it might not necessarily mean something, a house with high turnover should signal a red flag. Of course, people move out for various reasons, but when you have three people moving out within a space of 10 years, then that says a lot about the home itself and the neighborhood.
It’s worth noting that even in areas with the lowest average homeownership length, it’s estimated that most people hold on to their homes for at least eight years. Therefore, if several people are moving out within that period, then that means the house could have some hidden issues.
Unless you can find out these issues from a trustworthy source, it’d be wise to reconsider your options. There are high chance that you might be frustrated and end up listing the house within the first few years. The disadvantage, however, is that this will worsen the ownership history, and you might struggle to find the next buyer.
Many people end up regretting their purchase simply because they didn’t pay enough attention during the property inspection process. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a commercial property or your home. Inspecting it before finalizing the transaction is quite important. Checking the roofing, floors, walls, and plumbing system can save you a lot of money in the long run.
It’s worth noting that some repairs like uneven floors might require a total redesigning, which could be very expensive. Therefore, be sure to consult an expert before moving to the next step to avoid any unnecessary frustrations.
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
9 Things To Check Before Buying Investment Property
- Published in International, Real Estate, real estate investment, Real Estate Investments
Abdullah City Islamabad: Details, Location, Features
Abdullah City is a modern housing society by Aziz builders. This project intends to provide quality build standards and ultimate lifestyle at the best prices. Abdullah City resides on Chakri Road Islamabad, near the Chakri Interchange.
Abdullah city offers affordable residential and commercial property as well as premier farmhouses featuring the latest facilities. The efficient development plan, high-end amenities, and reasonable prices are attracting more and more attention from investors.
Abdullah City features state-of-the-art modern development. Undoubtedly, a well-maintained lifestyle is equally beneficial for families and investors alike. Society fulfills the demands of high standard residence in the twin cities. The dependable town planning and development skills of Aziz Builders will make it a desirable housing project.
Abdullah City Location
The locality is a vital aspect of any housing project; Abdullah City offers the best location in Rawalpindi. It resides on the famous Ghous-e-Azam road with easy access from multiple places like:
- Ring Road
- Thalian Interchange
- Chakri
- CPEC route
Abdullah city possesses an ideal location with plenty of landscape and surrounding nature. It holds many prime spots of the twin cities in proximity. However, Chakri Interchange is the most convenient route to reach Abdullah City.
Following is the location map of Abdullah City for better understanding:

Total Land Area
Abdullah City is a vast housing project that spans over 35,000 Kanal. Society has already acquired the majority of the land and development continues. The swift development pace indicates that society will get NOC from RDA soon.
Landmarks Surrounding Abdullah City
Abdullah City Islamabad is located near many essential landmarks, and you can reach them in minutes.
- Islamabad International Airport is present in its vicinity.
- Furthermore, you will find the NDU campus of Fatima Jinnah University close to society.
- More landmarks include Motorway, Kalma Chowk, and Thalian Interchange.
Ideal proximity makes this project a perfect place to live and an excellent choice for future investments.
Abdullah City Islamabad Accessibility
Abdullah City provides easy accessibility from and to multiple famous sites of Rawalpindi/Islamabad:
- Lahore-Islamabad M-2 Motorway is just 15-20 minutes away from Abdullah City.
- Kalma Chowk is 25 minutes drive from society.
- It hardly takes 5 minutes to reach Chakri Interchange from Motorway.
- Islamabad International Airport is reachable in35-40 minutes.
- Bahria Town is located 1 hr away from Abdullah City.
- Main Islamabad and Rawalpindi City are approximately 40 minutes’ drive from the location.
Aziz builders are developing this incredible real estate project. They have extensive past projects and positive feedback. Generally, Aziz builders provide land development services, town planning, and colony organization services for the past decade. They believe in commitment, on-time project delivery, and quality development.
Aziz Builders and Abdullah Marketing have joined hands in developing this iconic project named Abdullah City. The values of Aziz Builders depict the bright future of Abdullah City Islamabad.
Abdullah City Development Status
Abdullah City Islamabad is currently under development, but construction continues at a swift pace throughout society. The infrastructure development has entered the final stage. Moreover, the main gas pipeline installation is underway.
Have a look at the following pictures to get an idea about the development status of Abdullah City Islamabad:
Legal Status
Abdullah City is a well-planned and organized housing society. However, its NOC is still under processing by the Rawalpindi Development Authority. According to RDA, the society faces some allegations from Tehsil Municipal Authority (TMA).
Customers should confirm the legal status of this society before investing anything. Management of Abdullah City is making efforts to get the NOC and it will be granted soon.
Abdullah City is an all-inclusive project with upscale amenities and features offered to the residents. This society aims to raise the standards of living by providing futuristic features and modern infrastructure.
To put it simply, customers will have all the desired facilities that make it ideal for living and investing. The planning, designing, and developments are according to international standards. Moreover, high-end facilitation and dependable security make it an excellent choice for families!
Here are the amenities of Abdullah City:
Educational Institutes
Society plans to set up primary and secondary education institutes with highly skilled educationalists for quality education. Libraries, playgrounds, computer labs, and laboratories are a part of all Schools and colleges. Many leading universities are located within the vicinity of Abdullah City. High-quality education and extracurricular activities will ensure the bright future of children, and ultimately, Pakistan.
Proper healthcare services are necessary for a peaceful life. Abdullah City provides healthcare centers with up-to-date medical equipment and highly trained doctors. Residents will feel well cared for and find hospitals within the society. Abdullah City will host a premium healthcare facility.
Commercial Areas
Commercial areas developed at different spots in Abdullah City will fulfill the everyday necessities of residents. Shopping centers, malls, food markets, and more facilities will be available in all commercial zones. In short, residents will find everything from designers clothes to grocery and home décor within the society.
Residents can improve their relations with the Almighty at mosques and across society. Moreover, religious centers ensure easy religious practice, spirituality, and closure to God.
Garbage Management
Modern civil infrastructure and services ensure proper collection and disposal of garbage to maintain beauty. Furthermore, trained maintenance staff and the latest equipment ensure clean roads, streets, and boulevards. Placement of Garbage bins outside streets, and garbage disposal before piling up or becoming visible.
Dependable Security
A comprehensive security system will guarantee the safety of the residents and an overall peaceful atmosphere. Society provides security through 24/7 CCTV surveillance and highly trained security personnel on patrolling within society premises. In addition to this, Abdullah City features well-invigilated entry and exit gates.
Maintenance Services
Abdullah City Islamabad features an individual maintenance facility available 24/7 to resolve petty matters for the residents. Maintenance teams always show up on time and know solutions to the problems. Abdullah City Maintenance Service Wing is dependable and charges only for material replacements.
Abdullah City management understands the value of leisure in life and offers plenty of facilities to fulfill it.
Following leisure facilities are available at Abdullah City:
Parks and Zoo
Multiple parks and a zoo is an entertainment and picnic point for residents. Animal exhibits at different spots featuring different animals like dogs to reindeers and cougars to lions.
Dining is an essential part of the Pakistani lifestyle. Restaurants featuring different cuisines will be available for dining out, be it a family meal, buddies hang out, or solo food love. These food spots will cater to all needs.
The Spa
An exclusive day resort; specifically built to relieve the stress and anxiety of everyday life. Residents can get a day off, relax and get premium spa services from professional staff. Everything needed for stress relief is a part of this day spa.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
Dedicated Grid Station
Power outage is a big issue in Pakistan and causes nuisance for people. To ensure an undisrupted power supply, a dedicated grid station will be part of Abdullah City. Society aims to become a load-shedding free zone in the twin cities.
Carpeted Road Network
Road networks are the backbone of a residential project. Even the smallest of problems with roads can cause inconvenience for hundreds of people. Abdullah City Islamabad ensures smooth traffic flow through a sought out road structure. Modern road infrastructure provides easy accessibility to all parts of society.
Footpaths are an integral part of road networks in an area. Abdullah city features footpaths along all the roads in the society to make the strolls easier and much more enjoyable. Residents can conveniently walk for pleasure or getting necessities from the vicinity markets.
Environment Sustainability at Abdullah City Islamabad
The environment is an essential factor for a healthy life. Abdullah City commits to providing a better environment for residents. Plentiful open areas, parks, and tree lines on the roads will ensure a green surrounding.
Abdullah City Islamabad Master Plan
Abdullah City is a well-planned society getting famous with time. It is likely to become a desirable housing scheme for Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The marvelous design interests the top-notch investors and buyers who want to live here. Abdullah city offers a variety of plots in different sectors like residential, commercial, and Farmhouses.
Abdullah City Islamabad Residential Plots
Residential sectors of the society guarantee a high-class residential experience. It follows a similar approach to other leading projects. Commercial centers and other facilities are available in each residential sector for a worry-free life.
The Residential Plots are as follows:
- 5 Marla Plots
- 5 Marla Plots
- 10 Marla Plots
- 20 Marla Plots
Abdullah City Islamabad Residential Homes
This great initiative by Aziz Builders provides pre-constructed homes to the owners. The homes feature quality build and the latest designs, saving you from the hassle of laying the foundation and self-construction. Residents enjoy modern facilities living in these homes.
following are the variations of residential homes:
- 5 Marla Homes
- 10 Marla Homes
- 20 Marla Homes
Commercial Plots at Abdullah City Islamabad
Various commercial plots are also available to meet the needs of businesses and potential investors. Commercial plots are located at different locations within Abdullah City.
Brands and renowned businesses will show keen interest due to the demand of residents. The development of a central commercial hub to cope with all the necessities of life.
Commercial Plots are available in the following categories:
- 3 Marla Commercial
- 8 Marla Commercial
- 20 Marla Commercial
Abdullah city also offers Farm Houses for residents who want to experience an extraordinary life. Farmhouses occupy the lush green beautiful area of the society with the natural landscape. Customers can enjoy premium amenities and a world-class living environment residing at these farmhouses.
The society offers the following categories in the farmhouse:
- 3 Kanal Farmhouses
- 5 Kanal Farmhouses
- 8 Kanal Farmhouses
- 16 Kanal Farmhouses
You can download the detailed master plan below:
Abdullah City Islamabad Prices
The prices of Abdullah City are affordable to other housing societies, but they will increase in the future. Eventually, Prices will skyrocket as more and more people buy plots here. Abdullah city introduced easy installment plans to facilitate customers. Book the plots by paying booking fees and confirmation Charges.
Here is the payment plan for you to have a look at:

Abdullah City Islamabad Brochure
Down below is the official brochure of Abdullah City, download it to view the detail:
Booking Details
Pay the down payment allocated by the management and book your plots in Abdullah City Islamabad. Moreover, customers need to pay membership charges and confirmation fees to confirm their ownership of the plots.
Looking for a plot in Abdullah City? Contact us today to get your favorite spot effortlessly. Reach out to us via phone and email, submit an inquiry through our website or visit our office! Our agents are ready to assist you!
Discount Offer: Abdullah City offers a flat 10% discount on lump-sum payment for plots.
- 10% extra charges apply to Corner and Park Facing plots or homes.
- 15% more charges in case of a Road Facing plot or house.
- For Farmhouses, 10% more amount, on Corner, Park Face, and 15% on Main Boulevard.
As many societies emerge on the map every day, they charge high prices for luxury and modern amenities. However, Abdullah City is an emerging society providing all benefits like other famous societies at affordable rates. Abdullah City offers plots with all the amenities required for a luxurious life at affordable prices. As Abdullah City gets famous, more people will show interest, making it an ideal option for future investments.
Manahil Estate is a real estate agency dealing with the sale and purchase of the property. We can help you get a great deal at Abdullah City. Contact us now to get more information and helpful advice!
Abdullah City Islamabad: Details, Location, Features
- Published in Abdullah City Islamabad Legal Status, Abdullah City Islamabad Location, Abdullah City Islamabad Map, Abdullah City Plot Prices, Facilities of Abdullah City, Housing Schemes, Rawalpindi Housing Schemes, Real Estate, real estate business, real estate investing, real estate marketing, Real Estate News
5 Tips To Wholesaling Real Estate With Technology
If you’ve been around the real estate industry long enough, you might be familiar with the phrase ‘real estate wholesaling.’ It’s one of the best investment options for someone who’s low in cash but still wants to try their luck in this field. However, just like any other business, beginners tend to struggle due to competition and lack of a reliable buyer network.
However, that doesn’t mean you should give up on your dream. There is, of course, a wide range of solutions you could try, and you can always find one that works best in your situation. One of those options is virtual wholesaling.
Technology has become the magic bullet for just about any business-related problem. It most certainly has played a significant role in the growth of the virtual real estate wholesaling market. As a virtual wholesaler, you can do your advertisements on social media and various real estate websites.
So, how can you leverage the benefits of technology and improve your real estate wholesaling project? This article compiles a list of must-read tips for anyone looking to venture into this business.
What is real estate wholesaling?
Before going any further, it’s important that you understand the meaning of real estate wholesaling. Inasmuch as it’s a common phrase, many beginners still don’t get what it really means. It’s simply a short-term strategy employed by investors to generate significant profits within a short period.
You might confuse it with retail wholesaling, but the two aren’t related in any way. When dealing with ordinary goods, a retailer purchases items from a wholesaler in large quantities and then sells them to consumers at a higher price. That’s basically how retailers make profits from their businesses.
However, real estate wholesaling is totally different because, for one, it doesn’t involve bulk goods. Instead, the wholesaler, in this case, signs an agreement with a homeowner looking to sell their home. The wholesaler then looks for potential buyers and assigns the contract to the best candidate available.
It’s worth noting that the goal in real estate wholesaling is to find the right buyer before the contract signed with the original owner expires. In other words, money is only exchanged between the parties involved once a suitable prospective homeowner is found. (1)
In the past, it was necessary for the relevant parties to meet face-to-face before any deal could be made. However, with the advent of technology, most of the tasks can be done using phone call applications. Call Cowboy, for instance, is a modern dialing platform that’ll allow you, the wholesaler, to interact effectively and even hold remote voice meetings with potential buyers.
Tips for virtual real estate wholesaling
Now that you understand what it all means to virtually wholesale houses, how can you use technology to meet your needs? Well, for one, the process isn’t as complicated as you might believe. As mentioned earlier, though, wholesaling real estate is a short-term investment that requires you to find a buyer within the shortest time possible. Therefore, you need to have a working strategy prior to stepping into the market.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Do your research
The first step towards a successful real estate wholesaling project is conducting rigorous research. With the modern real estate market and any business for that matter, the more effort you put into your preparation, the higher your chances of success. Knowing the basics of real estate is one thing, but familiarizing yourself with the whole process of wholesaling is another. (2) So, as a prospective wholesaler, you need to understand how things work.
You can search through the internet for resources that’ll give you vital information necessary for any beginner in the industry. Google and YouTube, for one, are ideal technological platforms that’ll come in handy in this process. Also, in your research, make sure you look into all the legal requirements to avoid unnecessary frustrations in the future.
Of course, reading materials online will be of great help, but it would be wise to consult someone who has seen it all in the market. Remember, real-life experiences give you the exact feel of what to expect.
Find the right marketing techniques
Every business needs proper marketing strategies for it to rise above the competition and generate the desired profits. Real estate wholesaling is no exception in that regard. It’s worth noting that your primary goal in this business is to make profits, and that can only happen when the home is sold. So, the more people you advertise to, the higher your chances of finding a buyer who meets your needs and those of the original homeowner. (3)
So, which are the most effective marketing techniques in today’s environment? The main marketing approach in the modern world of business is social media networking. This is because almost everyone today has access to the internet and is registered to at least one social media platform.
Based on this, it’s safe to say that there’s a huge consumer base for any business on these social sites. You can, therefore, leverage this statistic to grow your outreach and build a network of potential buyers. Facebook, for instance, has an open marketplace where you can post your advertisement and wait for interested parties to contact you. Real estate and auction websites are another set of options that you might want to consider.
It’s worth noting, though, that even with the growth of internet marketing, phone calls and text messaging are still quite effective. Drop Cowboy ringless voicemail and other similar applications, for instance, can boost your outbound marketing by allowing you to deliver pre-recorded messages to the voicemail boxes of your potential buyers. The advantage here is the fact that you can send these marketing messages at any time of the day without being a nuisance to the other party.
Find motivated sellers
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned investor, the next step is to find motivated sellers. After all, you’ll need someone who’s willing to sell their house for you to get into business. But how do you go about this phase? Well, unfortunately, this is where many beginners start going wrong and end up being frustrated during their first sale.
Fortunately, nowadays, one can easily access a wide range of information in the real estate industry on their mobile device with a click of a button. You can use such features to your advantage when looking for motivated sellers. Rather than going around looking for listed properties, you can just use online tools to find houses on sale and check important seller data.
Some of the information you’ll be able to access are pre-foreclosure data, any important details about the property, and the seller’s contact information. As such, you can contact the original homeowner if you’re interested in whatever you’ve seen and start making offers.
Do your due diligence
But before you make an offer to the seller, you must make sure that whatever you’ve seen on the pictures meets your needs. As a beginner, it can be quite challenging to evaluate the market value of a given property while keeping in mind the cost of repairs and other expenses since you don’t have enough experience in the field. Therefore, once you’ve determined the location of the property, you can start by researching the average value of similar houses within the area.
Again, you can easily access these important pieces of information online. Just visit a reputable real estate website and make the comparison. There are also many repair estimate tools that you can use to do your calculations, allowing you to come up with a competitive offer to your seller.
If this seems like a difficult task, then your alternative option would be to network with other investors and agents, especially those working within your selected location. Find someone you trust in your network and consult them about the deal and you should go about it. Any professional will advise you according to the current market climate, which should give you an idea of where to start with your offers.
Once you’ve crunched the numbers up, it’s time to present your bid to the seller. Again, make sure whatever you’re offering will cater to all the repairs and still leave enough room for you to make a profit. It’s always recommended that you find a sweet spot somewhere between the highest and lowest possible valuation of the house. Remember, if you go too low, you might scare away the seller, and if you go too high with your bid, you’ll struggle to find a buyer.
Consider building a website
Finding motivated sellers and advertising their houses on social media platforms is a great way to start your real estate wholesaling business. However, once you’ve started gaining popularity, this method may no longer be sustainable. So, what’s your next step once you get to this stage? The best step you can take here is to build a business website where every operation related to your wholesaling venture will take place.
As mentioned, social media platforms are the most visited sites. However, having an engaging website can attract a portion of these online visitors. Adding videos on the website to bring properties to life can go a long way in attracting more users and potential buyers. Apart from pages where you’ll be posting new deals, you can add sections to your website for testimonials, blogs, and user engagement.
Advantages of real estate wholesaling
As mentioned earlier in the article, the real estate wholesaling business is constantly growing in popularity. But why are many people opting for this form of investment? What benefits does it bring to the investor? Here are a few insights:
Easy to learn
One advantage is that real estate wholesaling is friendly to beginners, hence anyone looking to have a taste of the real estate industry can start here. For one, it doesn’t require any license, and you don’t need a college degree to join the market. Is your account running low? Fortunately, the investment needed in wholesaling is negligible as compared to other real estate strategies. As such, you’ll be able to hit the ground running without too much hassle.
If you’re still learning the ropes in the industry, then this strategy is for you. It’s very simple to understand, even for someone who has never closed a deal before. All you need to know is how to find motivated sellers, advertise the property to potential buyers, and reassign the contract to the most suitable candidate. With proper guidance, you can end up closing multiple deals every month.
Quick returns
If you compare the amount of time it takes you to gain returns from new construction and a wholesale deal, the latter emerges as the clear winner. Depending on your level of expertise, you can close wholesale deals within a few days. In fact, those people who already know their way around the market can do so within hours.
Independent of your location
Another amazing fact about real estate wholesaling is that you can do this business from anywhere. With the growth of virtual wholesaling, you can literally sell a house based in a different country and time zone without physically visiting the place. In most cases, you only need a phone and a laptop to finalize a deal.
Real estate wholesaling is one of the most popular strategies in the industry. It involves a wholesaler whose responsibility is to find motivated sellers and buyers, quote two different prices for a given property to both and make profits from the difference. If you’re looking to join the rest of the industry, the best way to start is by doing enough research.
Once you’ve understood everything, you can start looking for sellers, assess the properties on offer, and make a bid. After agreeing with the seller, you can now start marketing the property using various technological platforms, like social media and real estate websites. Building your own website will also accelerate your growth in the market since people will know where to find you.
- “Five Things To Know About Real Estate Wholesaling”, Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesrealestatecouncil/2020/03/17/five-things-to-know-about-real-estate-wholesaling/?sh=373c9edf70a3
- “Eight Steps To Start Virtual Wholesaling Successfully”, Source: https://www.forcom/sites/forbesrealestatecouncil/2019/11/21/eight-steps-to-start-virtual-wholesaling-successfully/?sh=1fec9edf7d58
- “What is the Goal of Real Estate Wholesaling?”, Source: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/100214/what-goal-real-estate-wholesaling.asp
5 Tips To Wholesaling Real Estate With Technology
- Published in International, Real Estate, real estate investing, Real Estate Investments, wholesaling
A Vision for Real Estate: How IMARAT Group is Reshaping the Industry
Pakistan’s real estate industry is transforming conventional practices through digitisation and international investments, thanks to the IMARAT Group of Companies. IMARAT came into the real estate sector with the vision to transform the real estate sector and change the future of the industry that will last for years to come.
In this article, Feeta.pk gives an extensive overview of the path that this company is taking to revamp the real estate sector.
Envisioning a Transparent Real Estate Sector
IMARAT is built on the sole principles of Integrity, Respect, Innovation and Drive. Adhering to these principles is what makes the foundation of this group not only strong but also sparks the innovation and discipline that is crucial to reshaping the future of this industry.
With this vision, IMARAT has brought back the confidence of overseas Pakistanis to invest in Pakistan. All commercial and residential projects require clarity and security to endow trust in potential investors; only then the project can succeed.
With the digitization of records, and transparent and efficient delivery of projects, it is safe to say that IMARAT has played a significant role in encouraging overseas investors to invest in the country. Currently, IMARAT Group is operating all across Pakistan and has also expanded internationally, with offices in UK and Dubai.
OADD for Transparency in the Industry
Fraudulent schemes and societies have affected a lot of investors in Pakistan. To avoid such scams and assist people in making the right choice, IMARAT believes in the OADD systemization that clears any doubts that investors and buyers may have.
IMARAT Group believes in verifying the ownership of any land or property before adding it to its platform. This ownership saves a lot of customers from wasting their money fraudulently on property that is not transferred to them.
Besides this, the system of checking NOCs and approvals of housing schemes is a must for properties and housing that are uploaded with IMARAT Group.
Moving on to the next step, Demand is important before actually deciding on getting a property. IMARAT Group believes in guiding people to make the right choice at the right time. Checking the demand of a project is crucial, as it will directly affect the value of the property and the profit that it generates.
While IMARAT works on verifying properties to give the best to its customers, the group takes pride in promising and delivering its projects exactly as per promise. This not only embarks trust for their name in customers but has also led IMARAT Group to be a trusted group that has transformed the real estate industry.
Feeta.pk – Pakistan’s Very First and Authentic Online Real Estate Marketplace
Feeta.pk comes under the umbrella of IMARAT Group of Companies and has, since its launch, simplified consumer experience when it comes to the real estate market. Feeta.pk provides a complete and transparent marketplace that assists buyers and sellers in finding ideal properties that are not only authentic but also a good opportunity to go for. This online platform is the ideal place to put your properties up for rent, find properties for rent, buy and sell your properties.
Agency 21 International
Agency21 International caters to the growing needs of authentic property transactions in the real estate marketplace. This agency was launched keeping the need for transparent property transactions in mind.
This comes under the belt of IMARAT Group, set in the year 2016, this agency came into the industry with a vision to reshape real estate dealings. It offers broker services by keeping the best of interest of both parties involved in a deal, besides assisting in the legal proceedings for the transaction.
Agency 21 has a team of trained professionals who have a thorough knowledge of areas and property trends, ultimately guiding you with the best property options so you can make an informed choice.
This company aims to be the first premium national real estate brand in Pakistan and has already started operations in twin cities.
PropSure – Digitized Data Bank
PropSure is a digital revolution for the real estate industry to verify the authentication of properties across Pakistan. With this platform, buyers can easily check the ownership of a property they potentially want to buy. This digital verification of properties helps incorporate clarity in the real estate industry through a check and balance system.
IMARAT Group’s Practices – Construction Waste Management
Construction Waste is a massive issue that is keeping the real estate industry at par with developing and adapting new and sustainable ways. This neglected issue can be resolved only by incorporating the approach of 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse). IMARAT Group implies sustainable practices in their construction to contribute minimal waste and conserve the environment.
Sustainable Construction not only reduces pollution but also redeems the additional waste that will be saved from going into landfills. Reusing and recycling is a great way to save cost, and the only way to move forward now that sustainability is the key to the future of real estate, all around the world.
Introducing Five-Star Hospitality Services in Pakistan
Pakistan has vast potential in the tourism industry, yet has long suffered the lack of five-star, state-of-the-art hospitality services. This is due to the neglect that affected keeping up with international standards.
However, IMARAT is reshaping hospitality in Pakistan by bringing in Five-Star hospitality services under their collaboration. This will be a helping hand to accommodate foreign tourists who come here and want to relax in a hospitable environment.
Recognising Pakistan’s booming potential in Tourism, IMARAT Group joined hands with Marriot International to bring two of their luxury hospitality brands to Pakistan. These brands are Courtyard by Marriott and Residence Inn, which IMARAT will construct keeping international standards and quality in view.
IMARAT Group Brings International Giants to Invest in Pakistan Real Estate
Chairman IMARAT Group, Shafiq Akbar, after the successful setup of multiple companies in Pakistan, has brought in Turkish giants to invest in Pakistan’s real estate.
After a successful grand event in Islamabad, the President and Chairman of ADO Group and ADOPEN, Mustafa SAK, showed interest in investing in the real estate sector of Pakistan.
Given the past years where real estate fluctuated, this is a huge step in the right direction that will transform the industry.
IMARAT Group – Mega Projects in Commercial and Residencial Real Estate
IMARAT Group has successfully delivered premium projects in the commercial and residential sectors of the industry. From hotels to malls to apartments, a wide variety of projects has brought in a lot of development and efficiency for real estate in Pakistan.
IMARAT Builders Mall
IMARAT Builders Mall is a megaproject that is dedicated to fulfilling your building material, fixtures and construction, needs, all in one place. This innovative concept of bringing luxury and comfort under one roof is Pakistan’s very first, and one-of-a-kind mall.
The mall will be constructed as a five-story building that consists of various brands that offer building materials that cater to construction projects of all kinds.
The mall comprises a range of lighting and fixtures that feature luxury options to reasonable items that you can choose accordingly as per your demand.
Besides this, sanitary fittings and kitchen accessories are also a part of this mall. Everything from flooring to furniture to accessories, this project is a complete one-stop shop if you’re building a home, an office, or any other construction project.
IMARAT Builders Mall is a unique project that not only offers convenience but also a variety of options that makes it easy for you to choose the best for your construction needs.
IMARAT Residences
IMARAT’s vision for vertical landscaping in the country is not only sustainable but also affordable given the rising economic fluctuations. IMARAT Residence is a luxury apartment project that offers a contemporary lifestyle that is ideal for people who want to enjoy the finer things in life.
This apartment complex is not only limited to residential units but will also feature a budding business space. IMARAT Residences is an amalgamation of the finest living standards. It is one of the most-awaited up-and-coming projects that will redefine smart living in Pakistan.
Golf Floras
Golf floras is IMARAT Group’s luxury apartment project that is located just beside Bahria Golf Course, which is a scenic state-of-the-art golf course. These golf-facing apartments give you just the scenic view from your home that you need.
The best thing about investing in these apartments is the mesmerizing views of the green grass layout that you can see at all times.
Golf Floras is located just between the twin cities, which is one of the most convenient localities given that it offers easy access to both cities. It is located in Bahria Town Phase-8 and is easily accessible via Bahria Expressway which is at the distance of just a 5-minute drive away from the GT Road.
Amazon Outlet Mall
Amazon Outlet Mall is one of the finest additions to the commercial real estate of the twin cities. It is a luxury mall that features all high-end brands in one place, along with unique places. Amazon restaurant in the Amazon Mall is an Amazon rainforest-themed restaurant that perfectly sets the aesthetic for people who love nature.
Besides this, the mall also features a designated floor for children’s recreational activities and rides as well as a food court that comprises the best food chains from across the country.
One of the best things about the Amazon Mall is that it features a rooftop restaurant that perfectly captures the daylight scenes and night views of city life around. Not only is it a refreshing environment, but also a beautiful view with quality food that you’re sure to fall for.
G-11 Hotel
The G-11 Hotel is located in sector G-11 and is currently an investment project that is under the works. This project is at its prime time for investors who want a handsome monthly return in the coming years.
The hotel features luxury accommodations, restaurants, pools and amenities that will attract visitors and tourists from all across the country. This hotel will feature 4-star hotel services in Islamabad.
Florence Galleria
Florence Galleria is the first-ever luxury boutique mall located in the twin cities. IMARAT Group has initiated this project with a renaissance aesthetic in mind that will feature architectural mastery in its exterior. This project is designated to be built in DHA 2 and will have access from the main GT Road.
This building will not only feature shopping brands but also a four-star hotel that imparts luxury renaissance in its services. It is a classic take on commercial projects in Pakistan and will be one of the leading hotels that offer luxury accommodations.
Besides shopping and accommodation, Florence Galleria will feature a state-of-the-art well-being center that will assist in relaxation and rejuvenation that also feature specialized health clinics. These health clinics will offer health facilities ranging from dentistry, hair transplant, dermatology, nutritional consultation, etc for your fitness needs.
Florence Galleria is a CDA-approved luxury project, that is currently under construction and is a great opportunity for investors.
Mall of Arabia
Mall of Arabia is a project by IMARAT Group that will feature the aesthetic of the world’s most dynamic malls. It will ideally be located on Faisal Avenue, which is the most prominent area of Islamabad. This mall is yet to be the avant-garde that will feature innovative digital interaction and a media facade that will assist brands in revolutionizing customer experiences.
Given the need for scrutiny that is important in the real estate industry for making the right investment, IMARAT Group has played a significant role in revolutionizing the aspect of real estate transparency that is crucial for the development of this sector.
If you’re looking for more information about IMARAT Group of companies and other companies under its belt that is reshaping the real estate sector of Pakistan, follow our blog at Feeta Blogs to stay updated.
A Vision for Real Estate: How IMARAT Group is Reshaping the Industry
- Published in International, Real Estate
Elements of Style: Designing a Home & a Life
Everyone has their unique elements of style and preferences. This is why it’s important to create a cohesive and aesthetic design for your home and life. A cohesive design with aesthetics means that all of your interior and exterior design choices support and enhance one another. It helps you create a harmonious and beautiful space that you can be proud of.
When you have a cohesive design aesthetic, you’re not just looking at your home as a place to live. Therefore, it is also an expression of yourself. From choosing colors to selecting furniture, everything you need to know to create an aesthetic design for your home. So whether you’re looking to update your entire home or just want to update a specific area, read on to learn more ideas.
Defining a design aesthetic
Designing a cohesive design aesthetic for your home and life can be a daunting task. However, it is well worth the effort. A cohesive design aesthetic not only looks good. It also helps to simplify your life and make it easier to live in a space that’s pleasing to you.
When you have a cohesive design aesthetic, you’ll be able to focus on creating a space that’s functional, stylish, and calming. You’ll also be able to create a space that’s versatile and can be used for a variety of different purposes. One of the best ways to achieve a cohesive design aesthetic is to start by thinking about your needs as a person.
What kinds of things do you want in your home and life? What do you want to see more of? Once you have a good idea of what you want, it’s time to start thinking. You can learn more about the design elements that will help you achieve those goals. When homeowners have an attractive space, they will not stop getting compliments from guests.
Elements to consider for your home and life
Some of the most important design elements to consider for your home and life are color, texture, light, and material.
- Color
Color is one of the most important elements of design. You should think about the colors that will best represent you and your personality. For example, if you’re a minimalist, you might want to stick to colors that are light and airy. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to think about colors that are more vibrant and creative.
- Texture
Texture is also an important element of design. You should think about the textures that will best represent you and your personality. For example, if you’re a minimalist, you might want to stick to textures that are smooth and sleek. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to think about textures that are more bumpy and textured.
- Light
Light is also an important element of design. You should think about the light that will best represent you and your personality. You might want to use light fixtures that are sleek and modern. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to use light fixtures that are more rustic and traditional.
- Materials
Material is also an important element of design. You should think about the materials that will best represent you and your personality. Homeowners can use materials that are sleek and modern. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to use visually appealing materials.
Creating a style guide
When it comes to designing your home, it’s important to have a style guide in place. This will help you create a cohesive look for your whole life, not just your home. You can use this document to help you with everything from choosing furniture to choosing colors.
Creating a style guide is a great way to keep your design ideas consistent and organized. It’ll also help you to stay on top of trends and make sure your home looks modern and stylish.
Applying a design aesthetic to your home
Creating a cohesive design aesthetic for your home is important not just for the look and feel of your place. It is beneficial for your day-to-day life too. An aesthetic design can help you declutter, organize, and streamline your home. It will help you focus on the things that matter most.
You can start to outfit your home with pieces that match and reflect your style. This will help you to declutter and make your home look more organized. A great way to start applying a design aesthetic to your home is by creating a mood board. This is simply a collection of images that help you visualize your goals for your home. Once you have a good idea of what you want, you can start shopping for pieces to achieve your goal.
Applying a design aesthetic to your life
Creating a cohesive design aesthetic can be done in several ways. You could go all out and purchase a specific style of furniture. Why not paint the walls a certain color, and have a certain type of rug on the floor? Or you could go with a more subtle approach and simply choose coordinating colors, furniture, and accessories. Whichever route you decide to take, be sure to keep the following concepts in mind:
- Balance: always try to strike a balance between formal and informal elements.
- Coordination: choo-complementary items and coordinate them together.
- Aesthetics: choose items that are stylish, eye-catching, and functional.
- Comfort: make sure all the items in your home are comfortable and easy to move around.
- Timing: choose items that will work with the style of your home and life.
- Patterns: use patterns sparingly, but when they are used, make sure they are well-designed.
- Storage: make sure you have enough storage space to accommodate your chosen design aesthetic.
- Functionality: make sure all the items in your home are useful and serve a purpose.
When it comes to home design, it’s important to be patient and take your time. No one wants to go through the process of redecorating only to have their dream home turn into a nightmare. It’s important to have a clear vision for your home and to stick to it, no matter what.
Elements of Style: Designing a Home & a Life
Interior Design Course
When you want to renovate your home or design a new one, choosing the right interior design course is essential. There are so many different courses and programs out there, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. In this post, we are going to recommend the best interior design courses in Dubai.
These courses will teach you everything you need to know about designing a home from start to finish. From choosing the right flooring to selecting the right furniture, these courses will have you designing your dream home in no time. So whether you are looking to renovate your home or design your very own, read on for the best courses in Dubai.
Interior Design Courses in Dubai
If you are looking to learn about Interior Design, then you have come to the right place. There are many courses available in Dubai, and the best one for you will depend on your career aspirations and what you want to learn.
If you are working in the Construction or Real Estate industries, then you will want to take a course that covers Construction Methodologies and Specifications. If you are looking to start your own business, then you will want to take a course in Brand Planning and Strategy.
Not sure which course is best for you? Consult with an Interior Designer or look online for reviews and ratings to get an idea of the quality and content of the courses. Once you have decided on a course, don’t forget to check the course timetable to see if there are any special offers or discounts available.
Types of Interior Design Courses
There are many types of interior design courses to choose from if you want to become an interior designer. Whether you want to learn about traditional European and American interior design or want to get started in modern interior design, there’s a course for you.
Some of the most popular courses you can take in Dubai include:
- Interior Design Course at The American University in Dubai
- Interior Design Course at The London School of Economics and Political Science
- Interior Design Course at The University of Southern California
- Interior Design Course at The University of Queensland
- There are also many online courses that you can take, such as:
- Interior Design Course via Coursera
- Interior Design Course via Udemy
- Interior Design Bootcamp via Skillshare
The best way to find the right course for you is to do some research and find a course that suits your needs. There are many courses to choose from and it’s important to find one that will help you to develop your skills and knowledge in interior design.
Selection Criteria for Interior Design Courses
Choosing the right interior design course for you is important. There are many criteria you need to take into account before making your decision, including the level of experience, type of course, location, and course length.
Level of experience:
If you have no experience in interior design, a course that teaches the basics will be more beneficial than one that goes into more detail.
Type of course:
Some courses are designed for people who want to become professional designers, while others are designed for people who want to learn more about a certain area of interior design, such as lighting or furniture.
Choosing a course that is located in the city where you live or work is a good idea because you will be able to attend classes and meet other students.
Course length:
Some courses are short, while others are longer. You should choose a course that is the right length for you.
Recommended Courses for Interior Design Students
If you’re an interior design student in Dubai, it’s important to have the right tools and knowledge to succeed. Here are some of the best interior design courses in Dubai that will help you get started.
- The Institute of Interior Design in Dubai is a well-known institution that has been providing excellent interior design courses for students for over 30 years. The courses offered include traditional and contemporary interior design, furniture and textile design, architecture, and construction.
- The National Design Academy (NDA) is a world-renowned institution that offers a range of interior design courses, including traditional and contemporary interior design, furniture and textile design, construction, and graphic design.
- The American University in Dubai offers a range of interior design courses, including traditional and contemporary interior design, furniture and textile design, construction, and landscape architecture.
The courses offered by these institutions are highly respected and are sure to help you succeed as an interior design student in Dubai.
Interior Design Schools in Dubai
If you’re looking to get into interior design, there are a few schools you can attend in Dubai. Depending on your level of experience and what type of design you’re interested in, some schools will suit your needs.
Choosing the right school is important, as it will set the tone for your education and career. Make sure to do your research and choose the school that best suits your needs. Here are a few of the top schools in Dubai.
- The American Academy of Interior Design (AAID) was founded in 1978 and offers a three-year program in Interior Design.
- The British School of Interior Design (BSID) was founded in 1984 and offers a three-year program in Interior Design.
- The School of Architecture and Design (SAD) is a government-owned university and offers a four-year program in Interior Design.
- The American University of Sharjah (AUS) is a private university and offers a four-year program in Interior Design.
Duration of Interior Design Courses
There are many different Interior Design courses that you can take in Dubai. The duration of the courses can range from one week to one year. The most popular Interior Design courses in Dubai are the Foundation Level Interior Design Courses and the Advanced Level Interior Design Courses.
The Foundation Level Interior Design Courses are for those who are new to Interior Design and want to learn the basics of Interior Design. The Advanced Level Interior Design Courses are for those who are experienced in Interior Design and want to learn more about the advanced techniques and concepts of Interior Design.
Both the Foundation Level Interior Design Courses and the Advanced Level Interior Design Courses are internationally recognized and accepted by many universities around the world.
The duration of the courses will determine the amount of time that you will need to spend in Dubai. The courses are offered in English and you can choose to study either at the Foundation Level or the Advanced Level.
Finding the right interior design course in Dubai can be a daunting task. After all, there are a lot of options out there. However, with the help of this guide, you’ll be able to narrow down your search and find the perfect course for you.
Interior Design Course
- Published in Designs by Style, Dining Rooms, interiors, International, Living Rooms, News, Real Estate
Generating Sales & Identifying New Prospects In Pakistan
To Generating Sales and identify new prospects in Pakistan, The real estate market has numerous highs and lows and is influenced by various elements such as interest rates, economic circumstances, and employment growth. In Pakistan, becoming a prospering and renowned real estate agent is nothing resembling a treasure quest. There are no tightly held secrets either. At the exact moment, real estate may be a demanding endeavor for those unfamiliar with its procedures and strategies. In a dynamic real estate market, lead creation, in particular, can be complex. In Pakistan, the following tips and techniques are considered in the real estate market.
Sales-Generation Tips:
Here are the top sale-generation tactics for a quickly changing real estate sector in Pakistan to help you keep the customers coming in:
Increasing Awareness with Real Estate Social Sites:
Sales generation increases with the use of multiple networking sites. With the advancement of technology in Pakistan, many people conduct online research before buying or selling a property.
Social media usage helps produce real estate leads. To keep in contact with your followers, post the most recent bundles and upgraded real estate lead-generating services on your company’s social media page. Use Google Ads and Facebook Ads to promote your business. It is far more beneficial than real estate agent leads. Pakistani people indulged in the usage of apps. They use various applications to buy and sell anything.
To Develop a Local Presence, Participate in Community Service:
Maintaining up-to-date community activities is an excellent method to draw attention to a realtor’s website and social media accounts. However, this isn’t always enough, so getting more involved in your community is a great approach to establishing yourself as a significant presence.
In Pakistan, people are very social. You can get benefit from it by participating in social or cultural events. Finally, getting to know the communities where they work and sell and developing a local presence may be highly beneficial to an agent.
Put your advice into critical consideration to satisfy clients:
Clients are frequently perplexed about what operates for them and what they enjoy. Especially in Pakistan, it is challenging to satisfy clients. The seller will need your total concentration if they want to know how to receive a fair value of a property they possess. Likewise, please inquire about the consumers’ difficulties and worries, and make every attempt to fulfill them to the greatest extent possible.
Prospecting Tips:
Here are a few prospecting tips and samples which can help you to enhance your work in Pakistan:
Work in underserved, rising locations:
Prospecting is at the heart of a real estate agent’s job. Sadly, the more vital it is, the more Pakistanis neglect it. It is most likely why we seldom see agents growing or growing in large numbers.
Surveying and prospecting skills are essential in this job. You must learn to conduct primary research to determine to purchase and selling patterns. Agents prefer to work in high-turnover locations where the business’s dynamics are already favorable. Pakistan has numerous areas which are underserved, and people are unaware of them. You can approach these areas and can get benefits out of them. Concentrate your efforts on operating in low-turnover areas to analyze potential clients who interact with agents from high-density areas.
Make yourself a data nerd in your field:
Profound knowledge is power in real estate, as it is in other sectors. Buyers and sellers both value agents who know stuff they don’t and can talk sensibly about trends, new regulations, or long economic viewpoints for a specific location. It would help if you visited the most common real estate sectors in Pakistan to make yourself a data nerd. Concentrate on a particular topic and devote the required time to mastering it.
Make contact with local employers:
Many larger companies relocate staff from inside the state and even from outside the country. And all of these employees require a place to reside. Contact their human resources departments and seek a casual meeting. Once you’ve gotten inside the door, you may inform the organization that you’re willing to collaborate to ease their employees’ move to a new region.
Positive Attitude:
Excellent communication abilities do not necessitate a high level of competence or knowledge—only your behavior and actions matter. With suitable pauses, hedges, and twists, a clear and sophisticated language will function.
For Pakistan, the procedure for acquiring clients and customers is simple. You must first attract them to learn about you through marketing, and then you must create a connection with them that will ideally result in a sale. You should collect their contact information throughout the process, either by an email follow-up system or by maintaining your client management list.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
Generating Sales & Identifying New Prospects In Pakistan
- Published in Real Estate
10 Property Management Tips In Pakistan
Here we are discussing Property Management Tips, anyone who has worked in the property management industry understands how competitive it is. It necessitates a wide range of abilities that newcomers may not anticipate. It entails everything from dealing with evictions to negotiating contracts for waste collection, grounds maintenance, and janitorial services.
Aside from being an exciting and lucrative career, the road to success in the property management industry is a long and winding one. You must be well-versed and prepared for the drive if you want to get to your goal. It understands the difference between being a property manager in Pakistan and being a consistently successful property manager in Pakistan.
Consider these ten property management pointers to assist you in dealing with various challenges and scenarios in Pakistan.
Skills in Organizing:
The ability to organize is the first and most crucial talent required of a property manager in Pakistan. It includes talking with tenants, maintaining a complete record of each property, and keeping track of any forthcoming duties on a to-do list. It necessitates the competent and efficient management of obligations. In Pakistan, a property manager’s job requires handling many jobs simultaneously, necessitating excellent organizational skills.
Establishing Protocols and Policies:
To avoid miscommunications and potential difficulties with tenants, property managers in Pakistan must have policies and procedures in place. All regulations for tenants should be written down and supplied at the time of lease signing. Similarly, property managers must have protocols in place for a variety of situations.
Understand the law:
In Pakistan, a property manager must check the state’s fair housing legislation on a regular basis. Property managers may be required to have real estate licenses in some states, while others may demand different certificates or licenses.
He must keep up to date and ensure that he follows all regulations; if he has any legal questions, he should see a property lawyer or an attorney. To avoid any rental troubles, use a search engine to look up the regulations for the state in which you plan to manage properties.
Check out your Tenants:
Many experts stressed the importance of selecting the correct tenant and that there is no substitute for a thorough screening procedure. In Pakistan, it’s critical to ensure that your tenant screens are as thorough as possible so that you can distinguish between excellent and unreliable tenants. The most significant tenants are individuals who can pay on time, take care of the property, and have no criminal history.
Attempt to Resolve Disputes Without the Need for Lawyers First:
Meeting with the renter and addressing the issue helps resolve many tenant conflicts. Before threatening eviction and bringing in a lawyer, follow all property protocols. Noise violations, late rent payments, and management’s inability to enter the flat to undertake repairs are among the most typical complaints in Pakistan.
Abilities in Finance:
Because you may be responsible for negotiating lease agreements, collecting rent and utility payments, paying vendors, and tracking daily spending as a property manager in Pakistan, you must have a thorough understanding of financial management. As a result, you may utilize a search engine to look up different accounting software applications and rapidly produce reports, as well as keep an updated spreadsheet to track your earnings.
Marketing Skills:
Marketing abilities are one of the most undervalued aspects of property management that are often overlooked but are equally vital. Marketing is necessary to advertise vacant apartment units and to be able to write compellingly about them.
Knowing how to write a professional property description, take high-quality images, and create exciting video tours may help you showcase the most significant features of the homes you manage and pique potential tenants’ interest.
Maintain Thorough Digital Records:
Physical mounds of paper are significantly more challenging to sort through and file than digital records. You don’t need to waste time digging through your files for something specific, like a maintenance receipt or contact with a tenant, to find that the records are inaccurate or missing.
Make use of the Internet:
The usage of the Internet is expanding in tandem with the country’s advancement. The Internet is used for various tasks in today’s society, ranging from marketing to corporate administration. As a result, instead of fighting the times, it is wiser to evolve with them. A few examples are creating online ads for your vacant homes, finding tenants online, and researching the best maintenance companies.
Keep Regular Office Hours:
It may appear to be Pakistan’s most basic property management idea, but your renters must know when the management office staff is available for non-emergency issues. Tenants may quickly notify property management when a maintenance call is needed, rather than putting it off and letting the condition of their apartment deteriorate, perhaps resulting in costly repairs.
Property management in Pakistan is a 24-hour-a-day job that requires constant attention. Property management may be both fascinating and profitable, but it requires both time and money. It’s a fast-paced, fiercely competitive market. As a result, it’s critical to have skills and abilities that allow you to stay ahead of the competition. These habits, along with self-discipline and drive, will benefit both your professional and personal lives.
Watch this space for more information on that. Stay tuned to Feeta Blog for the latest updates about Property management in Pakistan.
10 Property Management Tips In Pakistan
- Published in Real Estate
Real Estate Operations and Productivity – All you need to know about it Pakistan
About Real estate operations, Several problems have hampered the development of Pakistan’s real estate markets. In many situations, the limits are a complicated consequence of ancient and contemporary historical processes and the methods by which the economy has been managed since 1947. The comprehensive real estate management platform is Real Estate Operations (REO). It offers the funds with strategic management and an end-to-end service offering, focusing on delivering consistent, high-quality service, systems, processes, reporting, and people. Procurement, facilities and technical assistance, sustainability, safety, the environment, capital transactions, marketing, and communications, project management, research, and commercial development are all included in Real Estate Operations and Productivity.
Real Estate Operations Tips:
An agent’s ability to negotiate deals, arrange appointments, and assist clients is critical to their success in real estate. The best real estate agent success ideas assist in generating a steady supply of high-quality leads. In 2021, the following suggestions can help you become a more effective agent in Pakistan:
Make a Business Plan First:
We should revisit or create a business plan for the following year at the end of the previous year. This may appear to be a time-consuming activity, but it will reveal which actions helped a business expand in the last year and which ones failed. Consider a business strategy as a recipe or set of instructions for repeating what worked in the past.
Categorize Your Contacts in a Database:
People generally add everyone and anybody they encounter in their contact database when they first start as real estate agents. However, over time, you’ll see that some leads are more likely than others to result in a property purchase or sale in Pakistan. This is why it’s crucial to categorize connections so that your time and resources are focused on clients who refer your business frequently.
Expand Your Circle of Influence:
The best leads and future business sources are people who know, love, and trust you. These people extol your praises and have direct knowledge of how you run your company. You’ll want to stay in touch with this group of people regularly or “in the flow” with them because they’ll refer you to relatives and close friends.
Recognize that Real Estate is a Full-time Job:
Real estate in Pakistan is not a club that you join and then decide not to attend meetings at times. It’s a full-time job and a full-time commitment. You’ve already set yourself up for failure if you think you can do real estate part-time.
Invest in your Company’s Brand:
In Pakistan, name and brand recognition are vital whether you work for a large or small company or have started your own real estate firm. You must have a distinct appearance and feel that people in your neighborhood will recognize.
Real Estate Productivity Tips:
You can’t be everything to everyone in real estate to be successful. You can’t do everything on your own, either. The following are the most important tips for developing your business in Pakistan while remaining productive and balanced.
Don’t Forget to Structure your Day:
In a business where clients must be catered to, time blocking might be complicated. You may be tempted to make yourself available at a moment’s notice and agree to meet at times that are convenient for others, but this is how you lose control of your own business and time.
DO Establish Strict Boundaries:
Regarding real estate in Pakistan, boundaries are crucial for survival, success, and mental wellness. Working through the clock may appear to be doing your business a favor by going “all-in,” but you’re harming yourself and your clients by putting yourself at risk of burnout.
DO Make a List of Your Money-making Activities:
You want to handle your firm like a CEO as a real estate agent. And the CEO isn’t in charge of everything; instead, they focus on the tasks that demand their knowledge and attention. The activities with high monetary worth. Start by keeping track of your daily activities to improve your productivity (while avoiding fatigue).
DO Give 110% When it Comes to Clients:
Clients’ most critical expectation is to be heard. In Pakistan, people desire to be appreciated and cared for. They want to feel as if they’re the only ones in the room and that you’ll treat them like royalty.
Real estate agents in Pakistan try to cram as much as possible into each day, from client appointments to open houses to contracts, all while on the go and using their phones. Every minute saved translates to more time spent on lead creation and growth, so anything that boosts productivity helps a lot.
Stay tuned to Feeta Blog to learn more about Pakistan Real estate.
Real Estate Operations and Productivity – All you need to know about it Pakistan
- Published in News, News & Updates, News and Update, Real Estate
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Gawadar
The real estate guide to Investing in Gawadar can be an excellent opportunity for you. The land of Gawadar has proved to be a game-changer for the entire Pakistan. Gawadar is known to become the next Dubai. Investment in Gawadar today can yield considerable returns in the future. Many developing projects would surely be profitable shortly like Gawadar Port, International Gawadar Airport, energy systems, railway tracks, etc. It would not be brilliant of one if they would not invest in Gawadar. However, the investment will grow in Gawadar, that is for sure, but it will take time. Before you invest in Gawadar, know that you will be investing in a long-term project. The following guide will help you make your decision to invest in Gawadar real estate.
Find Trusted & Authorized Agents:
When investing in Gawadar’s real estate, make sure that you choose the land wisely. Don’t buy from any private parties without any real estate office. Make sure that whoever you are purchasing from should have credibility. Ensure that whoever you are purchasing a property from must be approved by the concerned authorities and departments. You can even ask them to show you any registration certificates. After you find such a person, book the land you want to purchase by depositing a token of at least 20% of the total amount.
After you make that deposit, your real estate agent will identify and demarcate the land, and will accompany the local Gawadar DCO office representative and the seller party. Then the exact dimension of the land is provided with a site plan. At this stage, a Bina agreement will be prepared by your real estate agent, and you would be required to pay 30% of the total price to the seller. A transfer date is decided after the transfer of payment is complete. This transfer is followed by a registry document, which seals the ownership of your land.
Pick the Right Mouzas:
Choosing the right mouza is very important. If you have selected the perfect mouza to invest in, then you have kicked start your investment, and your investment in the future will be profitable. In the future, the mouzas will be ranked based on their connectivity with major road networks and highways. The Gawadar Real Estate Developers believe that the mouzas that would be closed to the roads and highways would be of more value, but this is just an assumption that is why do not haste into buying a mouza near the roadside as the Gawadar master plan isn’t released yet.
Additional Expenses on Purchase:
There are certain other costs that you would have to incur when purchasing a property in Gawadar other than the price of the land. A particular cost is allocated for the paperwork, demarcation, GPS, newspaper ad, DCO office fee, taxes, and your agent’s commission. These are some of the additional costs that you would have to incur in purchasing the land. However, this cost is bound to fluctuate based on the size of your land.
Stringent Verification Criteria:
According to the Gawadar development authority, the buyer must get a NOC (no objection certificate) issued before investing in the project. This instruction is vital as many projects in the past have been sold without acquiring GDA’s approval. If the buyer doesn’t confirm that the GDA land is allowed for resale, it can cause him a lot of trouble. That is why avoid getting scammed by buying land without approval from the Gawadar development authority.
Investing in Gawadar is different from investing in other cities in Pakistan. Gawadar’s journey has just started, and it is high time that you can invest there to earn handsome profits in the future. This city will see a massive transformation in its infrastructure, and investors are looking forward to getting the most significant gain in the real estate industry. The investment in Gawadar is no doubt a slow process, but it is a guaranteed success.
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Gawadar
Property Marketing Tools for Real Estate Agents in Pakistan
For Property marketing, Pakistan is rich in natural beauty, with spectacular mountain peaks, lush green landscapes, and fascinating archaeological sites. Its diverse environment and resources make it one of the few countries with a diverse environment. When one visits there, they find cultural heritage, known as the heart of cultures. Pakistan is a developing country, and in recent years Pakistan has been drastically focusing on its infrastructure expansion due to the CPEC project and the development associated with it, like building dry ports, Gwadar port, and airports. Such developing areas attract many real estate investments from private and government sectors as people prefer to live next to or in commercial areas. In Pakistan, real estate marketing involves capturing the attention of investors by displaying the commercial value of a particular area and the perks it brings along. People know and are interested because the area currently developing will be developed and will eventually generate massive revenue.
What Is Property Marketing?
Property marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on selling real estate, both commercial and residential. New build developments or property resales involve branding, positioning, and promotional techniques (advertising and public relations).
Property Marketing In Pakistan:
The property business has a vast scope in Pakistan. It is the most profitable investment segment. Pakistan’s real estate market has been one of the fastest-growing pinnacles developing sectors withinside the economic system of Pakistan since the beginning of 2021. It continues to be developing at a non-stop pace. But how is this sector doing its marketing in Pakistan?
Through Websites:
Real estate websites provide customers with ease and sellers with visibility. Before scheduling a live tour, buyers can look through hundreds of photographs, videos, and features of the home. Real estate Sellers who list their properties on these sites reap the same benefits: A home can be viewed by hundreds, if not thousands, of potential buyers online without having to visit.
Through Social Media:
Social networking is the best tool for real estate professionals in Pakistan and worldwide to keep current. It’s an excellent tool for determining market trends, real estate wants, and devising new ways to communicate with not just your clients but also your competitors. Among many social media platforms, Facebook is taking a lead mainly due to its friendly interface.
Facebook revolutionized social media. We still think of it as the forerunner of all social media a decade and a half later. Because Facebook is such a vast platform, publishing an ad there ensures that your message will reach many people and is a great place to meet professionals. The constantly updating news feed will allow you to meet a lot of potential clients.
Through Word Of Mouth:
Relationships are what drive business for real estate professionals. The last person you assisted in purchasing a house will be able to recommend you to their friends and family. The mortgage broker you frequently promote to your clients, as well as the construction crew. You also worked with a construction crew to fix up a house you were listing, which can be held liable. You win when happy customers and business partners choose to share their positive experiences with you publicly.
Through Ads:
Ads are one the best and most effective ways that agents use for marketing purposes. Facebook ads help agents to target their micro-audience. You can target your Facebook ads to a specific audience interested in real estate or who is looking to invest. For example, these agents target individuals living in Lahore to invest in Murree or Islamabad with rental income.
Through Billboards:
While many real estate investment firms and individual investors have shifted their focus to online platforms or remain reliant on direct mail, billboard advertising still complements existing efforts. Real estate marketing on billboards can still be effective. It’s a fantastic method to go huge. This may be the best way to stand out, attract attention, and control their markets for real estate owners.
Many local Pakistanis and Pakistanis living abroad are investing in the real estate business, making it the country’s most successful sector at the moment. Because of the earnings and benefits, real estate investment is encouraged more than in any other sector. Not only is building progressing at a faster rate, but it has also provided many jobs for the Pakistani people.
Watch this space for more information on that. Stay tuned to Feeta Blog for the latest updates about Pakistan’s Real Estate.
Property Marketing Tools for Real Estate Agents in Pakistan
- Published in Real Estate
How is Pakistan Property Business Surviving in Covid 19
About Pakistan Property Business, Pakistan is a country in South Asia. It’s marked to be the world’s fifth most populated country. By area, it’s the 33rd largest country and consists of 225.1 million population and increasing.
It has the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman along the 1046km of coastline in the south. Shares borders with Indians in the East. Shares borders with Afghanistan on the West. Shares border with Iran to the Southwest. Shares border with China to the Northeast. It shares a maritime border with Oman and is separated narrowly by the Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan from Tajikistan.
Real Estate:
Covid-19 had everyone shaken in all fields of business expertise. One market that had a hard hit was real estate and construction. Some even stated that the economic downfall would be higher than the biological.
What exactly is Real Estate? Real estate is the permanent improvements attached to any land bought; the changes can be artificial or natural.
Real Estate in Pakistan has been one of the fast-growing businesses in Pakistan for 2021 and continues. People within and foreign to Pakistan have been investing in Real Estate in the year 2021.
Why the Sudden Surge Investment in Pakistan Real Estate?
There’s been a massive reduction in property tax. The gold prices are unstable, the same as the stock market. The residential dreams are coming into being due to the decrease in construction taxes.
The check upon black money search headline made a short sale of Real Estate in Karachi take place. Black money was being turned into white money. Due to this sudden investment, there was five times rise in the real Estate of Karachi.
The trend of living in apartments has come to arise due to a decrease in space. Lahore has been increasing its number of vintage and Boho style cafes, which has led to living in apartments in a more standard style as increasingly the lands are being bought by owners for food businesses. Individuals want to have a dream house, but the increase in real estate has caused a shift to apartment lives. This option leaves a large amount of savings and can have you situated in a place of your liking.
Here, there’s a high return for the investor’s investments. The best investment sites lately have been Bahria Town and DHA. The high rent for apartments has been causing an excellent return for investors.
For immediate returns, no investments should be made as the city is still in the making, and the government has approved its plan, but no strict real estate action has taken place.
Multan and Bahawalpur:
The sale of Real Estate has risen in both of these cities, indicating future growth and profit. Multan has been developing fast, and Bahawalpur has its DHA societies developed already.
Due to the volatile nature of investors, Pakistan Real Estate seems to be going well in 2021 than in 2020 as other investments have been ignored. The decrease in the prices makes the investment profitable for future purposes.
Climate Change Effects:
- Seal level rise may cause flooding in Sindh areas.
- A rise in temperature may cause volcano eruptions and sand storms in Baluchistan.
- Heatwaves may cause the deaths of the poor who don’t have facilities.
- Landslides, sea storms, and cyclones may have people to lose their homes.
Pakistan follows a collectivist approach. This means that joint family systems are a norm and if not, even in nuclear families, an individualistic approach is quite rare. Investments in real estate are taken into account according to the family’s livelihood style and cultural background.
People from lower socio-economic backgrounds have to take care of their family’s needs, and due to the rise in real estate prices, they can barely afford the rent. In contrast, people from the high class have the opportunity to move around and change lifestyle sites.
Covid19 has had its negatives, but it will play a huge positive for all the investors of today in the real estate market soon, as predictions show a high chance of a rise in the upcoming years.
For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
How is Pakistan Property Business Surviving in Covid 19
- Published in Real Estate
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Pakistan
Real Estate Guide for Pakistan, in the real estate sector of Pakistan, is attractive to millions of people globally as this industry is one of the most profitable industries. The returns on this investment are healthy. However, investing in Pakistan’s real estate is not easy. It is not only a matter of buying and selling, but it goes way beyond that. It has to do with intelligent considerations and a lot of experience to obtain handsome rewards. Here is a guide on how to invest in Pakistan’s real estate.
Only Invest In Reliable Schemes:
Do not go around experimenting. Make sure whatever scheme you are investing in is reliable and well-established. Many property dealers are great marketers that can sell off their low-rated properties too. There is a massive risk if you are investing in any property whose reputation isn’t well established. A few projects that are safe to invest in are Bahria Town, DHA (defence housing authority), new metro city and Gwadar golf city. Even if you want to invest in any other area, make sure you do your research before deciding.
Choose Location Wisely:
When purchasing a property in Pakistan, looking at the location is very important. Before buying the property, question whether the location will earn you more profit or if it’s a suitable area for living and investing purposes. Location is essential when purchasing a property as it determines the value of the property. Choosing a location wisely is necessary to yield high profits in the future.
Gather all the necessary details about the location but make sure whether you buy residential or commercial, your property should be in a prime area with excellent road links.
Another thing to look at is to see whether the area’s status is developing or developed where you are purchasing the property. Make sure the surrounding of the property is free from any noise pollution and is close to the necessary facilities for life and commercial interactions as these factors also profoundly influence the value of your property in Pakistan.
Determine the Future Value of Your Property:
Before purchasing the property, determine its future value. People usually ignore this aspect, but it is essential to determine whether the value of your property will appreciate or depreciate over time. Many factors can influence the value of the property. That is why make sure that the area you purchase your property in is safe and in a more fabulous neighborhood.
Carefully consider the development stats of your property, whether it is established on sustainable and exclusive ideas. These are all things demanded and shouldn’t be avoided when purchasing property in Pakistan.
Become a Tax Filer:
The government is stringent on non-filer. If you are a non-filer, you would likely have to pay additional tax when purchasing the property. That is why you become a tax filer and file your taxes right away. If you are abroad, make sure you file your tax returns regularly so that you don’t have to pay for them afterward on any income you make on the property in the future.
Although filing your tax is quite complex, it will provide you with significant financial benefits.
Real estate investment in Pakistan is becoming popular day by day despite what people say. It is the most lucrative investment. Out of all the investments, one of the safest ways to make sure that you earn capital on your money is through real estate investment.
The value of land continues to increase over time. Additionally, giving your property for rent can be a continuous income stream for you every month. However, earning returns on investment in real estate in Pakistan is relatively slow. That is why when you are purchasing a property; make sure that you earn your return in at least 2-5 years. Apart from it, you may use it for your personal use, and it is an outstanding asset to own, and you can transfer that over for generations.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Pakistan
- Published in Real Estate
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Lahore
Real Estate Guide for Lahore, Lahore is a historic city with old architecture. Some magnificent structures date back to the Mughal Dynasty, as well as vestiges of Colonial oppression. It is a city of flowers, which people relish in the heat by flocking to late-night tea vendors strewn across the city. Property investment opportunities abound in large cities. These Lahore investing choices are an excellent method to protect your future and your hard-earned money.
High Reverts On Real Estate Investment in Lahore:
Lahore’s real estate market has one of Pakistan’s most significant returns on investment. It might be ascribed to the numerous investment opportunities it provides, as well as developers’ ongoing desire to provide new and intriguing enterprises. Because of its centralized location and the placement of all the most famous cafes and retail businesses, Lahore’s Gulberg district is the hottest investment region. Here’s what to expect from the second batch of investment in Gulberg, which is expected very shortly.
Raiwind Road in Lahore is the runner-up you should look at. Raiwind Road, a bit further out from the main city center, offers elegantly planned comfy neighborhoods that provide one of the most profitable investment options. The city is expanding rapidly, and the latest advancements and ventures are hitting the real estate market with it. In Lahore, a new trend has been noted that is reorienting the real estate market while also offering more significant earnings. This shift is away from residential and commercial lots and more towards apartments and mixed-use structures.
An Opportunity to See the City Close-Up:
Here are some of the top tourist destinations in Punjab that you may readily access if you live in Lahore. Hiran Minar, located just a few kilometers from Lahore, offers breathtaking vistas and is ideal for a one-day picnic. With our guide on six attractions near Lahore, you can also bring your kids on a historical journey and trace the Mughal heritage, as well as the lovely parks around Lahore that are certain to be a treat.
How to Buy a Property in Lahore?
Continue reading to learn about the process of buying a house in Lahore. Lahore is a large city with many different types of exclusive and business areas. The city is divided into numerous sections based on the accessibility of workplaces and the area’s population. If you desire to be in a peaceful environment, you should visit a residence on the city’s outskirts. However, if you’re going to live in the city’s heart, you should consider buying a house in old Lahore.
Furthermore, before investing in a land project, make sure that the lodgings culture you will contribute is legitimate and authorized by the LDA. Furthermore, ensure that the property has all of the essentials as well as conveniences. Examining many small dwelling castes in Lahore is among the best ways to discover homes in Lahore.
Invest Only in Legitimate Projects:
When you put your money into a program, you want to make the most significant money possible. However, many individuals become prey to scams in their search for profit, notably in Lahore, where new systems are offered daily. As a result, you should only invest incredible programs like Lahore Smart City. You reduce the risk of your venture by doing so.
Investment in the Early Stages:
Any wise real estate investor would always invest in a venture while it is still in the planning phase, as this is when the investor makes the most money. Rates are lowest at the beginning of the project, but as time passes and the project progresses, the cost grows.
Lahore is also the primary city where the Motorway project started. It means that places further north in KPK, as well as lower sections of Punjab and Sindh, are easily accessible. Having property here allows you to pursue all of these opportunities!
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Lahore
- Published in Real Estate
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Karachi
In Real Estate Guide for Karachi, Karachi’s real estate sector provides services to nearly 20 million individuals. From dozens of residential properties to thousands of squatter colonies, the size and complexity of this city captivate everyone. Property values are rising in practically every popular neighborhood.
In the latest days, the city has seen the development of multiple real estate developments in various parts of Karachi, especially in the outskirts, causing its real estate industry to expand on an unprecedented scale. These quickly developing property projects provide people with numerous residential and commercial plots, resulting in new real estate investment options.
What Should You Know About Property Investment in Karachi?
Purchasing a home or property in Karachi can be an exciting experience for people. But, being a landlord in Karachi is not as simple as it sounds. First and foremost, you must conduct a property price survey to determine which types of property in Karachi are in high demand and expanding in value.
Karachi is a sprawling metropolis with numerous districts and localities. As a result, considering property investment in Karachi is akin to capturing a small fish in a vast ocean. Simply put the search query ‘Property for Sale in Karachi‘ yields hundreds of responses with varying price tags.
Projects offered solely through the internet or Text, with no authorization from a trustworthy agency, should be viewed with caution. So, if you cannot validate their legitimacy or any other information they offer, it is best not to deposit any money in such a case. It is one of the most significant real estate investment ideas that Karachi property investors should follow.
If you search for a business or a domestic property, having close facilities and a protected place can only increase the property’s value. When looking for a particular house for sale in Karachi, you must consider all of these things. Under development, housing projects inside the city have higher profit possibilities than fully built societies in Karachi’s outskirts.
The Fundamentals of Property Investing in Pakistan:
It will help if you are mindful that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to defining real estate investment adequately. Yet, we may say that selling, buying, or leasing property for the sake of capital gains is essentially a property investment. Here are some property investments that are most useful in Pakistan’s real estate market:
Buying and Reselling Plots:
Buying plots at cheaper costs to sell them at increased prices is among Pakistan’s most prevalent real estate investing techniques. In this business, investors buy lands and retain them till their prices rise. This rise is subject to the passage of time and the progress of the project in question.
Buying a Property to Rent Out:
Whether it’s a flat, a house, or a business building, buying and renting out a place is a profit real estate investment. Now, all you can do is sit back and enjoy a steady monthly income while your property worth rises day by day.
Attempting to Sell Your Property:
It is the phase at which you begin to see a return on your investment. When you believe your property has reached its maximum value potential, it is time to sell it. If your desire is to get the most out of your investment, bear in mind the listed considerations.
- Make use of a variety of resources
- Analyze the value of your item
- Analyze the value of your item
- Reconfirm allotment
- Cash transactions must be rescinded
Yes, after you’ve looked over all of the suggestions mentioned earlier, you should do this. If it meets your requirements and budget, purchasing a plot in Karachi can be a fascinating experience. Before closing on a contract, as an investor, double-check everything regarding the property you’re interested in.
Stay tuned to Feeta Blog to learn more about Property investment in Pakistan.
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Karachi
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Islamabad
Real Estate Guide for Islamabad, The real estate business is a great way to ensure your future safety. However, just like any other investment, investing in real estate can also be quite hard. Before making any hefty investment, you should be sure that you will get equal or more returns from it by knowing the right place to invest your money. To make a tidy investment, you need to see the long-term and have perspective. You need to be able to make the decision wisely. Here is a guide that will help you make a good decision in choosing the right place for your investment.
Invest In Only Trusted Real Estate Projects:
When you invest your money, you don’t want it to go in vain. If you want to make a profit on your investments you can do by choosing the right project. When looking for projects to invest in, people fall victim to the scheme, especially in Islamabad. The marketing and sales genius people can sell such property to new investors that wouldn’t do good in the future. That is why before making a significant investment, you should look at the project’s credibility and estimate its future value. Invest in only well-such projects that you can trust and are backed by credible names. It reduces the risk of your investment drowning.
Find The Best Location To Invest In:
You need to choose the best possible location for your investment. The location highly influences the value of your property. Choose such a location that you know has worth, and its worth will only increase from thereon. A few factors that you should keep in mind before looking for a location to buy real estate property is that it should be closer to the necessities of life and should link the road quickly. It should be in some isolated corner. And should have a good reputation. You can even browse the demand for the properties in the neighborhood or see the growth figure of the properties to make sure that the location is worth your investment.
Invest At The Developing Stage:
A great piece of advice would be to invest in real estate properties when it is still in their developing stage. Most investors do that as it is a great way to yield more profit. When in the developing stage, the property is valued minor, and the prices are low, but with the project’s growth, the property’s value will go up from there only, and the cost increases. The timing of real estate investment is critical.
Prefer Long-Term Real Estate Invest:
Your real estate investment should be made for the long term. The value of the prophecy, if located in a good place, will only arise after you purchase the property. That is why it is preferable to hold your property for at least 2 – 3 years to earn a good return. Also, before investing, make sure that you figure out all the expenses you incur when purchasing a property, like purchase cost, transfer fee, legal fee, etc.
Strategies To Earn High Profits:
There are numerous ways to earn more profit in real estate. Firstly, the trick is to buy the property in its foundation stage as the cost will be low at that time, and then with time, the value of your profit will go high. This way, you can generate a handsome amount in a bit of time. The second way you can make more profit is by purchasing a fully developed house, apartment, commercial shop, etc., and then renting it out. This way, it will become a viable source of income for you, and you can earn massive amounts without having to do anything, and with that, the value of your land will go up with time. This way, you can make more profit just by strategizing your source of income.
There are many ways in which you can invest your money. However, real estate remains the top one in which you don’t have to lose your money, and your money can become a safe asset for you. Real estate investment is a stable and financially sound investment that can generate a handsome profit for you.
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
The Agents Real Estate Guide for Islamabad
- Published in Real Estate
10 Property Management Tips for Pakistan Real Estate Market
Anyone who has worked in the Real Estate Market understands how competitive it is. It necessitates a wide range of abilities that newcomers may not anticipate. It entails everything from dealing with evictions to negotiating contracts for waste collection, grounds maintenance, and janitorial services.
Aside from being an exciting and lucrative career, the road to success in the property management industry is a long and winding one. You must be well-versed and prepared for the drive if you want to get to your goal. It understands the difference between being a property manager in Pakistan and being a consistently successful property manager in Pakistan.
Consider these ten property management pointers to assist you in dealing with various challenges and scenarios in Pakistan.
Skills in Organizing:
The ability to organize is the first and most crucial talent required of a property manager in Pakistan. It includes talking with tenants, maintaining a complete record of each property, and keeping track of any forthcoming duties on a to-do list. It necessitates the competent and efficient management of obligations. In Pakistan, a property manager’s job requires handling many jobs simultaneously, necessitating excellent organizational skills.
Establishing Protocols and Policies:
To avoid miscommunications and potential difficulties with tenants, property managers in Pakistan must have policies and procedures in place. All regulations for tenants should be written down and supplied at the time of lease signing. Similarly, property managers must have protocols in place for a variety of situations.
Understand the law:
In Pakistan, a property manager must check the state’s fair housing legislation on a regular basis. Property managers may be required to have real estate licenses in some states, while others may demand different certificates or licenses.
He must keep up to date and ensure that he follows all regulations; if he has any legal questions, he should see a property lawyer or an attorney. To avoid any rental troubles, use a search engine to look up the regulations for the state in which you plan to manage properties.
Check out your Tenants:
Many experts stressed the importance of selecting the correct tenant and that there is no substitute for a thorough screening procedure. In Pakistan, it’s critical to ensure that your tenant screens are as thorough as possible so that you can distinguish between excellent and unreliable tenants. The most significant tenants are individuals who can pay on time, take care of the property, and have no criminal history.
Attempt to Resolve Disputes Without the Need for Lawyers First:
Meeting with the renter and addressing the issue helps resolve many tenant conflicts. Before threatening eviction and bringing in a lawyer, follow all property protocols. Noise violations, late rent payments, and management’s inability to enter the flat to undertake repairs are among the most typical complaints in Pakistan.
Abilities in Finance:
Because you may be responsible for negotiating lease agreements, collecting rent and utility payments, paying vendors, and tracking daily spending as a property manager in Pakistan, you must have a thorough understanding of financial management. As a result, you may utilize a search engine to look up different accounting software applications and rapidly produce reports, as well as keep an updated spreadsheet to track your earnings.
Marketing Skills:
Marketing abilities are one of the most undervalued aspects of property management that are often overlooked but are equally vital. Marketing is necessary to advertise vacant apartment units and to be able to write compellingly about them.
Knowing how to write a professional property description, take high-quality images, and create exciting video tours may help you showcase the most significant features of the homes you manage and pique potential tenants’ interest.
Maintain Thorough Digital Records:
Physical mounds of paper are significantly more challenging to sort through and file than digital records. You don’t need to waste time digging through your files for something specific, like a maintenance receipt or contact with a tenant, to find that the records are inaccurate or missing.
Make use of the Internet:
The usage of the Internet is expanding in tandem with the country’s advancement. The Internet is used for various tasks in today’s society, ranging from marketing to corporate administration. As a result, instead of fighting the times, it is wiser to evolve with them. A few examples are creating online ads for your vacant homes, finding tenants online, and researching the best maintenance companies.
Keep Regular Office Hours:
It may appear to be Pakistan’s most basic property management idea, but your renters must know when the management office staff is available for non-emergency issues. Tenants may quickly notify property management when a maintenance call is needed, rather than putting it off and letting the condition in their apartment deteriorate, perhaps resulting in costly repairs.
Property management in Pakistan is a 24-hour-a-day job that requires constant attention. Property management may be both fascinating and profitable, but it requires both time and money. It’s a fast-paced, fiercely competitive market. As a result, it’s critical to have skills and abilities that allow you to stay ahead of the competition. These habits, along with self-discipline and drive, will benefit both your professional and personal lives.
Watch this space for more information on that. Stay tuned to Feeta Blog for the latest updates about Pakistan Real Estate Market.
10 Property Management Tips for Pakistan Real Estate Market
8 Tips to Keep Your Tenants Happy and Long Term
Managing land is a difficult job, but getting the property to be rented, housing tenants and providing them with necessities, and making them feel at home takes a toll on the landlords. Finding an ideal tenant is undoubtedly complicated, but retaining them also is also an art. Landlords seek dependable and trustworthy tenants, while tenants look for the same qualities from their landlords. It’s critical to think of this bond, and one has to build on mutual respect if you want it to succeed. As a result, you’ll be able to discover long-term, happy tenants who will take after your property for the duration of their stay.
Let’s discover what the most effective & doable tips to keep the tenants happy & satisfied are:
Tips to keep your tenants happy and for the long term:
Retaining your tenants and not getting them to leave soon is undoubtedly the most challenging job the landlord has to do. With the help of the following tips, you can achieve the desired outcome.
By being a good landlord:
People tend to flock toward welcoming, warm and kind people, and on the contrary, tend to dislike obnoxious and uncooperative people. If you want your tenants to feel comfortable and stay longer, you have to start by being a better person & ultimately a good landlord.
By not suddenly increasing rent:
These are challenging times when many people are struggling financially to address their needs. If, at such times, rent also skyrockets, the tenants might not want to live in such a place. Gradually & with consent increase, the rent & not burdening them financially is an excellent step if you want them to stay longer.
By Addressing the Rules Beforehand:
One thing the tenants hate the most is to be disturbed or lectured on rules. Address the rules and regulations of the place and the boundaries they have to stay within. Knowing the rules and regulations beforehand can create a more comfortable atmosphere for them.
By Providing a More Welcoming Atmosphere:
Suppose you want your tenants to stay comfortably for a long time. In that case, you will need to create a more welcoming environment like having an open lawn with a pleasant view, providing internet service, and allowing them to keep their pets if you are comfortable with it. Also, by providing small tokens of gratitude like compliments or even giving gift cards, you can make your tenants happy.
By Maintaining Your Property:
You will need to address the maintenance concerns with the tenants as quickly as possible. One thing a landlord should never do under any circumstances is to make their tenants uncomfortable. You can avoid this by conveying the idea of monthly or even weekly maintenance checks. By doing so, the place will remain well-maintained, and the tenants will not be displeased.
By Taking Care of Disruptions ASAP:
As there are good tenants, there are bound to be disruptive tenants as well. Some tenants can disturb other tenants by playing loud music or breaking the rules, making them think this place isn’t worthwhile, which is the last thing you want them to think about. Taking care of these disturbances as soon as possible might be a good idea.
By Asking For Help with Vacancy Spot Filling:
It works like a charm if you want long-term tenants. This idea addresses two needs at once; firstly, new tenants will fill the vacant spots, and secondly, your tenants will stick around longer if they have familiar people around.
By Answering the Calls:
Be there when the tenants need help in any way. A missing or careless landlord is the last thing a tenant would want. Answering the calls might be the best choice in the matter.
Being thoughtful goes a long way. Let this be the first thought in your mind when you welcome tenants to your property; you can be a successful landlord by keeping an eye on the checklist mentioned above.
For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
8 Tips to Keep Your Tenants Happy and Long Term
- Published in Real Estate
How to Use Social Media for Buying / Selling Property?
Use Social media for Buying / Selling Property is quite the norm; from mundane tasks to real-estate businesses can be handled flawlessly through social media. About 33% of the Millennial population uses the internet for nearly 14 hours every day, so, if it comes to real-estate business, the first thing this generation X will inevitably do is to look it up online on different social media platforms.
According to a survey, about 77% of real estate realtors work on social media, and about 79% of home buyers refer to online websites and resources. Even with limited resources, skilled real estate salespeople & laymen may use the power of social media to develop meaningful relationships and gain more clients. Let’s take a ride with us & explore how each social media platform can be used effectively.
Getting the Maximum Benefits of Social Media for the Real Estate Industry:
To generate leads and enhance prospective sales, it’s critical to publish the correct content on different social media platforms. Simultaneously, it’s not just about what you share but also about where you share. In today’s technologically advanced world, house sellers and agents must stay active on social media to maintain interest in freshly listed properties. Let’s discover how the following platform can be used smartly;
Buying and Selling Property through Facebook:
A study shows Facebook users visit the local business pages once a week at the least. The top providers, brokers, and online realtors have made several local business pages on Facebook exclusively for this task. For buying property, you can consult corresponding real-estate pages, where property-selling ads are regularly displayed. For selling property, you can create your page and post updates on it, like the visual of your property, i.e., photos or video walk-throughs, to attract the attention of your potential buyers. Create ads and a user-friendly interface to show you mean business.
Buying and Selling Property through Instagram:
Instagram is known for being youthful and stylish. Most eyeballs will be attracted to your Instagram content. Instagram users spend roughly 53 minutes each day on average on the website or app. With today’s hectic lifestyles, this is a significant amount of time. It’s highly visible and displays your listings. You’ll be able to see exactly who likes your postings so you can reach out to potential leads and existing customers immediately. For an Instagram account to rock-make, a compelling bio, remember that hashtags are the new SEO, create a Content Calendar, and always upload the highest quality images and videos.
Buying and selling through Linkedin:
Linkedin is one of the ideal social media platforms for online realtors. It also offers an online group for realtors and real estate agents to network, share their insights, and create connections and referrals. Not only can you buy the property or even commercialize it but also meet potential buyers on this vast platform. You can reach your target audience through LinkedIn ads and through publicizing in the Linkedin group. As this platform is solely based on real estate work, this gives it an edge over other social media apps.
Buying and selling through Twitter:
A solid social media presence is pivotal for the online real estate business. Twitter is one of the essential social media apps to get up-to-date information regarding anything. The real estate business is no exception. Through Twitter marketing, you can access several realtors, brokers, and potential buyers. You need to follow real estate accounts with the most followers and the most up-to-date information for buying property. For reference, some good real estate accounts on Twitter are National Associations of Realtors, BiggerPockets Etc.
Similarly, for selling property, you need to create your own real-estate Twitter account, take clear images of the property, provide up-to-date information on a property, welcome interested clients, and join the online realtor community for accurate information.
Real-estate business can be handled flawlessly through online means if you know the ropes. Now, you can do the painstaking task of handling property work with ease through these friendly social media platforms. Buying & selling of property increasingly relies on social media in this era. You must need to be aware of the changing trends of social media to avoid being left behind. Businesses now can contact potential markets even in the most remote regions of the globe, thanks to social media.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
How to Use Social Media for Buying / Selling Property?
- Published in Marketing, Real Estate, Social media
Newbie Investors Make 10 Common Property Management Mistakes
As a newbie investor, Property Management Mistakes can be a challenging game to master. Many new real estate investors get into the business, make costly blunders, and conclude that property investing isn’t for them. It can be a massive mistake because real estate investing can make you money in the long term if you know what pitfalls to avoid from the start.
Here are ten real estate blunders that all first-time investors should avoid.
Failure to Conduct Research:
When considering purchasing an investment property, one of the first tasks should be to conduct an investment property study. While you may have conducted basic investment property research and identified a property that you want to invest in, there are likely numerous other factors that you have overlooked. One of newcomers’ most common real estate mistakes is failing to obtain thorough information about the property.
Working with the Incorrect/Wrong Individuals:
Real estate blunders may be costly, mainly when they occur due to working with the wrong people. When hiring the wrong contractors, you risk going over budget or having subpar repairs that don’t adhere to specific laws and regulations. They may even abandon you early, leaving you to pay any fees incurred while the property remains unoccupied and unprepared.
Purchasing the Unsuitable Property:
It is one of the worst investment errors of all time! First, you must select the ideal investment location, one that will outperform the market because it is undergoing gentrification or is where affluent owner-occupiers desire to buy.
Then you’ll need to purchase an investment-grade property, one that will continue to be in high demand from both owners and tenants in the future.
Being Rash or Being Overcautious:
To make intelligent judgments, it takes time, patience, and the acquisition of vital knowledge to choose the perfect investment property. Excessively cautiousness, on the other hand, will not go you very far. While you should gather as much information as possible, you must recognize that you will never know everything. Because of your cautious temperament, you will never truly invest in any property if you spend too much time making judgments.
Options for Financing:
To figure out which financing choices are best for you, always seek the advice of a mortgage broker or a professional consultant. Having the proper framework in place from the beginning can help you save money in the long run. It can prevent you from making mistakes you weren’t aware you were incapable of doing.
Having a strategy:
It’s critical to have a long-term strategy that considers all of your assets. Going with the flow and flying by the seat of your trousers is not a winning business technique. You must understand where you are now and where you want to go before taking any action. It includes budgeting for a set period. Also, don’t be overconfident. Anyone can project, but they’re usually pointless unless they’re founded on facts.
Over-Repairing as a way of making up for over-paying:
Excessive repairs will not get your property out of a given price range in a specific neighborhood. If you approach repairs with this perspective, you’ll almost certainly exceed your budget, even if it’s well-planned. It is why, before investing, it’s critical to decide whether a property is worth the risk.
Preliminary Budget Plan:
Once you start investing in real estate, you’ll most likely have a budget set out to acquire an investment property. But, does your budget account for any unexpected costs that may arise? Aside from the price and a few fixes, there are several costly aspects to consider. Taxes, insurance, utilities, upkeep, and other bills that you’ll incur while upgrading should all be factored into your budget. You’ll also need to look at the property’s cash flow to see if it’s enough to cover your future expenses.
Emotional Leadership:
Many investors have lost money by deciding on a property based on their heart’s desire rather than an excellent future investment. Never allow your heart to take precedence over your brain. If you’re investing in real estate, you need to know why you’re buying and how much money you want to make. All of this data is based on factual research.
Getting no Professional Help:
Even if you consider yourself to be an intelligent budgeter, have you factored in all potential expenses? Purchasing and maintaining real estate may be costlier than you realize. What if your house was to sit empty for a few months? Do you have the necessary funds? Always prepare for the worst-case scenario and enlist expert assistance when necessary.
While a novice might make numerous real estate mistakes, the most common mistake is to repeat them. It will be easier to look back and evaluate where you went wrong and what caused your significant and minor profit losses if you keep precise records of all the actions you make in every investment.
As a newbie real estate investor, avoiding these real estate blunders will help you make better judgments. Although many people fail when they start investing in real estate, you don’t have to be one of them if you have the appropriate information.
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
Newbie Investors Make 10 Common Property Management Mistakes
- Published in property, Real Estate, Tips & Advice, Trends, viral, Zillow
Is Property in Pakistan Easy to Buy or Sell?
For buy or sell property in Pakistan, it is said that selling property is more accessible than buying, and the same goes for Pakistan. This is likely because, in most situations, while dealing with property sales, the sellers are exempt from paying erratic taxes and development fees, among other things. Not to mention that selling property in Pakistan isn’t always a stroll in the park. In the real estate market, you must outperform the competitors.
The reason for this is that the property market is saturated with sellers. However, by implementing the tactics outlined here, you can learn how to sell or buy property in Pakistan sensibly, swiftly, and profitably. If you have a home to sell or are looking to buy a property and are reading this, now is the moment to fill your cash-flow bucket.
Why Is It Not Easy to Sell Property In Pakistan?
Buying Property in Pakistan is accessible only for the upper class but is ridiculous for the lower class. For example, if a person who has no information about this sector goes to buy any plot or home, he is more likely to face fraud because of the no-tracking system in Pakistan.
The rate for an area is 10 lac, but the dealer can say it is worth 15 lac, as the government has no input in this cause. So, the first main point is that Rates are not Uniformed. The other issue is, that fraud occurs when a single piece of land is sold to more than one person, until or unless you are clever enough to investigate through ownership details etc.
Then the registrars or in Urdu ( Patwari). He is the person who is responsible for making the exact location of the plot. For example, on the area of 100 acres, you have a plot of 10 Marla. It is not sure in its initials to make the exact measurement of your plot, where the phase is going. The agent can take you to any random area of the upcoming society and tell you that this land is yours. But after the completion of the social project, many buyers of the plot are left bare-handed after finding that there is no area left, and the area has already been sold to someone else.
What Role Is the Government Playing To Make This Sector Safe & Sound
In the real estate sector, anyone without any prior knowledge is entering this sector because they have the perception that this sector is creating a lot of wealth. They create their own rules, just like an Idiom that states, “Whatever sails your boat.” The government has taken a particular interest in the growth of the real estate industry. As a result of this interest, additional pro-real-estate policies have been enacted, attracting more potential & reliable investors.
The government of Pakistan has taken various actions to improve the real estate sector. Persons who own an immovable property with a land area larger than or equal to 500 square yards and a flat with a covered space of 2,000 square feet or more are required to file returns under the Finance Act of 2009. The decision was made to broaden the tax base.
In 2010, the Federal Reserve Board issued a circular authorizing provinces to collect Capital Value Tax (CVT) on immovable property. It is a tax on the capital value of the purchased asset that the buyer pays at the time of purchase. Capital gains tax (CGT) on sales of immovable properties with a holding duration of fewer than two years was introduced in 2012 by the Finance Act 2012. This meant that persons who had previously been exempt from paying taxes in the home construction industry were now able to do so.
This significantly impacted the real estate market, slowing the sale and acquisition of newly constructed properties. However, the plan paid off in the long term, as the government’s tax collection grew due to the move. In 2014, the law was changed to impose a 10% CGT on the sale of properties withholding periods of up to one year and a 5% CGT on that withholding duration of up to two years, with no CGT imposed on properties withholding periods of more than two years.
Non-filers were forbidden from purchasing a property worth more than Rs 5 million after an amnesty scheme for the reporting of undeclared assets was launched in 2018. All of these real estate policies have had a negative influence on the sector in the long run. The government strives to improve tax revenue collection without realizing the ramifications of slowing down real estate growth because the industry is considered a tax haven for ill-gotten money.
The real estate business is as complicated as any other investment sector because estimating property prices and future earnings is extremely tough. For this purpose, the investor must have access to precise statistics about current real estate market prices, which is a challenging assignment in Pakistan because the property sector’s most significant difficulty is a lack of simple access to trustworthy information. On the other hand, instead of examining themselves, our investors succumb to the enticements presented by fraudsters. If people invest wisely in this industry, they will not have to deal with fraud situations.
Stay tuned to Feeta Blog to learn more about the property in Pakistan.
Is Property in Pakistan Easy to Buy or Sell?
Commercial Property Selling Guide For Karachi
The art of Commercial Property Selling has always been more accessible than buying it. It can be confirmed as potential clients tend to visit or contact the seller rather than sellers visiting the clients and finding interested prospects. Another advantage property sellers have is that they do not have to pay taxes of different kinds. There are perks, but this doesn’t make entrepreneurship quite simple.
Here we’ll discuss real estate in Karachi.
Selling & Transfer Procedure Of Property:
The property selling process in Karachi is somewhat similar to those set by individual developers in housing societies. The question that intrigues most individuals is how one transfers property ownership in Karachi.
The transfer process proceeds in the office of Karachi’s land development authority. If the project is from a private sector and registered developers, the transfer of the property takes place in their respective office place.
What to Keep In Mind When Selling Property:
To start a business in Karachi regarding land sales, one should know a few things to keep in mind. Research beforehand should be done regarding the land and its sales. One should find an agent, set the agent’s commission, and keep in mind the token money, initial deposit, no-demand certificate, taxes, and transfer letter.
Research & Agent Hunt:
One shouldn’t depend entirely on the agent they hire but explore the market rate that the property stands. When one knows the worth of their property, they can put it up on sale at the best suitable price. This process benefits both sellers and buyers; when sellers make their minds up about selling their property, they are to check resources to maintain market rates. This process is quite time-consuming but pays off fruitfully.
The next is to find an agent once you’re aware of the market value of the property. One would question why an agent is to be hired, and the answer to that is to scavenge a profitable deal in a saturated market. The agent will be a helping hand in taking care of the processes.
Commission Of The Agent:
The agents get one percent of the profits as they work on a commission basis. Rarely does an agent adjusts commissions by the deal. The best way to overcome the latter problem and complications regarding this is to finalize the commission beforehand.
Token Money:
Once the seller finds the potential buyer, token money is to be paid by the buyer. Token money shows the intention of purchase of the buyer. In other words, token money reserves the property for the payer. The buyer can ask for a photocopy of the original documents of the property once the token money is paid for verification.
Deposit at Initial:
The buyer pays an amount of money marked as the initial deposit, 25% of the total price. The stamper paper is signed at this stage with terms and conditions.
The No-demand Certificate:
One needs to apply for the no-demand certificate near the date of final payment. The transfer of the property isn’t possible without this certificate. This certificate states that no dues are owed and includes taxes, transfer fees, and stamp duty applicable to buyer and seller. The buyer is to be provided with a copy of the NDC.
The tax payment is to be submitted to the house society or development authority office. The buyer must pay the transfer fee, stamp duty, CVT, and TMA Tax for the property.
Transfer Letter:
Both the buyer and seller are to be present at the time of the documentation of the transfer letter. Once the property is transferred to the buyer, the property no longer belongs to the seller. The payment is transferred into the seller’s account within a few days. The seller is to keep a check on their account when the payment is pending.
Constant vigilance is required and vital when dealing with real estate. One is to be aware of the scams that are present in the market to stay safe.
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
Commercial Property Selling Guide For Karachi
How To Get A House On Rent In Lahore
To get House On Rent In Lahore, Lahore is the 26th largest city globally and the 2nd most significant in its own country Pakistan. With an estimated GDP of $ 84 billion in 2019, as one of the wealthiest cities in Pakistan. Lahore is a safe city for traveling and adventure, but one can find harmony in its environment that invites people to live their lives to their full potential.
Life in Lahore:
The aura that Lahore presents is inviting that makes one want to reside there. It is a masterpiece of land with a combination of the West and the East in all aspects, from health facilities to transport facilities. Another reason for moving to Lahore would be the educational institutions there. Most institutions there are international schools and many universities there are ranked in the top 10 in Pakistan, making Lahore the educational capital of Pakistan.
Why Rent And Not Buy:
Rent is an important initiative for all those desiring to live in a house, but the cost demand is higher than they can afford. There are various benefits of renting over buying, such as the cost of maintenance, facilities available beforehand, and location of residence.
Steps To Get a House on Rent:
The method of renting a house starts by getting complete details of the landlord and the tenant, description of the premises, period of tenancy, mode of payment, due date, rent enhancement rate per annum, the purpose of rent, amount of advance payment, secure payment and details of bank account if payment is through the bank.
After an individual receives an application from the landlord or the tenant, the power is in the hands of the rent controller to set a fair amount of rent.
Fair Rent:
When deciding on the rent of the house, similar houses in the locality on rent at the current time are taken into consideration in the application being made, and the rental value of the house can be decided as per the property tax assessment register of the taxation department.
Rental Inflation:
The house rent prices have risen by 6.21pc from 4.2pc in the past year. This rise in rents marks the gap between housing demand and supply increase in Lahore. Inflation remains amidst the change in family structures. The inflation shows signs in the increasing cost of real estate and construction work lately that’s affecting the house renting market. This increase may cause a crisis for people living in the city. To control rent inflation, the government needs to push individuals who have used incentives to legalize their illegal money and invest in housing.
Residential Resource:
The internet has made it accessible to find rental places easily in the marketplace. An individual can explore their options and get an anticipated expenditure estimate through the online tools readily available.
Renting in Lahore:
The popular choices of residents in Lahore for renting include one-bedroom apartments and bungalow upper portions. The best locations to pick from in Lahore are DHA Lahore, Gulberg, and Bahria Town.
DHA Lahore:
It is the largest housing scheme in Lahore and is widely seen as a well-planned area of the city. It provides high-end facilities, and educational institutes are known internationally. Its phase 4 and 5 has been catching the eye of tenants.
Individuals rent houses here to keep in touch with the Punjabi culture and remain close to their workplace. It consists of high-rated restaurants, shopping centers, and corporate offices.
Bahria Town:
It provides unapparelled housing, recreational facilities, and commercial to its residents. Residents wanting to live in a serene housing style prefer Bahria Town for being away from the city commotion but still easily accessible.
Johar Town:
It is the most popular among people wanting to rent houses as affordable options can be found, and the society is well connected with all prime city areas. Living in Johar Town is the best option for most tenants cause of its location.
For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
How To Get A House On Rent In Lahore
- Published in Real Estate
How To Buy Property In Islamabad In A Reasonable Price
If you are thinking about buy property in Islamabad, The capital city of Pakistan is Islamabad. The Federal Government of Pakistan administers Islamabad as the Capital Territory. Islamabad is highlighted as the ninth-largest city with its metropolitan area Islamabad-Rawalpindi is marked as Pakistan’s third largest with a population of 4.1 million people.
Why Decide to buy property in Islamabad?
Islamabad is a region of South Asia; it is the epitome of scenic beauty, with wide tree-lined streets all over the city. Islamabad came with a rich history and was even called Potohar Region before its name changed to Islamabad.
Real Estate in Islamabad:
One has to be cautious when buying property. There is unauthenticity and scams in all business fields, so one should be vigilant in their business affairs. An individual should be aware of their budget and the amount they can invest. The buyers may make the payment in the form of installments. Properties range from high ends to reasonable prices in Islamabad, helping the middle-class population feel a luxurious lifestyle with reasonable prices for harmonious living in an expensive city.
The location an individual chooses to invest in will decide their lifestyle. One should consider if the city center is close to the place they decided on, if public transport is readily available, is buying a private vehicle necessary? Are health facilities, education centers, and stores easily accessible? The location of the property involves the mental map of making vital life choices. One should check out the amenities like water, gas, electricity, and sewerage system before their investment and other facilities like availability of security, green areas, parks, and much more.
Consult A Real Estate Expert:
One should take the advice of an expert when investing in property. Advice for investment is essential when in the capital city, Islamabad. Finding a reasonable property may seem near impossible in an expensive city, but an expert’s years of experience come in handy when wanting to stay within budget.
Reasonable Property In Islamabad:
Living in Islamabad is the dream for many but individuals don’t even think about investing due to the high rates of real estate in Islamabad. Projects like the Blue World City have been marked highly appreciated for their reasonable pricing for facilitating individuals with the necessary needs. University Town, Qurtuba City, Multi Gardens B-17, and PECHS have been highlighted as the most reasonable and affordable housing societies in the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad.
Blue World City:
Blue World City is a reasonable low-income housing society in Islamabad. It is located on the main Chakri road near M-2 Lahore Chakri interchange. The proximity to the new Islamabad Airport and both Rawalpindi-Islamabad increases its value, and in the next couple of years, the project seems to give 100% profit to its investors.
University Town:
University Town is situated on the Kashmir highway near the motorway of the Lahore-Islamabad interchange and the airport of Islamabad. The city is approved by RDA, designed to be facilitated with modern services and centers so all sorts of people can fit together. Different plot sizes are available at reasonable prices and in easy installments.
Qurtuba City:
Qurtuba City is a housing society with a unique style that has been inspired by the ancient city of Qurtaba, located in Spain. The core center of its infrastructure was based on the basics of brotherhood and Islamic teachings. The society consists of good plots, readily available on an easy installment plan. The society is most suitable for the lower and middle classes to invest in as it consists of all amenities of a modern lifestyle for its residents.
Multi Gardens B-17 and PECH:
The Multi Gardens B-17 is an area approved by CDA and situated in the supreme area of Islamabad; prices are comparatively low than other CDA sectors. PECHS is RDA approved and marked as a good investment due to its location, development standards, status, future, and current prices.
Watch this space for more information on that. Stay tuned to Feeta Blog for the latest updates about Properties in Pakistan.
How To Buy Property In Islamabad In A Reasonable Price
- Published in Real Estate
Tips For Investing In Gwadar Property
For Investing In Gwadar Property, Gwadar is located on the southwestern coast of Baluchistan. It is a port city located on the shores of the Arabian Sea opposite Oman.
Gwadar has been developing its infrastructure at a rapid pace. It is known to be a pivot of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The investment influx in Gwadar is unprecedented. Experts have marked Gwadar as a game-changer for Pakistan’s real estate.
Investing In Gwadar:
When investing in any business project, one should do a background check and be aware of the pros and cons of the investment. For a profitable investment, one should do research beforehand. In real estate, one should search the area before investing. Some profitable areas for investing in Gwadar are the Sangar Highway scheme, New World City, GDA Housing Scheme, New Town Housing Scheme, and Gwadar Industrial Estate.
Tips for Investing in Gawadar:
The investment area’s prominent features should consist of amenities including green areas, hospitals, education facilities, parks, entertainment facilities, fuel stations, and transport facilities.
One should invest in an area that is up and coming as it allows one to be part of the development before the prices rise. The idea goes well for Gawadar as it’s an up-and-coming project, and investment in its property will be profitable.
Gwadar has a location that is planned to be used strategically for trading purposes of the country. Gwadar is to become such that all exports and imports will pass through its deep-water port. The imports will be from China, and exports will be to and from Africa, the Arabian Gulf states, the Middle East, and Europe. There will be a facility of a floating liquefied natural gas facility built as part of the $ 2.5 billion Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.
Demand For Property:
The demand for property in Gwadar has been rising, and the indicator of it is the construction carried out in the special economic zones of the city. The inspiration for Gwadar has been taken from Shenzen. Shenzen is a zone of China. Before its development, Shenzen had a population of 30,000 and today consists of between 13 to 20 million.
If a fraction of what happened with Shenzen takes place in Gwadar, the demand for real Estate in Gwadar will skyrocket. The statistics show that in 2014 Gwadar consisted of a population of 85000 inhabitants, and its current population is estimated to be 250,000.
Documentation Of Property:
Scams have been common in all parts of a business; one should be cautious when investing. CPIC helps with providing all required documents on time after the completion of the purchase. Faulty or non-existent paperwork may be provided as original to scam the investors. To ensure that the documents are original, CPIC comes in handy.
Real estate requires making the right choices as an investor. It requires knowing one budget; how much an individual needs to spend, including extras and not just the purchase. The extra pay may include legal fees, tax fees, and other payments. The best idea is to keep extra cash on hand for expenses one may not have calculated or even thought of.
Once details are collected, one can get an idea of how much one can afford. One method to make a purchase at the best price is by being assisted by consultants and being transparent about one’s budget and costs throughout.
Reliable Construction:
The first step of investing in Gwadar would be buying a plot of land. The next step is to actually start the construction of a home on the plot of land bought. The reliable move would be to hire tradesmen who can get done with the construction on time at a reasonable price.
Make A Flexible Investment:
Investing in land is a secure asset and won’t wear out, or get broken, stolen, or destroyed. A finite amount of land is available in Gwadar, and prices are rising per investment; invest in land to rent out or to use yourself.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
Tips For Investing In Gwadar Property
- Published in Investing In Best Deals, Investment, investment property, Investment Tips, Investments, News & Updates, property, Property In Pakistan, Property News, Real Estate, real estate business, real estate financing, Real Estate Guide, real estate investing, real estate investment, real estate market, Real Estate News
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With the inability to move or remove the panel structures that segment this Apartment Makeover, the challenge was to arrange functional areas to best serve the new homeowners. Displayed by Victoria Aloshina, the 35.3-square-foot apartment has an entrance hall with a wardrobe, a kitchen and dining room, a compact bathroom and toilet, and a living room that merges with the bedroom, main wardrobe and toilet area. The interior is a pure white and light gray aesthetic with a soft and comfortable atmosphere. Storage was installed in each corner to maintain a clear and open attraction without visual noise or overpowering.
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Cozy 35 Square Meter Apartment Makeover With Floor Plan
- Published in apartment, House Tours, Real Estate, studio apartment design, white
Apartments vs Plots: Which One is a Better Investment?
Apartments vs Plots, Every person who comes from the investing community has a question in their mind about what types of investments are more profitable and where they should put their hard-earned wealth. We attempted to reach a conclusion based on many criteria such as liquidity, performance, and personalization choices.
In choosing the biggest investment opportunity, there is no black and white. Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and advantages for one can be disadvantages for another.
To clarify matters, we have chosen to write the hot topic for now—apartment vs plots wrt investment. So, if you are an investor who is not sure whether to invest in an apartment or land, this blog is for you.
This blog will provide you with a simple but helpful guide to help you make well-informed decisions about your upcoming real estate investment.
When It Comes to Returns
According to experts at Globe Estate, plots are worth faster than units. This is largely due to a shortage of plots on the market. Age does not affect your investment in plots, as well as in apartments. The value of a property is determined by its location and proximity to major infrastructure initiatives. In addition, during constant market circumstances, the value of a plot increases over time.
Because building a plot is easier, there are more takers, making it easier to leave your investment whenever you want. If you want a consistent return, consider investing in a commercial, office or retail properties.
It all depends on your point of view if you want to use it as a store of value. If you have a long-term vision, buying land is a good choice; for a shorter time, choose a modest apartment. Location, surrounding infrastructure, and the quality of the neighborhood all increase the value of apartments and plots.
What about customization?
Plots are open areas of land within a society that can be tailored to the tastes and desires of the resident. The owner has complete control of the design, molding and construction of the property.
For the apartments, the situation is different. Apartments are often pre-designed and built apartments that are sold to individuals, and the ability to customize them is severely limited. The tenants or investors may not customize them according to them.
Effort and Determination
When you buy land, it is necessary to design the building according to an approved sketch and hire an architect or contractor to carry it out. In addition to managing the building, coordinating funding, and dealing with magistrates and contractors, it involves a lot of hard work on minor details.
When you buy an apartment, however, the developer is responsible and gives you ownership after the location is finished. The only thing to worry about is the furniture, not the physical building.
In addition, an apartment includes essential services such as electricity reserve, water, maintenance and security, as well as some additional amenities such as a clubhouse, swimming pool, etc.
If you decide to buy a website and build a house on it, you will almost certainly have to make all your own arrangements. This makes buying an apartment a viable choice.
Legal Concerns
One of the main features of the plots is that they can be set illegally. To be safe, it is better to consider buying property in doorway communities, as the builder will take care of it on your behalf.
If not, do a thorough study of some things before buying land, and watch it until you build your home on it. Many challenges of land capture appear every day in Pakistan. Although these worries are somewhat reduced when buying an apartment, they do exist.
Make sure you get an apartment registered so that all transactions are transparent. The statute of RERA Pakistan ensures that the builder delivers the unit promised to you. If he does not meet the standards, the builder must compensate the buyer or it will be considered a criminal offense and the builder may be imprisoned.
Delivery of Possession
Transfer of ownership of an apartment could take months or even years. Plots are normally ready for possession at all times. As a result, a buyer intending to invest in a piece of land will receive ownership much sooner than a buyer trying to invest in a unit.
Plots have increased in value due to the rising need for free land for individuals to build their homes. Because the plots are vacant lots that can be purchased at any time, the buyer can start building anything he wants, based on his own preferences.
This does not happen with apartments, as the value of an apartment decreases with time. This is because the value of the building decreases over time. Another thing to consider is that the maintenance required in an apartment is much greater than that required in a plot; rather, you can keep a plot as long as you want without paying even one rupee.
Quality Is Offered
Housing development can also be delayed for a variety of reasons. This delay can prompt the builder to quickly complete his tasks. Often, in this precipitation, the quality of the result is considerably degraded by builders who try to minimize costs while meeting deadlines. Their inability to meet deadlines as a result of time limits and cost reduction has a severe impact on the quality of the constructions.
Investing in Plots: Things to Consider
The plots are favored by people looking for the flexibility to build and design their own houses, as well as by investors looking for lower capital gains in relation to the amount invested. If you intend to use the property to build a house, you will need great financial support as you will be responsible for the costs of land, building, architects, designers and workers.
Acquiring land and building a house is an equally demanding and time-consuming undertaking. Banks give loans for the purchase of land, but the conditions are different and stricter than when buying an apartment.
For example, the maximum credit limit for buying land is typically smaller than the maximum loan limit for building construction. This means that you may have to put down a large amount of money when you buy land.
Investing in Apartments: Things to Consider
Apartments are fast becoming the most cost-effective type of real estate in Pakistan. Its appeal can be attributed to factors such as, but not limited to, modern appearance, modern comforts, and improved safety. In addition, the developer is generally responsible for water supply, energy, and maintenance.
As a result, if you are buying an end-use property and do not want the ability to build your own house, apartments may be the best choice. Because these units are widely accessible, you have a variety of alternatives depending on your location, price, and other preferences.
The Final Verdict
So, these are some of the factors that you need to consider when investing in apartments and land in Pakistan. Please read them carefully and make an informed choice that best suits your investment requirements.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
Apartments vs Plots: Which One is a Better Investment?
- Published in Apartments vs Plots, Best Investment Option, Real Estate
How to Buy/Sell Property in Pakistan Easily
As it turns out, Sell Property in Pakistan is often easier than buying one. Real estate usually does not have to pay various types of taxes, and they often do not have to see multiple buyers because they are frequently contacted by interested parties. This does not imply that the procedure is fast. This blog will examine all aspects of buying and selling property in Pakistan.
The buying and selling procedure of property in Pakistan is similar everywhere in all housing societies, with slight differences imposed by individual developers. Most individuals wonder how property in Pakistan can be transferred. The transfer procedure is carried out at the office of the municipal land development authority.
How to Buy a Property in Pakistan?
Some buyers regularly ignore essential advice when buying property in Pakistan or buying houses at the lowest possible price. Below are some ideas and tips for buying property in Pakistan.
The key is research
Do ongoing research. You can never do the necessary research. A lot of people rush into real estate and make rash decisions, which leads to bad buying decisions. If you like property, get some information about the surroundings.
Find the neighboring crime rate, and find out how many houses in the area have recently been sold. Discover in depth.
Visit the region
The most critical step to getting home ownership in Pakistan is to visit the actual website. The buyer must request that the merchant accompany him to the website to inspect and confirm that the property is on the ground.
For Pakistanis living abroad, another individual must come to look at the property and then resolve the difficulties.
Don’t ignore the neighborhood
Is it acceptable to claim that you are looking for peace and quiet? Remember that a real estate agent works with the seller to ensure the best possible deal they can arrange at the best possible time.
When you see a property, the surroundings can be peaceful and quiet. Consider whether the area is well equipped to meet your needs.
Evolutionary state
Every buyer wants to buy ready-to-move apartments or those that are under construction. The condition of these prefabricated homes must be satisfactory, and these houses, villas, and apartments must exist on the property independently.
In any case, the method must include at least the gray structure of these features.
Possession of plots
Plots having possession or where it will soon be proclaimed are always preferred in acquisition.
Buyers should try to buy houses, villas and apartments where keys have been delivered or will be delivered soon. In the area where ownership is available, housing is growing rapidly.
Empty property seems to be very different
Suppose the property is empty — don’t be fooled by a well-created merchant’s offer. When a home is stripped of its lining, you may be surprised at how grand it looks.
Check behind and under the furniture, as no one knows what surprises may be hidden: dirty floorboards, peeling wallpaper, and so on.
Location in general
If main area properties are expensive or inaccessible, the overall area of the area and the location of your home should be appropriate. All buyers must exercise extreme caution as they come home for a point of sale, house number, villa number and apartment number.
Individuals who are interested in buying unelected apartments/villas are advised to slightly expand their budget to acquire property with a number.
Finding the perfect house is never easy. Shouldn’t something be mentioned about your ideal location? Does it have all your necessities, similar to a neighboring grocery store, party, schools, etc.? Focus on the overall plan rather than just the website. Make sure the community is equipped to meet your needs.
Real estate
Before making an offer, make sure you have asked about what comes with the property. Many apartments are well-appointed, especially those with integrated bathrooms and kitchens. You might be surprised if you relocate only to discover that the previous owners brought the fixtures with them.
Explore property prices
Regardless of whether you suspect something, you can never find the right property with just one investigation. Take as much time as you need to find a place. Don’t limit your search to one area.
Instead, be fairly open to other results. You will show indicators of progress in terms of what your well-earned money can really bring to you. Examine the properties at various retailers.
How to Sell a Property in Pakistan?
If you want to sell your house in the real estate market, keep reading these amazing recommendations on how to sell your property in Pakistan.
Your home needs to be ready for a “move”
Aesthetics are essential, but appliances, doors, plumbing and electrical equipment must also meet current construction requirements and function properly.
Again, the goal is to have the house in a condition of relocation and give prospective buyers the feeling that they will be able to relocate properly and start enjoying their new home without having to spend money or time repairing it.
Separate yourself
Consider creative designs or specific upgrades, such as landscaping, new roofing, or high-quality windows, to attract buyers and highlight your property. So, while we encourage making small changes. How to change the kitchen sink or repair an aging water heater, we do not propose to make major changes.
If you have an old-fashioned bathroom or kitchen, you will usually go ahead lowering the asking price for a buyer to choose their own textures. This can help improve the appearance of the house while possibly increasing the value of homeownership for sale in Lahore and other regions of the country.
Any changes should be functional, with patterns and colors that appeal to the widest possible audience. In addition, they should complete the house and its other amenities, such as building a lawn or yard close to the outdoor space.
Take away the disorganization
It is important to remove all clutter from the home before showing it to prospective buyers because buyers need to be able to see themselves in the space.
This could involve removing some furniture to make rooms look bigger, as well as storing personal items such as family pictures. This method can greatly help you list your home for sale.
Improve curvature appeal
The value of a curved appeal is sometimes overlooked by vendors. The first thing a buyer notices about a property is its exterior and how it blends in with the surrounding neighborhood.
Make sure the exterior is freshly painted and that the plants and lawn are properly cared for. In the real estate market, aesthetics are quite important, especially when you are buying DHA houses for sale. What better approach to distinguish your home than to make it visually appealing at first glance?
Sugar the deal
Another method to make the accommodation and treatment more appealing to buyers is to include terms or items that can sweeten the pot. For example, sellers who provide a few thousand rupees credit for closing costs or offer to pay closing costs in full may attract greater attention from homebuyers looking for similar properties.
Buyers are looking for a deal in a low market, so do your best to make them feel like they’re getting what they want.
Appropriate price
No matter how well you restore and present your home, it is important to evaluate it correctly, especially for retailers in Bahria Town. Consult a local real estate agent, such as Feeta.pk, and visit their online real estate website to find out what comparable properties in your area are selling.
Selling your property quickly requires a little extra effort. Do everything you can to have the house in a clean condition, and be prepared to make a few small concessions at closing. These amazing recommendations, along with an attractive rate, can increase your chances of successfully selling your property in Pakistan.
Watch this space for more information on that. Stay tuned to Feeta Blog for the latest updates about property in Pakistan.
How to Buy/Sell Property in Pakistan Easily
- Published in best way to sell property in pakistan, buy property in pakistan, can foreigners buy property in pakistan, can overseas pakistani buy property in pakistan, General, How to buy property in Pakistan, how to sell a property in pakistan, how to sell property fast in pakistan, how to sell property in pakistan, property sell in pakistan, Real Estate, sell your property in pakistan
Overseas Property Interest in Homeland: Top Housing Societies
Overseas Property interest, whether working or living abroad, are always looking to create an investment portfolio to continue their lifestyle in their country after retirement. Making safe investments could be difficult, but thanks to continued government incentives, real estate is a great and highly desirable alternative nowadays.
Although choosing a decent real estate project requires prudence and precision, New Metro City is largely considered to be the safest and most successful investment.
Real estate has always been an attractive sector that provides great returns on investment both in the short and long term. In addition, several benefits included in the 2022 Construction Package, as well as recent incentive constructions in New Metro City, have given weight to the huge housing program for Pakistani expatriates.
In addition, many Pakistanis living abroad were deceived when they tried to buy property in Pakistan. To minimize anxiety, we provide this information on the best societies in Pakistan so that our foreign Pakistanis can invest safely in their country.
The reason for interest in homeland property for overseas Pakistanis:
Foreign visitors now account for more than 30% of all real estate purchases in Pakistan. Let’s first discuss the benefits:
Roshan Online Account:
Roshan Digital Accounts was also launched, allowing overseas Pakistanis to effortlessly participate in residential and commercial real estate through legal methods. The State Bank has imposed a three-year minimum period for investment in real estate.
Depreciation of the Pakistani rupee:
Pakistani migrants living in places like the United Kingdom, the United States and Dubai are earning in the currencies of their respective countries, which are now trading heavily against the Pakistani rupee. As a result of the inequality in currency prices, they have an advantage over locals in investing more in local homes and real estate.
Interest Rate Reduction:
According to a recent official announcement issued by the State Bank of Pakistan, the interest rate has been declining. People are forced to withdraw their funds from banks and invest in other areas when interest rates fall. Obviously, the real estate sector has an advantage here.
Tax Reduction:
The government’s 2022 Construction Package, unveiled after an ongoing epidemic, is appealing, especially for overseas buyers. It includes a tax amnesty system for the real estate sector, which allows people to participate in the building business without identifying their source of income.
Then, a one-time capital gains tax exemption was provided on the sale of a personal home of up to 500-yard home or 4000 sq. ft. payment. These incentives are valid until December 31, 2022, however, the deadline is likely to be extended.
Best Pakistani Foreign Investment Companies:
There are various options for foreign Pakistanis to invest in real estate. We will look at some housing plans in Pakistan for foreign investors.
However, before investing in any property, including the largest corporations in Pakistan, you should consider the precautions outlined later in the blog.
New Metro city Kharian:
Overseas Enclave is one of the most common blocks in New Metro city Kharian. The assets are approved and licensed. This block is completely built, and it offers a wide range of facilities, from basic to grand. According to the project’s official website, Overseas Enclave was “built around bright sights of the beautiful lake.”
Add beautiful green parks to its grandeur. People who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city while still being in an elite area generally visit Overseas Enclave. Many families already live here. It should be noted, however, that only Pakistanis living in other countries can buy property in Pakistan.
One channel of land is rentable in the Overseas Block. In the society, there are also 10 marl mansions with property values ranging from crore PKR 1.3 and crore PKR 2.5. If you want to invest in plots in Overseas Enclave, you can buy 10 seas and 1 canal property. Contact reliable network dealers to keep you updated.
New Metro City Gujar Khan:
New Metro city Gujjar Khan is the next residence project. Rumor has it that 10 or 5 sea homes will be offered for sale. Prices range from approximately PKR 50 lakh to PKR 85 lakh. Get help from our property consultant to know more.
Documents Needed When Investing In The Leading Companies Of Pakistan:
Everything is incomplete unless proper documentation is provided. To invest and register property on your behalf, you will need sufficient legal documentation. The following are the basic lists of articles that are needed by you for an additional method:
- 2 or more existing passport photocopies
- Latest passport size photos of you
- At least 2 copies of the National Foreign Pakistan ID Card
- Photocopy of entry mark for residence in a foreign country
- Pakistani exit mark photocopy
- List of family members
- Photocopy of the National Identity Card of the next of kin
Before the articles can be submitted and processed further, you must first approve them. You also need to keep the security deposit and security index on file for future problems.
Before Making A Property Investment, Security Resources For Overseas Pakistanis:
Consider these tips before investing in leading companies in Pakistan for foreign Pakistanis.
Confirm that the land has been approved by government authorities:
The first concern that arises when considering buying a property is whether or not a home project is safe to invest in. If it is administered by municipal authorities such as the Capital Development Authority (CDA), the Karachi Development Authority (KDA), or the Lahore. Development Authority (LDA). Either from a regulated administration such as the Defense Housing Authority (DHA) or the Pakistan Armed Forces (PAF), it is almost certainly a safe investment opportunity. Check if the housing plan is approved by the government. If a project is still seeking official permission, it should raise red flags for potential buyers.
Government officials continue to double-check the housing scheme. If work is still awaiting government permission, it should serve as a red flag to potential clients. Lack of approval, more often than not, means that the property will be revoked by the authorities in the near future. As a result, investing only in well-known, approved businesses is your best chance.
Don’t believe false claims:
Try not to be pushed into falling for real estate sales ads that are targeted at you on Facebook, other social media platforms, and on TV every other day. To be more specific, every Pakistani living abroad who wishes to acquire property in Pakistan should avoid falling prey to the tariffs advertised in these brilliant advertisements and should be aware of these commercially produced scams.
Beware of illegal properties and housing:
When dealing with counterfeit assets, these fraudulent companies and their schemes can be a nightmare for individuals living in Pakistan, regardless of who lives abroad. These companies or properties may be bad or likely to start later due to a lack of legal permits or government approval.
The Bottom:
Buying property isn’t easy, especially if you’re not from the nation, but if you follow the above guidelines, you should be able to get what you want without falling victim to fraud.
You can also seek help and information from reputable properties with proven histories, such as Feeta.pk. We are one of the leaders in Pakistan real estate companies, dealing with various features like New Metro City, Gwadar Golf City and many more reliable housing societies.
Overseas Property Interest in Homeland: Top Housing Societies
- Published in Best Pakistani Societies, Business, housing societies, new metro city gujar khan, New Metro city Gujjar khan, new metro city kharian, Overseas Property Interest in Homeland, Overseas Property Investment, Pakistan's Top Societies, Property Consultant, Property News, Real Estate, Real Estate News, Top Housing Societies
Top Housing Schemes in Lahore on Installments 2022
Good news for the people of Lahore – lots of plots in easy installments!
Those who can’t afford a large sum for a plot can now invest in new Housing Schemes in Lahore 2022 every month. As Lahore’s population grows by the day, housing concerns become more prevalent. Most novices in this city have the option to rent.
However, affordability is not as easy as one might think, so in this case, in 2022, one will be able to acquire land in one of Lahore’s new housing schemes on payments. Basically, each society has its own payment plan, with various down payments based on community laws. The plot varies according to the size of the plots.
Seven Top Housing Companies in Lahore on Payments:
Possession of plots is granted immediately after the payment of installments, while in certain circumstances companies require additional time to provide possession after the completion of payments.
1. Kings City
Al Kabir Developers established Kings Town Lahore in 2019. It is located on Raiwind Road in Lahore. It sells houses in installments of 3 marl and 5 marl, as well as residential plots.
Kings Town Lahore is divided into two phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 was released in 2019 with housing plans, while Phase 2 was launched in 2021. The project is near Bahria Orchard in Lahore, on Raiwind Road. Kabir Town Phase 3 is another name for it.
Payment plan
The payment plan for King’s Town Lahore (2022) includes one sector of A with residential plots available for booking. The 2022 payment plan offers 3 marlas for PKR 360000 and five marlas for PKR 5500,000 in total.
The reserve fee is PKR 600,000, plus PKR 25000 deposit. Houses will be bookable in 2022 with a four-year payment plan. A reserve option of a floor base is available, with prices from PKR 3600,000 to PKR 4200,000 according to a simple payment plan.
In 2022, Kings Town Sector A and Phase 1 Block B are also available for reservation. The company is also prioritizing a low-cost plot with high-end amenities, which is why fresh bookings for 2022 have begun in phase 2 of King’s Town Lahore.
Because the plans for 2021 and 2022 are so identical, all 2021 reservations can still be made in 2022, but at one price. One price refers to prices that are charged as a profit over the initial file price. Many others still have previous reservations but want to buy new ones in the phase 2 A-block. This demonstrates the market value of a society.
2. Dream Housing Society
On Main Raiwind Road, in front of Lake City and adjacent to Superior University Campus, Dream Housing Lahore is located. The Lahore Ring Road is a few minutes drive away. Residents will have easy access to the city’s main neighborhoods thanks to the Ring Road junction (LRR).
The company provides 3 Marla and 5 Marla residential plots for PKR 2,700,000 and PKR 4,500,000, respectively, and an inexpensive 48-month payment plan with PKR 15,000 and PKR 25,000 paid monthly for 48 months and two years. Under a three-year payment plan, commercial plots of 2.5 and 4 marl are also offered.
Brochure on Dream Housing
3. Park View City Lahore
The Vision Group has created and owns Park View City Lahore, a spectacular housing project. The land is about 7000 Kanal in size and provides housing for over 4500 households. The Thokar Niaz Baig flyover is a few miles from Park View City Lahore, which is located on the major Canal Road.
A legal NOC is present in the housing project. It is a Lahore Development Authority-approved real estate project and one of the Lahore housing companies that sell plots in installments. In addition, the housing association offers plots of 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 1 Channel per month.
Regarding the amount of the plot price, however, a 5% discount is available. Additionally, 10% additional costs will be applied to plots in the elite category, such as corners, park facing, and main boulevard locations.
4. Zaitoon City
Zaitoon City, located on Canal Road between New Lahore City, Bahria Town, and Multan Road, provides commercial and residential plots for 3.5 to 4 years on payments.
5. Lahore Smart City
Another housing company in Lahore that offers plots in installments is Lahore Smart City. Future Development Holding Private Limited and Habib Rafique Private Limited collaborated on this important project. This residential community in Lahore is also accessible from the Lahore Ring Road and is located on the Lahore Bypass.
Administrative and Overseas Blocks make up the housing project. Plot sizes of 5 marlas, 7 marlas, 10 marlas, 12 marlas, and 1 Kanal come with a flexible and inexpensive payment plan. In addition, this housing company has received approval from the Lahore Development Authority and is a great investment opportunity.
6. Dream Gardens
Dream Gardens Lahore is located on Raiwind Road, 2 minutes from Canal Bank Road, 10 minutes from Shaukat Khanum Hospital, with easy access from Lahore Ring Road and close to the city’s major universities. It is divided into two sections, each of which must provide an amazing storyline.
It has residential plots of 5 Marla, 7 Marla, 10 Marla, 20 Marla, and 30 Marla, as well as commercial plots of 6 Marla, 7 Marla, and 10 Marla. Residential parks start at PKR 5,948,800 and go up to PKR 26,790,300, with a 36-month payment plan and 12 quarterly installments available. Reserves start at 30% down and are spread over three years.
7. Al-Rehman Garden Lahore
Al-Rehman Garden of Lahore is an LDA-approved housing company. In addition, the project is being built by Al-Rehman Developers, one of the most famous and well-known real estate companies in the world.
In addition, the housing company consists of seven stages and is located on Ferozwala Road near Sheikhupura. Real estate investors have benefited greatly from the ideal location. Residential parks of 3,5,8, and 10 marl are available on a fee payment from the housing association.
At the same time, the commercial property is available on delivery in 2 and 4 marlas. Al-Rehman Garden is one of Lahore’s best-known housing associations, with a very reasonable monthly payment plan for the city’s population.
Key carry
Lahore’s real estate industry is growing by the day, and with each passing day, builders and investors have to deliver some of the most innovative and exciting real estate projects.
The trader who initiates the strategy reaps a great profit. The starting price comes with the sold out files as soon as the plan is announced. For both buyers and sellers investors, this is a successful investment without the risk of losing money.
So if you can afford it, don’t worry about investing; just go to the advertised website and arrive early to secure a place.
As time went on, everything around Lahore became part of the city. So, don’t worry; new home projects in Lahore 2022 in installments will appear in the coming days, and their advertisements will be published soon.
However, according to Globe Estate and Builders real estate experts, the most recommended housing companies in Lahore are Kings Town and Dream Housing Society.
Stay tuned to Feeta Blog to learn more about Real estate in Pakistan.
Top Housing Schemes in Lahore on Installments 2022
- Published in Al-Rehman Garden Lahore, Business, Dream Gardens, Dream Housing Society Lahore, Kings Town Lahore, Kings Town Sector B Lahore, Lahore Smart City, Marketing, Park View City Lahore, Property News, Real Estate, Real Estate News, Seven Top Housing Societies in Lahore on Installments, Top Housing Schemes in Lahore on Installments 2022, Zaitoon City
Famous Tourist Places In and Around Gujar Khan City
Gujar Khan City is a small town in Pakistan that can be explored in a single day. It benefits from natural resources such as oil and gas, and its population of about 75,000 people is rapidly expanding.
In this city, there are not many activities to do or places to visit. In addition, because it is a small town, there is less housing. People are generally considering stopping here on their way to nearby towns. You can stop here for a quick bite and rest from your travels.
Check out the list of places in and around Gujar Khan to learn about the best things to do in these places. So, the next time you are in Gujar Khan, you can choose which nearby city to visit for an unforgettable trip.
But first, let’s discuss …
Location of Gujar Khan City
Gujar Khan is about 55 kilometers southeast of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, and 220 kilometers northwest of Lahore, the city of Punjab. Gujar Khan is bordered on the north by Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and Attock, on the south by Jhelum, Lahore, and Gujrat, on the east by Azad Kashmir and Kahuta, and on the west by Chakwal and Khushab.
Gujar Khan is located in the Pothohar cultural zone. Gujar Khan is located two kilometers from the Dohngi Dam and about 35 kilometers from the considerably larger Mangla Dam.
Popular sights in and around Gujar Khan City
Sangni Fort is a fort built on the borders of Gujar Khan and Kashmir by the Maharaja of Punjab. It is located on a high rock on the way to Bewal via Daryala, with only one access.
It is closest to Barra Dari, a housing development containing two ancient sites. Dhandgali Bridge is an ancient wooden and rope bridge. It is an important curiosity. In addition, Lakhtala is a rocky place with devotional graves of people. Let’s discuss some of them in detail.
1. Bedi Mahal
The Bedi Mahal, also known as “Babay da Mahal (The Old Man’s Palace),” is a wonderful Sikh house built by a famous Sikh businessman and community leader, Baba Khem Singh Bedi. The mansion is in fairly good shape, with mysteries of its former grandeur still hidden behind its walls.
Although there is no specific date for its creation, the Bedi Mahal is said to have been built in the 1850s. It was built mostly of sandstone and plastered with lime surkhi (burnt clay). Artists and masons from the nearby town of Attock were commissioned to create beautiful paintings and carvings for this four-story, 84-room structure.
In addition to the remarkable interior design, there was an orchard, a stable, and a small zoo of exotic animals. A panoramic view of Kallar Syedan could be seen from the top of the skyscraper.
People went to social media to gather behind the cause of rescuing the Bedi Mahal and its majestic architecture from full decay while the Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) began to take on the role of historical protection.
Baba Khem Singh Bedi’s legacy is undoubtedly extensive and unfolded, but the palace’s architecture and frescoes may prove useful in future exploration of how cultures and beliefs have coexisted peacefully in the Potohar Plateau for millennia.
2. Masjid Rajgan, Bagnoter
The Masjid Rajgan is another attraction in Khanpur, Pakistan. This masjid, who is almost 140 years old, is still standing to tell his story. It has experienced many hardships over the years, and its majesty may have diminished, but its architecture and design, as well as the art and spirituality that have been witnessed here, make it incredibly remarkable.
Raja Sultan Jehandad Khan built it in 1872. The building was built with bricks and black stones, while the wood for the doors and cupboards came specifically from Leepa Valley.
Artists have been called in from Delhi, and as a result, the mosque assimilates all the basic elements of Islamic design. Its significance can be understood by looking at copies created in neighboring nations.
3. Sangni Fortress
The Sikh Period is thought to have begun in the late 18th or early 19th century. The grand fort served as a regional stronghold, with the aim of increasing authority over the area and increasing tax collection. A small hilly stream runs on three sides of the structure and is typically dry throughout the year. The fort is in remarkably decent shape.
The fort was most likely built during the Sikh period (1799-1849). In 1814, Sandhawalia Jat king Maharajah Ranjit Singh took over that region. It was created to maintain control of the region and to facilitate tax collection.
The British included this territory in Bewal. The fort gradually lost its significance and faded into obscurity. The guards of a discreet temple nearby moved the shrine to that fort. The fort is in fair shape, with intact walls, but the interior has been renovated and decorated due to the presence of Sahibzada Abdul Hakeem’s mausoleum.
Natural Resources in Gujar Khan City
Large oil and gas fields were discovered in February 2002 near Tobra, about ten kilometers from Gujar Khan. The Oil and Gas Development Company is developing the field. The field has the potential to produce 1,600 barrels of oil per day.
The Ahdi oil and gas field (Mastala) is located about 30 kilometers from Gujar Khan, near Daultala town, and is managed by Pakistan Petroleum. Huge oil and gas fields have been discovered in the Missa oil field, 5 kilometers from Gujar Khan, according to the Oil and Gas Development Company.
According to authorities, the find was made during drilling at well no. 3 from the Missa Kaswal oil and gas field near Tobra. The field has the potential to produce 1,600 barrels of oil per day. OGDCL is now looking for new natural resources in other regions of Gujar Khan.
Accommodation and Accommodation in Gujar Khan City
The lifestyle in Gujar Khan is almost the same as in other developed areas of Pakistan. Recently, we have seen a rising trend of entry-level housing in Gujar Khan. One of the next housing companies is New Metro City. New Metro City Gujar Khan / Rawalpindi is a model and extravagant project of BSM Developers. Following Gwader Golf City’s huge popular approval, BSM Developers will develop a new housing society to suit public demand. The purpose of this housing society is to provide people with the opportunity to live a royal lifestyle; Bahria Town and Gawadar Golf City are two examples of similar living standards; and, most importantly, to compete with housing societies that raise funds under the guise of development but deliver nothing.
New Metro City Gujar Khan’s main avenue will be carpeted and 250 feet wide. The main boulevard should have ample space as it is the main road coming to the housing society.
Many apartment complexes have a large main boulevard, but the streets themselves become smaller as you enter deeper into the complex. New Metro City Gujar Khan, on the other hand, has streets that are 40 feet wide, allowing you to park in front of your house without taking up too much road space.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
Famous Tourist Places In and Around Gujar Khan City
Upcoming Top Housing Societies and Mall in Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi
For Top Housing Societies and Mall in Gujar Khan, Gujar Khan is a district of Rawalpindi, the twin city of Pakistan, and is connected to Islamabad in the north. The neighborhood has experienced unprecedented economic turmoil in recent years, as well as growing urbanization and infrastructure development. The city’s real estate market has also developed, and many construction companies now offer many housing schemes to encourage development.
This article is designed to shed light on some existing and upcoming projects and residencies in Gujar Khan.
Prominent Residential Societies in Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi
Gujar Khan had a significant Hindu and Sikh population, while many of these people converted to Islam during British control or fled to India after the partition. However, there are still Hindu temples and Sikh Gurdwaras in the vicinity that have not been preserved over the years.
With this brilliant history of Gujar Khan, here are some major housing projects in the district.
1. Model city
This housing company provides a refined and enhanced livelihood, as two of Pakistan’s most popular and well-known properties, Elegant Towns and City Homes PVT, represent a unique residential idea in Model Town, Gujar Khan. Everyone’s desire has always been to build a home in a gated community and enjoy all the benefits of safe living in a beautiful neighborhood with all the amenities of everyday life.
Outstanding features
Model Town Housing Scheme is a TMA-registered project with an approved NOC, indicating that the project is a risk-free investment with good returns. Model Town Gujar Khan offers residential plots of 5 Marla, 7 Marla, 10 Marla, and 1 Kanal, as well as all the modern amenities and developments.
In a shrunken front door community, the project is one of the most favorable, inexpensive, and inventively sketched housing projects that would provide heavenly life and amenities to its residents.
Residents of the Model Town Housing Society will enjoy a high standard of living with artfully built mosques, abundant green parks, commercial areas on each block, wide roads and sidewalks, a community center, and access to all functions and services.
2. New Metro City Gujar Khan / Rawalpindi
BSM Developers brings a model and lavish project to Gujar Khan — New Metro City. Following Gwader Golf City’s overwhelming popular acceptance, BSM Developers will launch a new housing society to meet public demand. The purpose of this housing society is to give people the opportunity to live a royal lifestyle; Bahria Town and Gawadar Golf City are two examples of similar living standards; and, most importantly, to compete with housing societies that raise money from people under the guise of development but deliver nothing.
Outstanding features
New Metro City Gujar Khan will have a carpeted main boulevard that will be 250 feet wide. Since it is the main road leading to the housing society, there should be enough space on the main boulevard.
Many housing estates have a wide main boulevard, but the streets themselves are too narrow as you dive deeper into the complex. New Metro City Gujar Khan, on the other hand, has 40-foot-wide streets, allowing you to park your car right in front of your house without taking up too much road space.
Because Pakistanis are predominantly Muslim, they require mosques close to their homes to be spiritual. Residents of New Metro City Gujar Khan will soon have access to a spectacular Jamia Masjid built by the owners and developers.
There will be shopping malls in the city where you can buy groceries for yourself, so avoid going to the main city center if there are shops nearby.
Security, in addition to the elements described above, is the most crucial feature. You can live in peace without worrying about robbers or others if the neighborhood is safe.
New Metro City Gujar Khan provides protection around the clock. Main gates will be well secured. Movements of strangers will be captured by CCTV cameras installed in key locations.
A housing association would not be a housing society without basic amenities, so it has 24-hour underground electricity, gas, and water.
About the developers
BSM Developer is a well-known proprietary development company; however, due to its well-known status in the real estate industry. BSM Developers has a megalithic partnership for CPEC-Gwadar, leading to investments with high stability and large production to offer a lift to the financial cycle. This is the family business of Malik Riaz, a business tycoon in the field of real estate and development, according to a popular introduction.
Who hasn’t heard of CPEC, Gwadar or Gwadar Golf City? Gawadar Golf City is a well-known housing company in the city. It was the only civilization that first developed and then delivered to its inhabitants at very low costs. Gwadar Golf City & New Metro City Kharian is a project of BSM Developers that combines architectural grandeur with avant-garde amenities to transform the golden sands into economic progress and development.
3. Prism Town Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi
The Prism Khan Gujar Khan housing company is located near Rawalpindi and Islamabad on the main GT route, making it conveniently accessible from both. The community will present all the amenities that society should have. So if you want to invest in a great environment, this could be the perfect alternative.
Each housing association is distinguished from the others by its location. As a result, most people like to live in an easily accessible place. As a result, Prism Town Gujjar Khan is the biggest solution for them, considering their needs.
- Located on Main GT Road near Al Mannan Marriage Hall
- 250ft main boulevard
- Development began in March
- 40 ft streets
- Pre-launch rates
- Masjid for each block
- Large parks
- Underground Electricity
- Gas
- Water supply
- 24/7 security
- Inbound community
- Large commercial areas with multinational brands
- 3 year easy part plan
- Evolution of the state of the art
Gujar Khan Mall
It is another development project in Gujar Khan. Gujar Khan Shopping Mall (MoGK) is Gujar Khan’s first state-of-the-art shopping mall, as its name suggests. It has a total area of over 150,000 square feet. Although it may not be as big as other well-known malls in the country, such as Emporium or Lucky One, the quality and atmosphere are just as good.
You will forget about the severe traffic and pollution of the city when you reach the Mall. The Mall seems to be a separate city within Gujar Khan. Royal Business Solutions is the company behind the project (RBS). Don’t be fooled by the title “mall” as the mall also has luxury accommodations. Gujar Khan’s main GT Road is home to the Mall.
Residential Apartments have three separate entrances
It is one of the greatest features of the Mall. If you’ve ever visited the Centaurus of Islamabad, you’ve probably noticed that even the locals are trapped in the long parking lines.
Despite having its own door and parking, it is too close to the guest entrance. Residents must therefore wait in traffic while owning multi-crown housing. Fortunately, the MoGK has recognized the problem and is now providing residents with three separate entrances.
Separate Parking for Residents
In addition to the three separate apartments, the Mall offers dedicated parking for the residents.
In conclusion
So, what are you waiting for? Embrace yourself for amazing upcoming projects in Gujar Khan such as New Metro City. Stay tuned to our property portal to know the booking details and other updates about the project.
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
Upcoming Top Housing Societies and Mall in Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi
- Published in Mall of Gujar Khan, new metro city gujar khan, New Metro City Gujar Khan/Rawalpindi, new metro city gujarat, new metro city kharian, new metro city kharian latest, new metro city rawalpindi, Prism Town Gujar Khan, Property News, Real Estate, Real Estate News, upcoming societies in gujar khan, upcoming societies in rawalpindi
Gold Crest – Time to move in
Gold Crest is the height of luxury shopping and entertainment, right in the heart of DHA. It’s more than a collection of stores. It’s a lifestyle choice; a ‘shopping entertainment’ experience where you can browse the latest clothing, chat over coffee, dine with friends, grab the latest craze and let the kids explore their own fun area. With 252,000 square feet of retail space, its air-conditioned luxury creates a cool and peaceful oasis of indulgence in our contemporary world.
Gold Crest Mall DHA Lahore is an optimal opportunity for real estate investment in DHA, Phase 4, Ghazi road, Lahore. Offering high-end luxury apartments for sale according to a flexible part plan. To further enhance the investment benefits in Gold Crest we offer a lot of investor friendly contract terms that very few real estates in Pakistan can bring to the table.
- DHA Joint Venture Project
- 24/7 Power backup
- Flexible payment schedule
- 7-8% Annual rental production
- Parking – 4 floors
- Al Fatah store
- Shopping shops – 2 floors
- Multilevel – 2 floors
- Gymnasium
- Luxury cinemas
- Restaurant
- Children’s play area
- Grocery stores
- 2 Separate Prayer Areas
Main Place
1- Gold Crest Mall DHA Lahore offers an ideal location for brand stores to attract customers
2- Located in DHA, the commercial center and chic area of Lahore
3- In close proximity to all phases of DHA, Lahore and Phase 3 DHA commercial
4- Fast and easy drive to Cantonment, DHA, Model Town and Ferozepur road
5- Great place to live for shopkeepers and socialites
Apartments are ready to move.
As our commitment to our valued customers, we always deliver on what we promise.
Apartments on 5th and 6th floors are almost ready. you can see the updated details in our recent video.
7th and 8th a floor will be ready in the next month and another floor will be ready very soon. So pack your bags to enjoy a new lifestyle at Gold Crest.
Apartments and Shops are available for resale.
For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
Gold Crest – Time to move in
How Rich People make easy Money | Rental Income Solution
How Rich People make easy Money | Rental Income Solution
I’m sure you’ve often wondered how some people seem to succeed in life with minimal effort. And to some, it seems like a constant struggle. Well, unless you’re lucky enough to be born into a billionaire family, most people spend their lives working hard just to succeed. So why do some people always seem to get rich in life while others spend a lifetime chasing after their wealth ?.
Right now, you’re probably trading time for money. Most people’s jobs involve being paid for their time at work, trading expertise in exchange for a salary. Think about all the time it takes to build a business, the time in the office, the hours to answer calls, strategic meetings, networking, chasing customers. It is exhausting and labor intensive.
Why do the poor stay “poor”
So, we all know what poverty looks like when people can’t cover their basic expenses for life. They have difficult choices just to pay their rent or their bills. They spend their lives chasing money like a rat in a cage. Instead of investing in themselves and trying to improve their situation, they are reluctant to take risks and seize an opportunity because they are worried about the future. But the truth is most people don’t feel equipped to face challenges and so can often vent their frustrations by blaming others – politicians, bad luck, and so on. The poor want wealth, but they don’t know how.
Why the middle class remains “poor”
And then there’s the middle class. They have disposable income and savings. They work hard and aspire to be rich. But they often never quite reach that next financial level.
Imagine. You have a monthly income available. So you buy the latest technology, a new car or a vacation to indulge yourself. And that’s where you make a mistake that costs you the opportunity to get rich.
When things lose their value, that’s called depreciation. And that’s what drags you down. The technology will quickly become obsolete. That beautiful watch is worth less than half as soon as you walk out of the store. The car will quickly lose its value. The holiday will be a distant memory. These are not good investment choices. You are caught up in a cycle of working harder and harder just to keep things as they are.
For short-term gain, you lose the opportunity to enter the next financial bracket and become really rich. The car needs repairs. The technology needs to be replaced. You feel pressured to maintain or even outdo your lifestyle. This lifestyle costs you more and more money. When things cost you more in the future, it’s called responsibility.
So how do you get rich?
Rich people make their money work for them, while the poor work to make money. Wealthy people learn to invest wisely in assets that are going to make them appreciate and give them a positive cash flow.
Paul Getty, the world-famous billionaire, famously declared,
“The key to wealth is learning how to make money while you sleep.”
So, what is he talking about? Sounds like a fairy tale. Not at all. It’s a smart way to make money, and it’s called “passive income.”
Passive income is a smart way to make money and free up your time. It is the gain of wolf ownership, limited partnership, shares, stock or other business in which a person is not actively involved.
Definition of asset and liability according to Robert Kyoski
As Robert Kyoski explains in his book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” the biggest mistake most middle-class people make is that they continue to gain compensation by believing that these are assets.
La asset it’s something that increases in value and puts money in your pocket every month, giving you a regular cash flow.
Responsibility it’s something that takes the money out of your pocket.
Your house, for example, is not an asset but a liability by Roberts definition the plots and files you have purchased are passive also. You will pay for its maintenance, taxes, development costs, non-construction penalties. Only if you are able to sell it profitably will it become an asset or if they are paid for with your passive money. Until then, although they may increase in value over time and give you capital gains, which is not always the case, you pay for them and that classifies them into liabilities.
Conversely, rental property can be valuable if you do your due diligence correctly and are able to collect more rent than you have monthly costs. The difference between the rent and the expenses is the net operating income, and it is a cash flow that flows into your pockets every month. Therefore, it is a valuable asset.
I can tell you that cash is king. Assets do not pay bills; cash does! Robert K’s definition of an asset is not accurate from an academic point of view, but to define the types of assets to focus attention on, he is correct.
So, really, you can call yourself rich only if your assets pay off your liabilities, expenses and also generate capital for you to get more assets. Now you don’t have to work for money but your money works for you.
That’s why if you continue to collect assets that are passive, you will continue to pay for them until you die and while it seems your net worth is rising, it can’t pay for your monthly expenses or your lifestyle, and the profits are only realized when you sell. it.
The safest investment property
Partnerships can be sour. But real estate tends to rise steadily and can provide two streams of income: rent and capital growth. If the market is stagnant, you can always rent a property and continue to make money “while you sleep”.
And what kind of passive income has the least risk? Lua Farm, of course.
So the safest way is to invest in real estate. As the old saying goes, ‘Nothing is as safe as houses. With some expert help in choosing an investment property, you can double your money. How? Because you can rent the property while it is constantly increasing in value. So you literally make money while you sleep. And even better, you can invest your rental income from your assets and invest after the next investment opportunity.
This is how the rich move up and up. They make easy money rental income, see how their carefully selected property is also valued in value, and then move on to the next project. Such an investment is called ‘passive income ‘– where there is an initial cost but then the income stream does not require you to spend time enslaving it every day. It leaves you free to spend your precious time in an easy life, or look for the next opportunity,
Work Wiser NOT Harder
You can’t help it if you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You may have a ‘comfortable’ lifestyle but wonder how you can become really rich. The lesson is that you need to actively take calculated risks. No one will offer it to you on a silver platter. You need to put in some initial time, money and research and then sit back and enjoy the results. Invest in a property that will not only be worthwhile but will also earn you rental income. You can use your assets to continue your next project.
And then you can enjoy what it really means to be rich.
Time is precious | Lua income solution
It’s not about working 50 years of your life during a few years of retirement. Have the constant stress of being tied to your desk, to the phone, juggling investments, and constantly watching the stock market returns.
Time is the only thing we can’t buyback. Passive Income is about saving time. It’s about making smart investments that work for you in the background .; quietly earning income. So you can spend your precious time earning more money if you wish. Or enjoying your life to the fullest for as long as Allah wills.
For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
How Rich People make easy Money | Rental Income Solution
- Published in Learn the game, Real Estate, real estate business, real estate buyer sales
Most Expensive Sectors in Islamabad
Following are Most Expensive Sectors in Islamabad. But what exactly makes these sectors so expensive? The answer lies in its commercial and residential values, as well as its location close to the hills and the main markets of the city.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal brings a detailed overview of the most expensive sectors in Islamabad. Let’s take a look.
Who Is Living in the Expensive Sectors of Islamabad?
It is an understood fact that these highly expensive sectors in Islamabad are preferred for living and investment by millionaires, given that they can easily afford to live there.
Most of the population living here consists of government officials, businessmen, politicians, and even foreigners. Since the sectors are posh and close to the best commercial areas, these sectors are a popular choice for foreigners.
The 9 Most Expensive Sectors in Islamabad
The property value of houses and plots located in expensive sectors is based on how safe they are, and what areas are in their proximity ie parks, restaurants, markets, etc.
Most houses for sale are valued as per how close they are to the main areas, and how the trend increases over time proportional to their demand. All of these sectors fall under the list of CDA approved housing societies, making them ideal for investment and for living.
These expensive residential sectors of Islamabad are mentioned as follows. The capital city, besides being famous for its beauty, is also famous for the posh living standards that it offers. Because of its planned sectors, cleanliness, and serene atmosphere, most people do not mind spending beyond their budget limit to buy a property in the most expensive sectors of Islamabad.
Sectors | Expensive Sub-Sector / Road | Size of Houses | Estimated House Prices Upto (Rs.) |
E-7 | Gomal Road | 5 Marla – 4 Kanal | 50 – 90 Crore |
F-7 | Parveen Shakir Rd, Parbat Rd, Nazim-ud-din Rd, Bhittai Rd | 5 Marla – 4 Kanal | 42 – 80 Crore |
F-6 | Khayaban-e-Iqbal, Hill Rd, School Rd | 5 Marla – 4 Kanal | 27 – 35 Crore |
F-8 | Kohistan Rd, Kaghan Road, Park Rd | 5 Marla – 4 Kanal | 20 – 30 Crore |
F-10 | F-10/2, Sumbal Road | 5 Marla – 2 Channels | 10 – 25 Crore |
G-6 | Ataturk Avenue | 5 Marla – 2 Channels | 15 – 38 Crore |
F-11 | F-11/2, Hilal Road, Hamza Road | 5 Marla- 2 Channel | 10 – 25 Crore |
I-8 | Sector I-8/2, Type Sultan Road | 5 Marla- 2 Channel | 7- 15 Crore |
D-12 | D-12/1, D-12/4 | 5 Marla – 2 Channels | 5 -18 Crore |
Sector E-7
E-7 is not just an expensive sector in Islamabad but also ranks as one of the most expensive areas in Pakistan. This area is home to many diplomats, foreigners and embassy officials, given it is right at the base of the Margalla hills.
The sector has a range of luxury houses that go up to 4 canals and also encloses a commercial market area that has renowned restaurants and salons.
Sector F-7

Source: Pinterest
F-7 is one of the most sought after sectors in Islamabad that connects to Faisal Avenue and Margalla Road, as well as a linking road, Nazim-Ud-Din Rd, which leads to Blue Area.
Because of its prime location and easy access to the main sectors close by, F-7 leads as one of the most expensive sectors in the city. With lush green land around and carpeted roads, the sector encloses the top commercial areas with modern amenities and facilities for its residents.
Sector F-6

Source: YouTube
Currently emerging as the second most expensive sector in Islamabad, F-6 is the home of posh cafes, homes, and brands that make up the vibe of the city. Kohsar Market F-6 and Beverly Center are two famous commercial areas in F-6 that are frequently visited by the elite class.
Because the sector comprises multiple embassies, the security of the area is always up to the mark. The close commercial space paved with designer brands and restaurants is a great option for foreign consulates.
Due to its high commercial value, it also ranks high as a residential area, which is why it falls in the expensive range of real estate properties in the capital.
Sector F-8

Source: Facebook
With a high geographical advantage, Sector F-8 is considered one of the most valued sectors as it is surrounded by major landmarks and well-settled neighborhoods.
The property value in this sector is very expensive on account of the infrastructure and the facilities available.
The roads of this sector are well connected with other sectors, joining the rest of the areas inside and outside the city. Sector F-8 comprises many head offices of big companies as well as buildings.
Besides this, the main Islamabad Kechehri is also located in this sector, which is why the real estate value of this sector is very high.
Sector F-10

Source: Graana.com
F-10 shares a border with Fatima Jinnah Park (F-9) and lies adjacent to Margalla Road. The sector has a big commercial area that caters to top brands from across the country, as well as multiple restaurants.
It is surrounded by an organized road network that keeps it connected with the surrounding areas and sectors. Because of its border with an active commercial area, F-10 is one of the most expensive areas of Islamabad with all luxury amenities and facilities nearby.
Sector G-6
G-6 is one of Islamabad’s most prominent and expensive sectors. Its high value is relative to its location situated across Jinnah Avenue and Kashmir Highway, making it almost central to the commercial areas and other main sectors of the city.
Sector G-6 links to Blue Area and is a lush green area with clean carpeted roads. The area has famous markets and landmarks nearby such as Aabpaara and Shakarparian National Park.
Because of its easy accessibility for the residents in G-6, the price trends have gone very high, especially in the areas that are close to Blue Area.
Sector F-11

Source: Graana.com
F-11 is one of the most expensive areas in Islamabad. It caters to the posh living standards of bureaucrats and businessmen. F-11 is a developed sector with elite commercial markets and facilities that add to the ease of people living in the area.
F-11 shares a link road with F-10 and E-11, and also lies adjacent to Margalla Road. Besides expensive houses in the sector, there are also many apartments and housing schemes, such as the Naval Housing Scheme, which are located on Hilal Rd and contribute to the value of this sector.
Sector I-8

Source: Facebook
The I-8 sector has gradually developed into a highly expensive sector in Islamabad, just after the F sector range. The sector has gained the massive interest of investors who are looking for commercial and real estate properties.
This sector is one of the most sought after locations in the capital because of its fast development and convenient access to twin cities.
Besides the commercial market and top restaurants in the sector, I-8 also has several schools, colleges and hospitals nearby.
Sector D-12

Source: Graana.com
D-12 is a scenic sector that is located right next to Margalla Hills, beside E-11. It is a developing sector and has already attracted the interest of real estate investors, because of which the property value of the sector has increased at a drastic rate.
The layout is similar to other sectors in the city, with developing commercial spaces and necessities available in the area.
Keeping the above pointers in mind, it can be concluded that Islamabad’s sectors have always been subject to high property values due to the planned infrastructure of the city as well as the beauty of nature around them.
With time, these top sectors gained value based on the commercial value, location and security of the area.
If you’re looking for more information regarding real estate investment opportunities, follow our Feeta blog.
Most Expensive Sectors in Islamabad
- Published in International, News & Updates, Property News, Real Estate, Real Estate Guide, Real Estate News
FAQ on Rental properties in Pakistan / Passive income in real estate
Frequently Asked Questions – Pakistani Rental Properties / Passive Income
Earning a passive income from Rental properties in Pakistan is by far the safest and surest way to get rich. This FAQ will answer some of the basic questions you may have in mind.
Q-1 Rental properties are depreciating and therefore do not offer high yields.
Answer- The problem of depreciation only exists in houses, especially since they offer only 3 to 4% rental yield per year. Advertisements and shops can be like new after small renovations and some apartments offer up to 10% rent to offset any depreciation effect. As a general rule, rental real estate should give you an average of 15% earnings per year. In some value classes, rent can be more than capital gains and vice versa, but it’s good as much as you get 15% of the total earnings. In addition, the benefits you receive from your rental income will be value added over this 15% or will make up for any shortcomings.
At the end of the day, you have to be careful to find a rental property that gives you a nice return. That’s why you need an expert who can analyze and predict capital gains and expected rents for at least the next 5 to 6 years.
Q-2 Do rental properties need time to build and therefore cannot offer returns as shown?
Answer- When you buy a rental property in Pakistan, you need to look at both aspects of income which are capital gains and rental income. Normally, the already-built property will offer 6% rent per year. However, if you plan to build one or buy one that is still under development, what you lose in rentals during the time it is being built, you get capital gains. Those that need time to build, such as tall ones, are usually much cheaper while they are being built.
On average, a good high-growth project will add at least 60 to 80% in capital gains over the construction period, which lasts 3 to 4 years. This capital gain is usually more than 20% thus compensating for the lack of rental income during this period.
Q-3 In rental properties, can problems arise such as lower rents, which can decrease your ROI?
Answer- Like all investments, even rental property can change under certain circumstances. However, this change can be negative or it can also be positive. For research and analysis, target conditions must be ideal for both rental property investment and speculative business investment. Because the chances that speculative traders are wrong are much higher than the tenant investor losing a few months of the lease. Therefore, maintaining the ideal situation for both types of investors is important and is in fact more favorable to the speculative trader.
Q-4 Do houses or commercials give more capital gains than apartments?
Answer- Houses, commercials and apartments are three different asset classes and will not follow similar cycles. A gain in houses over time is due to a gain in plots, which calms down after the area matures, similarly, apartments will also slow down after the building matures. Later, many other factors will come into play to decide whether that property will grow further or not. Similarly, commercials have their own cycle to follow with their own risks because a very large number of commercials do not show much appreciation.
As long as you understand the different dynamics and act accordingly, all of this will yield very good capital gains. Therefore, capital gains will depend on many other factors than just the active class.
Q-5 Which is the best rental property among houses, apartments, commercials and shops?
Answer- Houses are not suitable for rentals, however, as for the other three, each property must be judged separately to identify who will give you optimal rental returns. It will be wrong to give any preference depending on the active class as such.
Ultimately, it all depends on your choice of individual property rather than its value class. A good housing project can outperform an average business in capital gains and conversely, a good commercial property can beat an average housing project easily.
Luxury serviced apartments in Gulberg Lahore for Air BnB rentals are a safer and safer bet than other types of real estate for rental purposes.
Q-5 ROI on rental income is slow, while plots can double their price in a very short period of time.
Answer- You must have heard the old saying. ” slow and steady wins the race“. Rental properties are that turtle that seems slow but never stops, thus giving you a more stable consistent income over the period.
The unpredictability in speculative trading is its biggest enemy. Although speculative trading gives an illusion of higher returns, the high failure rate balances it out. In addition, speculative trading is not suitable if you are an emigrant or a busy person who will not have time to look at the real estate markets constantly.
Our study has shown that both rental returns and successful speculative trading can make almost equal amounts of money in the long run. So renting property leads to being the safest and safest way to achieve your financial freedom goals.
Q-6 Rental properties usually only give 3 to 4% rental income per year.
Answer- That’s not true, only houses give 3% and we already consider them as lame wolf property. Apart from this, some commercial real estate does offer only 4% rental production, but this is usually because they are not yet fully mature and offer much more in terms of capital gains. So investors are happy with them considering that the combined gains are usually 15% or more.
Q-7 (Part 1) Suppose I invest 13 million in a 562 sq.Ft apartment. After 13 years will I get my capital back on 10% rent?
For example:
Hotel Apartment Sq.Ft: 562
Tariff (kv.Ft): 23000
Total Price: 12,926,000
10% Annual Income: 1,292,600
Annual Service Fees (Kv. Ft): 30 Rs * 562 = 202,320
Own tax: 50,000
Rent Tax: 60,000
Annual in Manluo: 980,280
Answer- The calculations we provide do not cover any taxes or liabilities, no matter if you are investing in speculative real estate or rental property in Pakistan. The impact of these taxes will be felt on both sides and will certainly affect ROI but is the bare minimum. For example, the service costs are not as high as 30 PKR and in some cases, they should not be paid by you but by the developer or tenant. In addition, after one or two years, a 10 to 20% increase in rentals will cover any debts without putting a big dent in your rentals.
Second, if the purpose of the question is to compare plots or files with wolf holdings, then similar duties apply to commercial plots as below:
a. Instead of annual service costs you pay a non-construction penalty on parcels and even sometimes development costs.
b. Property tax will be paid even if you also own land, so it is not only applicable to the wolf property.
c. You will pay capital gains instead of income tax because during trading you will sell plots mostly in less than 4 years.
Q-8 (Part 2) If rent is in between it can get my capital back in 11 to 12 years?
Answer- The mistake most investors make when it comes to this calculation is that they do not calculate the profit on rental income. In reality, it will take a maximum of 5 to 6 years for the repayment of capital investment, if you reinvest your rental income at 10% per annum. This could be even faster if you invest with Feeta.pk 1 crore challenge where we can get you up to 20% annual returns.
Take a look at the calculations below, based on a conservative analysis of the apartment in question. During the construction process, we expect 80% growth, then 12% for three years, and 10% later for capital gains. Similarly, the reinvestment of capital is only calculated at a conservative 10% per annum instead of 20%. You can clearly see that it will only take 6 years for the return of your capital after ownership.
Even if we calculate capital gains at 5% after the 3rd year, the value of your asset will still be close to Rs 4 crore. However, it can be said that the rent capital should grow by 15 to 20% rather than 10%, so realistic performance can vary and the calculations below are just to understand the concept of rental investment and the compounding effect.
Q-9 (Part 3) During this period If I want to sell my apartment to invest in some other area. I will be stuck in the apartment.
Liquidating Assets (housing) will be more difficult. You may be blocked for a longer period than plot Winding. Because Average Liquid Asset (plot/house) lasts 6-12 months on normal days.
Service Apartments are good for rental purposes. But for monetization, we may be stuck for a longer period of time. Because people prefer to book new apartments for a fee not 5-10-year-old apartments at full payment?
Answer- Selling a rented built property will take a little longer than a plot or file. However, rental property continues to give you cash every year, unlike a plot or file, which is in fact a liability because you will pay the non-construction penalty and other company charges as well as development costs in case of any plots and files.
So it all depends on how you define liquidity. a property that will sell out quickly or a property that will repay you 10% in cash each year and repay 100% capital in 5 to 6 years.
Ultimately, like any other property, how quickly your apartment will sell depends on the quality of the project rather than the value class. Not all projects will be the same and sales will vary depending on your choice today. Monotation is also much better in relation to wolf ownership because you will have full capital in 6 years which can be invested again in other places.
For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
FAQ on Rental properties in Pakistan / Passive income in real estate
How to Choose a Real Estate Agent
This is why hiring a real estate agent would be the most appropriate approach to handle the stress – Buying or selling a house is one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make in your life. While it may be tempting to avoid hiring one and sell/buy a home yourself, the costs still outweigh the benefits. For instance, you may not be able to devote as much time to potential buyers; you wouldn’t know how to market your property effectively, or you may not be aware of the nuances of the local market.
This is why you need someone who knows the ins and outs of the market. The right agent can ensure that your property is sold at the best price or that you get the best value in the market for a new place. However, with so many options available now, it can be difficult to decide which one to choose from. It can especially be tricky to filter out people who are looking out for your best interests from those who are just looking for ways to make quick money at your expense. Graana has compiled a few factors that you should consider during the decision-making process.
Experience Matters
It takes time and effort to build a track record with quality inventory, so hiring someone who has handled several housing transactions would be your safest bet. A real estate agent should be able to make competitive offers or negotiate with sellers on your behalf – and that can only come from relevant experience. Skilled agents would also be up to date on the latest trends and patterns in the industry.
Internet sources now have a lot of information at our disposal to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Conduct thorough research on your prospect agent’s digital presence, for example, their listing materials website etc.
However, a long work history doesn’t necessarily mean that all the information provided would be authentic. To counter that risk, do a preliminary interview with them to get an idea about their strategy. For instance, ask them what they have sold in the last month; how much time they take to finalize a deal; what type of properties do they have the most experience dealing with, etc. You can interview multiple prospects before hiring the best prospect. The one who is most prepared for their presentation would be more likely to put in more effort in working for you.
Also research according to your individual needs. Just because one seems good at their job, it doesn’t mean they would be the right fit for you. For example, the priorities of first-time homebuyers may be different from those of repeat buyers, and they would want a real estate agent who has worked with similar clients.
According to Corey from Buy Yo Dirt, real estate is not an easy business, and the land is loaded with land mines that can wipe out your profits. That’s why it’s crucial to perform extensive research before diving in, so you’re aware of all the benefits and drawbacks of real estate investing. When looking for a property that is profitable, there are some crucial factors to consider.
References and Referrals
There is no bigger credible factor than a referral from a previous, satisfied client. You can also ask your friends, family or other people in your network for an unbiased opinion. If you don’t have direct contact with any, ask the real agent to provide you with references before signing a contract with them.
You can contact other agents as well to see what rapport they have in the market. Online reviews are helpful too – they also give you a chance to check how the agent responds to negative feedback.
Support Staff
Usually, real estate agents are handling multiple clients at a time. Look for someone who has the ability to cater to you regardless of how many people they are dealing with. Also, ask upfront at the beginning about the availability of support staff so there is someone always at hand to answer all your queries.
The Right Fit
Decide which qualities are most important to you and look for that in your real estate agent. For example, do you want someone who is available to talk on the weekends?
Be straightforward and clear about your requirements from the start. Technically, they should be asking you questions and taking your opinion every step of the way. Most real estate agencies already own the technology to filter and find suitable living options for you. However, if you are still not coming across a property that you want to explore or is within your price range, it means they are just looking to benefit themselves.
If you feel like you both are on different pages, you always have the option to find someone else; don’t feel obligated to compromise, especially if the agent is exerting any pressure on you.
Local Area Expert
If you are concerned about only a specific area (either for selling or buying), you can narrow your search to find an expert in that neighborhood. If you have friends or family in the mentioned area, you can ask them to recommend an agent too.
This would give you the advantage of being able to rely on someone who has a stronger understanding of property rates. According to Ryan from Sound home Buyer, a local area expert is crucial in the overall real estate process.
Realistic Expectations
Buying or selling real estate is a long, complicated process with multiple factors involved, and you need someone who is honest with you about that rather than paint an optimistic picture. The associated risks of your decision should be openly communicated to you, backed with facts and figures in terms of investment analysis, long-term impact etc.
The Fine Print
Take a closer look at the proposed contract before signing on the dotted line. It should state the terms you both have verbally agreed upon, including the commission the real estate agent would receive. Also, pay attention to the length of the contract – real estate is a seller’s market today so selling a property, for example, should only take 6 months or less. If the contract exceeds this time period, it would be best to hire another agent.
According to Bret Arrington From AIP House Buyers, if you want to sell your property fast, you should hire highly professional real estate agents.
In the hyper-competitive real estate market, it is best advised to hire a real estate agent to help you navigate through the long process of paperwork, negotiations and large sums of transactions.
How to Choose a Real Estate Agent
- Published in International, Real Estate, real estate business, Real Estate Guide, real estate market
All About Property Mutation in Pakistan
Property Mutation, Once you have completed all the formalities of a real estate transaction, the next and final step is to register the said property under your name to make it official in government records. This is known as the mutation of a property. It refers to the entire process in which the title of ownership of a property is transferred to another person. Simply put, it is the title deed (also called a conveyance deed) needed to have the property under your name.
Feeta.pk has compiled all the basic details that you need to know regarding the property mutation process.
When do you need a mutation certificate?
- When you buy a property
- When you inherit a property
- When you receive a property as a gift
- When you purchase a property through a power of attorney
How do you apply for a mutation certificate?
Since obtaining the mutation certificate is not a legal obligation, many new property owners postpone the process. However, the mutation process should ideally be started as soon as possible once the property has changed hands – at least within 3-6 months of the land purchase. Without it, the buyer may risk facing issues in obtaining complete legal ownership of the property in question.
The process just comprises a few, simple steps:
- Visit the land administrator’s office in the concerned area (where the property is located) and submit the required documents. These may also vary according to circumstances. For example, if this is a mutation of the property after the owner’s death, applicants would have to submit a death certificate, succession certificate, etc. You can cross-check on the government website or call on the helpline for further information, but you would still have to visit the municipal body to hand in the papers.
- Both the seller and buyer have to appear with two witnesses and the sub-registrar will hear their verbal agreement for trading the property.
- This will be recorded in the Inteqal (Mutation) Register, and you will be handed a receipt.
- Afterward, you would have to submit a nominal process fee to the National Bank of Pakistan (this will be just a one-time charge).
- There will be a physical verification of the site by the relevant authorities.
- The municipal body may take up to a month to update the record, after which they would issue the mutation certificate.
Why is it important to get a mutation certificate?
Even though it is not a legally binding document, the mutation certificate is still necessary for several reasons:
- It serves as additional proof of ownership.
- You will be able to record the property under your name in the municipal local body.
- It can also be required when applying for utilities, such as electricity and water services.
- It may also serve as a tax record.
- You would need it if you want to sell or transfer your property to someone else in the future. If you are unable to produce a mutation certificate before potential buyers for verifying the chain of ownership, you may risk the sale of your asset.
- In case of land dispute, corruption or hostile takeovers, the mutation certificate can help challenge false claims in court.
- All immovable assets (individual homes, apartments, land, etc.) are subject to property tax payment, and mutation is just a way to ensure that. The certificate is required by the government to fix the property tax liability and other levies on the rightful owner.
- It can also help you correct any errors in the records in case there is an unauthorized transaction.
What is the difference between registration and mutation?
There is some ambiguity over the difference between property registration and mutation since the purpose of both seems similar. Property registration refers to the process in which you claim legal rights on a property by registering the sale under your name. The process of mutation, on the other hand, is the buyer’s responsibility and can only be initiated once the property registration has been executed.
Property Registration | Property Mutation |
Also called a baye-nama | Also called inteqal |
Mandatory process after transfer of property | Not a legally required process after the transfer of property |
Legalizes the actual sale of a property | Transfers ownership of the property |
A sale deed | Does not require a sale to take place; it applies to inherited and gifted properties too |
While the key differences between the two are just a few, it is still important to know the significance of each to avoid any potential problems or confusion in the future if you choose to resell the property. This is why it is advised to acquire both in the beginning.
If you are looking for more information on the real estate processes in Pakistan, you can visit this link.
All About Property Mutation in Pakistan
The Ultimate Guide to Selling Property in Pakistan
Selling and Transferring Property in Pakistan is a regular occurrence in the country, where hundreds and thousands of people sell and transfer property. For those familiar with the process, the transferring procedure might just be a piece of cake. But for people who are new and confused about where to start, you’ve come to the right place.
Before we jump into the tricky aspect of this process, let’s clear the air about what exactly transferring property means and why it is an essential aspect of buying and selling property in Pakistan.
What do we mean by transferring property?
As per the law, any individual who owns a property should have the land or property verified under their name. The land should be under the designated ownership; only then can they sell the property to themselves. This is the basic requirement of selling a property.
In Pakistan, the transfer of any property generally consists of the owner transferring the title of the land from one person to the other. Transferring property can occur in multiple ways for various reasons, such as a mortgage, gift deed, inheritance, lease, exchange, etc. All such explanations are why transferring is an essential legal procedure.
Who is eligible to transfer property?
All individuals who can sign a contract are authorized to transfer property ownership in Pakistan. According to the Contract Act 1872, a contract is claimed as a binding agreement between two parties, meaning that it is a legally binding document for any sale and purchase of land in the country.
There are a few exceptions for people who are not eligible to transfer a property:
- Minor: Anyone under the age of 18 is a minor and therefore cannot carry out the process.
- Unstable Individuals: Someone who cannot understand the consequences of their actions, for instance, that of a mentally ill person. Other reasons can be permanent or temporary physical disability such as a Coma etc.
- Legally Barred Individuals: Someone barred from signing contracts cannot transfer property in Pakistan.
What are the steps involved in transferring and Selling a property in Pakistan?
The transferring process, although time-taking, is a simple and easy process with not many legal proceedings. We’ll break down the process into different steps to help you better understand.
Token (Bayaana)
This is the very first step of selling after you’ve successfully secured a client. This involves the buyer giving approximately 1 / 4th of the total price. If not the exact percentage, there is an agreed amount between the buyer and the seller to indicate an agreement from both sides of the party.
The Token (Bayaana) is given by the buyer with a series of negotiations and based on a contract, in which all details are specified. After this, the seller holds negotiations with any other potential buyers.
Usually, a specified period is set and written in the contract for the full amount to be paid. If the sale falls through, the token is returned. But if the full amount is not paid in the specified time, the seller has no obligation to return the token, even if the sale doesn’t go through.
What is a Property Sale Agreement and how can we get it?
A sale agreement contract is a set of required documents that include all information related to the seller and buyer involved in the transfer process. In Pakistan, these are the required documents that are attached with the Bayaana form:
- Complete details of the property with the property owner’s verified name
- Terms of sale for the property
- The total amount of money which the property is being sold for
- Final date for the buyer to pay the remaining sum of money
What is the complete list of documents required?
To carry out the transfer process smoothly, you need to collect the following documents organized. You’ll need:
- Recent Passport Photos of both parties involved (Buyer and Seller)
- Photocopies of National Identity Cards of both parties
- Original Purchase Deed of the Seller (From the time they purchased the property)
- The original ‘Sale deed’ which is the agreement contract between both parties
This list of documents can also include some more documents depending on the province, region, area, etc. (A lot of documents, we know, but verified property takes tough measures!)
- A ‘Record of Rights’ also known as Fard-e-Malkiat, is a form that can be obtained by the seller from the property registration office. This guarantees that the property is under the name of the seller.
- You’ll need a Non-Demand Certificate (NDC), a document that shows you don’t have any fine due on the property. Depending on the location, you can get this from the local development authority’s office.
- For properties in private housing schemes, there is the need to request a letter from a particular society to carry out the property transfer. This can be used in place of the Fard-e-Malkiat document.
Possession of Stamp Paper and Tax Payment
Source: Pinterest
This is one of the essential and final steps of the transfer process. You’ll need a stamp paper to draft the deed for the sales; that will be the contract for the sale. You can choose. Buyers; will be required to pay stamp duty and taxes during this step.
Let’s take a look at this easy breakdown of the tax duty involved:
- Stamp Duty 3%
- Capital Value Tax 2%
- District Council Fee 1%
- Fixed Registration Fee PKR500 (Can differ as per govt. Order)
Drafting the Sales Deed
In Pakistan, the sales deed is usually recommended to be drafted by a property lawyer or a property agent aware of the bylaws and the rules involved in the process. This is a particularly safe option to avoid any complications that might arise in case you are doing it yourself.
Although, people who are selling and buying property as a business have become familiar with constructing the ideal draft for this deed, which can be done easily with the help of the internet. However, the common practice and recommendation are to take the help of a lawyer to avoid any future complications that may occur.
What do we do after drafting the Sale Deed?
Source: Freepik
Finally, after a long process, you’ve reached the last step. You can take the sales deed (inscribed stamp paper) along with the required documents to the registrar’s office. From here, the sub-registrar will call both parties simultaneously and hear their verbal agreement for the trading of property.
You’ll need to sign the documents and put in your fingerprint to verify the final sale and complete the transfer process. Once this is done, the official will register the sale deed successfully, then the transfer process is complete, and the property is now successfully transferred to the buyer.
How much is the Commission for the Property Dealer Involved?
If you’re wondering what the person who helped you secure a client and help you proceed with the sale and transfer of the property is, there is a commission that the dealer/agent gets from the client. Although there are no specific laws to govern and record the work of real estate agents and dealers in Pakistan, the general practice remains a constantly changing variable and experiences changes from time to time.
Usually, the commission of property agents comes to around 1% of the total value of a property. This 1% of the value is each from the buyer and seller as the commission to the dealer. If the buyer and seller both have different agents, then both agents get to keep a 1% commission each from their own clients. Sometimes, property agents will ask for as high as 2% of the property value, or even lower than 1%. The amount varied according to the success, reputation of a property dealer, or property value.
Suppose you’re looking to learn more about the legal aspects and procedures involved in property buying and selling. In that case, you can stay connected with our blogs at Feeta.pk, where you can easily find comprehensive information to guide you through the real estate market.
The Ultimate Guide to Selling Property in Pakistan
- Published in Housing Schemes, Infrastructure, International, Property Business In Pakistan, Property Consultant, Property In Pakistan, Property Laws, Property News, property sell in pakistan, property selling, Real Estate, real estate business, real estate buyer sales, real estate financing, real estate goals, Real Estate Guide, real estate investing, real estate investment, Real Estate Investments, real estate market, Real Estate News, Real Estate Trends, USA
Things you need to know about House Flipping
House flipping is one of the most common ways to earn money through real estate in Pakistan. If you have ever seen people who buy properties that are almost in ruins and, after a series of renovations, turn them into spectacular homes that later make good profits when they sell them, and you wonder how they do it, you are at the right place.
This blog brings you things you need to know about house flipping. To learn more about house flipping in Pakistan, keep on reading.
What is house flipping?
Flipping is a quick profit strategy in which an investor purchases real estate at a discounted price and then improves the property to unload it at a better price. Instead of buying a property to live in, the person buys a house as a real estate investment.
It is worth mentioning that the primary purpose of flipping is to buy low and sell high. In short, flipping, also known as grand real estate investing is a type of real estate investment strategy in which an investor buys a property not to use it but to sell it for profit.
How do investors make money through property flipping?
This gain generally stems from a price appreciation arising from a hot real estate market in which prices are rising rapidly or from capital improvements made to the property, or both. For example, an investor could purchase a property in a “warm” neighborhood, do significant renovations, and then offer it a price that reflects its new look and amenities.
Currently, in the absence of inventory, tearing down and rebuilding houses can be an extremely lucrative strategic investment form in the face of a poor housing market. Older homes are usually at low prices and favorable mortgage rates allow borrowers to purchase the property with ease.
Things you need to know about house flipping:
Following are some of the things that you need to consider before flipping property in Pakistan.
Consider your finances and associated costs:
Real estate requires capital. The first cost is the cost of acquiring a property. While interest on borrowed money is tax-deductible even after the Tax, it is not a 100% deduction. Every rupee spent on welfare is added to what you have to earn from the sale to cover costs.
Do extensive research on your financing options to find out which type of mortgage is best for you, and find a lender that offers low-interest rates. An easy way to research financing costs is to use a mortgage calculator, which allows you to compare the interest rates offered by different lenders.
Of course, paying cash for the property eliminates the interest cost, but even then, there are property holding costs and opportunity costs to immobilize your money. Renewal costs must also be taken into account. If you intend to repair the home and sell it for a profit, the sale price must exceed the combined cost of the acquisition, the cost of maintaining the property, and the cost of the renovations.
Even if you manage to overcome the financial hurdles of scaling a home don’t forget about capital gains taxes, which will reduce your earnings.
Time constraints:
It is time-consuming to renovate houses. It will take months to find and buy the right property. Once you own your home, you will need to spend time getting it fixed. If you have a day job, the time spent on demolition and construction can be a wasted afternoon and weekend. If you pay someone else to do the work, you will spend even more time than you would expect to monitor the activity, and the costs of paying others for profit will decrease.
Once the work is complete, you will need to schedule inspections to ensure the property meets applicable building codes before you can sell it. Otherwise, you will have to spend more time and money to give it up somewhat.
By showing it yourself to potential buyers, you can spend a lot of time traveling to and from the property and in meetings. If you use a real estate agent you will be owed a commission.
It may make more sense for many people to stick to a day job, where they can earn the same kind of money in a few weeks or months regularly, easily roll without risk, and with a consistent time commitment.
Professional builders and skilled professionals, such as carpenters and plumbers, often trade houses for income alongside their regular jobs. They have the knowledge, skills, and experience to find and organize a home. Some also have union jobs that provide unemployment checks throughout the winter while working on their side projects.
The real money in a house exchange comes from equity. If you’re handy with a hammer, enjoy laying rugs, and can hang drywall, roof a house, and install a kitchen sink, you have the skills to flip a house.
On the other hand, if you are unfamiliar with the instruments, you will have to pay a professional for restorations and repairs. And that will reduce the chances of you getting a substantial return on your investment.
Lack of information:
To be successful, you know how to choose the right property, in the right location, and at the right price. Even if you have a lifelong argument (putting a house together at, say, the closing of a song), it’s crucial to know which restaurants need to be done and which ones to skip.
You also need to understand the applicable tax and zoning laws and know when to cut your losses becomes, learn to find out before your project turns into a cash hole.
Not patient enough
Professionals take their time and stay on the right property. Newbies rush to buy the first house they see. They then hire the first contractor to make an offer to tackle the work they cannot do themselves. Professionals do the work themselves or rely on a network of predefined, trusted contractors.
Newcomers hire a real estate agent to help them sell the house. Professionals rely on the efforts of the “owner for sale” to minimize costs and maximize profits. Newcomers hope to go through the process, put on a coat of paint, and earn a fortune. Professionals understand that it takes some time to buy and sell homes and that profit margins are sometimes tight.
Inspect your new home:
Check the box or electrical circuit board, making sure that the labels next to each switch, such as kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc., are located correctly. Do this by removing or unplugging each switch (one by one) to find out which room in the house they belong to. You can also hire an electrician to check the state of the electrical box (panel or panel) and if it needs to be repaired or replaced with a new one.
Check your fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to see if they are working well, need batteries, or be replaced.
Contact utility companies:
When you get to your new home, you will want essential services, such as electricity, gas, water and sewerage, cable, Internet, and telephone. So contact those companies in advance to set the date of transfer of those services to your new address.
Update essential documents:
One month before moving in, update your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and voter registration card.
These are some of the things you know about house flipping. Flipping houses for a living is getting popular by leaps and bounds because house flipping profit is excellent.
Give these pointers a read and incorporate them into your next purchase. This blog is especially beneficial for people who want to know about property flipping and flip houses for beginners.
To know more about real estate trends, visit the Feeta blog.
Things you need to know about House Flipping
Real Estate Strategies for beginners
Real Estate Strategies, Suppose you want to join the real estate investment community to grow your assets and plan your future to live on income. In that case, you must first evaluate the different alternatives to participate in the sector. Some require a more significant investment of time or money than others and experience or knowledge about the industry. In this blog, we bring you a list of real estate strategies for beginners that they can use to excel in the real estate industry of Pakistan.
To know more about these strategies, keep reading.
Vacant spaces:
Vacant spaces, including land, are among the few assets in the world whose price appreciates over time. This type of investment gives value to areas of your property that are not occupied or of little use, such as guest rooms, parking lots, basements and ceilings. It works for both seasonal and long-term leases. It is ideal for beginning investors unfamiliar with market values or the practice of leasing entire properties.
In short, one of the best strategies to increase your real estate portfolio is by investing in vacant land.
It is the most common earning mode. In this case, you buy a property to lease it, either in the short term (temporary or vacation) or long term (more than six months). You can focus on having multiple tenants for a property in different periods (winter or summer, vacations, holidays, AirBnB style) or opt for the traditional lease to a single person for a specified time.
Buying and selling:
In this strategy, your focus is on acquiring and reselling residential properties in areas of most significant demand, close to high-traffic public spaces (supermarkets, metro stations, bus stops). It requires you to study well the prospects before investing and the regulatory plans of the target zones.
Manage properties:
Under this strategy, you buy and lease properties and offer administration services, from paying everyday expenses to technical maintenance checks, such as plumbing and electricity.
In this strategy, you buy houses at a low price and need repairs; you completely renovate them and then sell them at a higher price. The challenge here is to manage knowledge and values of masonry, design and architecture work.
Real estate funds:
The investor invests in real estate indirectly through a private fund dedicated to buying or developing properties for sale or rent. The profits of the projects are distributed among the contributors of the fund as dividends. The industry initially began focusing on corporate buildings and offices, but later expanded into the housing sector.
Invest in auctions:
In this case, the investor acquires the real estate in an auction process with the sole purpose of reselling it later at a higher price. This type of investment is attractive because the property went through the bank first. Therefore the property’s papers and debts are up to date.
Keep in mind that all these investment alternatives have natural limitations, such as the location of the property, its accessibility, and current demand, as well as artificial ones, such as co-ownership agreements for office buildings and apartments and condominiums debts associated with real estate.
Be informed:
Although it is not necessary to have studies or a degree to dedicate yourself to investing in the real estate sector, it is essential that, when you are in the business, you know basic concepts of the industry, such as the price/cost differential, capital gains, generation value, the profile of the investor and the type of property. The fact that you do not master the vocabulary of the world in which your company operates can lead, at least, that people distrust you.
In this sense, a fundamental behavior to be more and more informed about the business is to listen carefully to people associated with the company. In this way, you will not only be able to access privileged information about your clients, but you will also gain more and more confidence in your expertise.
This same practice will affect your pricing method. Whether you are based on margins, target prices, demand, competition or the highest possible value, it will always be essential to be informed to define the amounts of your business most appropriately.
Have a plan:
Discipline always translates into success, and this habit has much more to do with being active and constant at work than being rigid and unable to react to changes. This is why, when we talk about having a plan and abiding by it, what you must understand is that before entering the real estate market you should take some time to design your business plan.
This plan will help you establish critical aspects, such as the vision and goals of your company. Still, it will also encourage you to protect your business with a series of rules that ensure the decisions you will make throughout your career as an entrepreneur in the field.
You will be able to establish specific things such as your target market, selection criteria and even the selection criteria of your properties. Put yourself before problems through a contingency plan that consider your investment’s risk analysis and the financial viability of a purchase or a sale.
Find allies:
The real estate business tends to be independent and lonely because it allows practitioners individual freedom and flexibility compared to other jobs. For the same reason, it is advisable to go to good allies to maintain a good network of contacts and grow in a highly competitive and agile market.
With allies, we mean reading books that teach methods to achieve financial “good health” or encourage the practice of habits to be effective in business, even attending courses and seminars designed especially for people who want to learn everything necessary to function. Successful in the world of real estate investment.
It is also advisable to interact with real estate agents and financial advisers to listen to their experiences and opinions, but above all to finish inserting themselves more and more into the beautiful and complex world of real estate.
Finally, a good idea to become a great real estate investor is to interact with ordinary people who are examples of success, either due to their personal experiences or economic fluctuations in business in general and within the field.
It is a type of inspiration that you can also find in opinion leaders with a good presence in social networks and participation in books, courses and seminars in the field.
So, these are some of the strategies that beginners should keep in mind while entering the real estate market. Make use of these strategies and excel in the real estate market of Pakistan.
Real Estate Strategies for beginners
Buyer’s Market vs. Seller’s Market: Know the Difference
Would you like to sell or buy a home at the best time of year? Despite the fact that certain seasons may be busier than others, the fluctuations in the real estate market are much more influenced by supply and demand than by the time of year. Keeping an eye on the housing market is one of the most important things to watch and watch out for whether you’re in a buyer’s or seller’s market in your local area.
Everybody wants the best deal on a new home, but it’s not always easy. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic prospective homebuyers have had a difficult time answering the question, “Why are houses so expensive at the moment?”.
In order to save on a new home and avoid overspending on the mortgage, savvy homebuyers try to time their purchases around buyer’s markets.
When purchasing a house, it is important to know the difference between buyer’s markets and seller’s markets. Let’s find out more with this blog.
What Is a Buyer’s Market?
Buyer’s markets occur when more homes are for sale than buyers are available. It means that more homes are listed for sale than there are buyers. Buyer’s market often refers to the state of a market where there is relatively more inventory than demand.
Lower home prices are an indicator of a buyer’s market. A seller’s home will often sell for around the listing price or even less in a buyer’s market. You cannot raise your asking price much without causing buyers to look at comparable homes offered by other sellers in your neighborhood.
Due to the volume of competition, sellers are at a disadvantage. Many sellers decide to accept a lower sale price instead of waiting for the right buyer to come along.
Seemingly longer than average time on the market is another sign of a buyer’s market. There’s likely a buyer’s market if the for-sale signs aren’t replaced with sold signs as you drive through your neighborhood. There is little chance of seeing a bidding war over a house on the market. With so many homes available, buyers are unlikely to spend more than the asking price.
What is a Seller’s Market?
During a seller’s market, the number of buyers overrules the number of available homes on the market or when there are more buyers than available homes. A single property often attracts multiple buyers, resulting in a bidding war. Selling your home in a seller’s market can be a great option because you can get a higher sales price than your listing price, or at least more than your bottom-line price (the lowest price you’re willing to accept for your house).
Be aware of the seller’s advantage when buying a home in a seller’s market. The advantage of getting a lower sale price on a property that other buyers are interested in is unlikely if other buyers are also interested.
An offer made by a competing buyer could cost you the opportunity to buy the property. The seller’s market is sometimes referred to as a renter’s market because sometimes prospective buyers must continue renting until they can raise their down payment and compete with other buyers.
According to a licensed realtor from FL Cash Home Buyers – the key to selling a property fast is to utilize as broad of a net as possible for buyers. The key to this is to find the right realtor. Realtors can help sell a house not only quicker but usually more profitably and as legally correct as possible.
The market for Buyers or Sellers? Find Out with These 4 Tips
A buyer’s or seller’s market can be determined without being an expert in it real estate. The easiest way to tell can usually be found by looking at current and recently sold listings.
A buyer’s market has the following characteristics
- Sales of homes are slow
- The homes sell for less than the list price
- The home price index is declining
- There are many homes available for sale
A seller’s market has the following characteristics
- Houses sell quickly
- The home sells at or above the listing price
- The price of homes is rising
- There aren’t many homes for sale
A Few Tips for Buyers
When there are limited housing options and a lot of buyers are interested, time is of the essence.
- A seller’s market is an excellent time to act fast if you find your dream home. Those who hesitate over a house they want to buy may find it is no longer available by the time they are ready to negotiate. Getting pre-approval for a loan before you need it will ensure financing.
- Make sure you know you’re at a disadvantage before you make an offer. There is no need to push for specific closing dates, concessions, or contingencies in a seller’s market. Make sure you focus on what’s important to you. Make sure you think twice about stipulations you want to be written into the contract. Make an all-cash offer if possible. Since cash buyers don’t have to deal with financing issues, sellers prefer them.
- Having patience is crucial when you keep losing out on the homes you are interested in. Don’t get discouraged if you keep losing out on homes you are interested in. Frustrated buyers end up suffering in a seller’s market. Many inexperienced bidders engage in bidding wars to get the home they want, even if the home isn’t worth much. That’s not a good idea.
- If you are tired of losing, you may end up making an offer on a home you wouldn’t usually be interested in. Property ownership is an investment and often a 30-year commitment. Don’t get sucked into a low-cost house. You’d be better off waiting until the market cools off before starting your home search.
A Few Tips for Sellers
To increase interest in your property in a seller’s market, you’ll need to compete with other sellers.
- Before you market or show your property, make sure your home is clean and organized, and in good condition.
- The price of a home tends to rise in a seller’s market, but pricing your home relatively still helps. You’ll be more likely to attract buyers if you lower your asking price slightly below fair market value. It is common for sellers to list their homes slightly below their assessed value to encourage bidding wars.
- Examine offers carefully: During a seller’s market, it’s even more important to consider offers carefully. In their search for the highest offer, sellers frequently ignore the buyer’s financial strength. If buyers say they will pay a certain amount, that doesn’t automatically mean they can get the funds. The appraised value of your home cannot be financed beyond that.
- Your last concern should be accepting an unrealistic offer and then having to resell your home when the deal falls through. Buyers will have more power when negotiating when your house has been on the market longer.
- Make sure any buyer who requires financing is preapproved for a loan. When buyers receive pre-approval, their credit and finances are verified, ensuring they can obtain a loan for a specific amount. Prequalification, however, is merely an estimate of a buyer’s finances.
- Observe contingencies: Also, be aware of offers that include contingencies. In the event that certain conditions are not met, buyers can back out of sales contracts, including mortgage house contingencies, home sale contingencies, appraisal contingencies, and inspection contingencies.
- According to Phil from Cash offer Please, Many homeowners choose to sell their homes through a real estate agent in order to get the best price. However, you may be able to sell your home for less than market value by making a cash offer to the buyer.
Knowing where the market stands is beneficial when buying or selling property. There is less competition for buyers in a buyer’s market when there are many homes available. On the other hand, a seller wants to list their house during a seller’s market when there are fewer properties for sale and a high number of interested buyers.
It is still important to hire a real estate agent, regardless of the market conditions in your area. A real estate agent can give you a leg up on your competition, regardless of market conditions.
Choosing the right time to buy a home can be a major challenge. In a seller’s market, you will notice that homes disappear almost immediately after being listed. To avoid losing out on what could be your dream home, you should get preapproved as soon as possible instead of waiting until the last minute.
Buyer’s Market vs. Seller’s Market: Know the Difference
Pros and Cons of Homeowner Association
Several localities offer residents the option to join a homeowner association. These associations can be quite helpful in resolving minor community issues. However, they may come with several drawbacks that need to be considered. To understand the pros and cons of joining HOAs, you must first understand what HOAs are, what they do, and how they affect homeowners.
What are HOAs? A question that you might be wondering. The term simply refers to homeowner’s associations, which manage a community for the benefit of its residents.
What does HOA mean in Housing?
Homeowners associations exist to manage residential communities, maintain curb appeal, and keep property values high. In addition to this, property owners’ associations manage residential communities. Home developers are responsible for initiating the association.
As a result of legal advice, the developer drafts the association’s governing documents. Bylaws, amendments, rules and regulations and articles of incorporation are among the documents.
Simply put, it would mean living in a house that is a part of an association. Although there are plenty of benefits to living in an HOA, it may not be suitable for everyone. Living in an HOA community, for example, gives you access to amenities you would not otherwise have.
What is the purpose of an HOA?
As soon as you move into your new home that is registered with the association, you become a member. The HOA’s governing documents are automatically applied to you as an HOA member. The documents outline the dos and don’ts of a homeowner. Rules like these help preserve property values and keep neighborhoods safe.
Managing an HOA entails taking care of the best interests of the community, enforcing rules, and setting the amount for dues. A review of the HOA’s governing documents is recommended before moving into a homeowner’s association.
Pros of HOA
Here are some pros of HOA that can help you make a decision.
1. HOAs are responsible for maintaining common areas
The aesthetic appeal of a well-maintained community contributes to the ease of living within it as well. A landscape that offers clean roads, trimmed trees, and blooming flowers, brings harmony and peace. The wellbeing of a community is important, and it is comforting to know that these services are in place.
The benefits of living in a community with an HOA include common community areas being maintained by the organization. Swimming pools, playgrounds, barbecue areas, and community centers are included.
The spaces can be enjoyed without having to worry about maintenance. In addition to maintaining the landscaping in front of each unit, some HOAs also take care of maintenance in the backyards of residents.
2. A consistent value for each property
Property values are a primary reason people buy an HOA home. Your board helps you protect your investment and ensures its value remains the same. It is the owners’ responsibility to maintain their lawns, homes, and personal property in accordance with community laws. This offers several benefits for the homeowner as well as the community. The members of the board live in the same community, and they are just as eager to see it thriving as you.
3. Complying with standards
Every homeowner must follow certain guidelines. Prior to signing on the dotted line, buyers should familiarize themselves with the governing documents. There isn’t much tolerance for unruly behavior in a typical association – from a wild party in someone’s backyard to disregarding architectural guidelines. The neighborhood has a board that mediates neighbor disputes and sets forth consequences when things don’t work out.
Cons of HOA
Let’s take a look at the cons of HOA.
1. HOA fees must be paid monthly
Residents of the community must pay HOA fees because the association maintains the common areas and exteriors of homes.
The fees for these amenities vary from community to community. In addition, HOA fees are not set in stone, so they are subject to change from time to time. When the association is unable to collect enough funds to maintain the community, the association may have to increase the monthly fee.
2. Failure to pay HOA fees can have serious consequences
Paying your HOA fees is an important part of living in a community. Fees must be paid by all residents of the community. If the HOA remains unable to collect enough money from residents, the property may not be able to be properly maintained. This can result in the association firing the property manager, causing the community’s appearance and condition to deteriorate.
3. Rules and regulations are enacted by the HOA
The HOA sets requirements for your home’s appearance. Ranging from what type of front door and windows you can have to decide what color your front door or shutters can be painted – the association has complete control over your home’s appearance. You may even be restricted in how much outside decor you can use and how many vehicles you can park in your community. If you violate the community’s rules and regulations, you could receive a fine.
4. Inadequate management
Poor management can lead to deterioration in some HOA communities. As a preventative measure, electing board members who have the association’s best interests at heart is the perfect way to avoid such a situation. In addition, many HOAs hire a management company to ensure responsibilities and duties are properly fulfilled.
5. Foreclosures and lien rights
A lien or foreclosure is always a concern when living in an HOA. There are certain HOAs that can place links on your property and then foreclose on it. The lien will only occur if your association due aren’t paid.
It’s important to consider the pros and cons of living in an HOA before making a decision. Paying monthly fees and adhering to the rules of an HOA community is necessary. You’ll also benefit from things like preserving your property value and being able to access well-maintained amenities (like landscaping). In the long run, you will benefit more from HOAs if you can tolerate the minor inconveniences they bring.
Stay tuned to Feeta Blog to learn more about Pakistan Real Estate.
Pros and Cons of Homeowner Association
Karachi Vs Lahore – Which One is Better?
Karachi Vs Lahore – Which One is Better? This is a question people ask all the time.
Karachi and Lahore are the two most famous cities in Pakistan. Both are known for their rich culture and amazing hospitality. Karachi is popular for being an economic hub, whereas Lahore is popular for its amazing heritage and beautiful architectural buildings. Both the cities have their own importance and are unique in their own way.
Let’s have a look at the basic factors of both Karachi and Lahore.
Karachi, the city of lights, is the 8th most popular city in the world. There are several reasons for being most popular. Its history, its culture, fashion, trade, entertainment and investment are some factors that contribute towards it. The city is super busy in comparison to any other city in Pakistan.
If you plan to go somewhere, you will have to leave an hour before, because Karachi has always witnessed immense traffic. While traveling in Karachi, you will notice that the city is full of energy, warmth and enthusiasm. Residents of Karachi are diverse in cultures, ethnicities and religions. All these aspects add to the diversity, versatility and uniqueness of the city of lights – Karachi.
City Size and Population of Karachi
The metropolitan city has a population of more than 23 million and a population density of almost over 24,000 people per square kilometer. Which makes it clear that Karachi is denser than any other city of the urban population in Pakistan. This is why Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan.
Demographics of Karachi
It is believed that almost 90% of the population in Karachi are migrants from various backgrounds. For a large number of Gujarati Muslims, Karachi has historically been a home. Communities of Gujarati Muslims include Chhipa, Memon, Khoja, Ghanchi and Tai.
Many non-Muslims left Karachi for India after the 1950s. Therefore some small communities of Parsis, Anglo-Indians and Goan Catholics are still present in Karachi. Muhajirs in Karachi are large in number ie is almost 50% of the population, which includes Gujarati, Rajasthani and Malabari Muslims.
After Muhajirs, the second largest group in Karachi are the Pashtuns, 25%, who hail from Balochistan and Afghanistan.
Growth in Karachi’s Population
At the rate of around 5% per year, Karachi is growing. Almost 45,000 migrant workers come to Karachi from all over Pakistan every month. It is expected that rapid growth in the population of Karachi will make it the seventh-largest city in the world by 2030.
Weather of Karachi
Summers in Karachi are very hot, arid, windy and oppressive, whereas winters are short, dry and more comfortable than summers. The temperature in Karachi varies from 55 F to 94F. It is above 100F and below 49F.
Transport of Karachi
For shorter routes, people of Karachi use rickshaws or taxis, and for longer routes, they prefer transportation through buses, which is far cheaper than any other mode of transport.
Places to visit in Karachi
Here is a list of some of the most famous places to visit in Karachi.
The Beach
Going to the beach has never been a regret! We always enjoy ourselves and spend hours and hours at the beach without realizing the time. Karachi is famous for its beautiful beaches. Tourists from Pakistan always make sure to pay a visit to the beach during their stay in Karachi. Sea view beach is the closest to the city, and no matter what the time is, it has always been crowded.
Winter Land
For the people of Karachi, winter land is a huge bliss! Because of the hot weather in Karachi, people don’t get to experience rain and winds for a long time. Winter land is a place to experience when you feel like having some fun by getting some winter vibes. The place offers several fun activities, such as bumper cars and slides.
Mohatta Palace
To experience Indo Saracenic architecture, Mohatta Palace is the place to visit in Karachi. In 1927, it was built as the home of Shivratan Mohatta. It is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm. The palace contains a secret passage, a 1km path underground and leads to a Hindu temple. In this palace, you will also find various displays of British culture from the subcontinent.
Brother Hall
To experience Karachi’s British colonial history, Frere hall is a Venetian gothic building that one must visit. Frere Hall is Karachi’s most iconic place, with a beautiful mural painted by one of Pakistan’s most revered artists Sadequain Naqqash.
Empress Market
Named after Queen Victoria, the Empress market has been in operation for years. From groceries, spices, seafood to some fun activities in Karachi, the empress market has been a popular place. It is one of the busiest places in Karachi for shopping.
Food culture in Karachi
Karachi is famous for its food. Here is a list of restaurants in Karachi that are known for their delicious cuisine.
- Behari tikka at Meerath Kabab House
- Dum Biryani from Gol Market, Nazimabad
- Fish by Yadgar
- Katakat and Brain Masala from Noorani at Do Darya
- Beef fry kabab at Burns Road by Waheed
- Javed Nihari (dastagir, FBArea
- Nihari by Ghaffar Kabab House
- Afghani Boti at Al-Asif
- Afghani Pulao by Al-harmain
- Peshawari chapli kabab by A-one (Shah Faisal)
- Balochi tikka from Madina 2, Superhighway
- Karahi by anwar baloch (Malir)
- Kali Mirch Chargha by Cafe Laziz
- Hunter beef burger from Hanifa
- Super bun kabab at Pakistan Chowk
- Cheeseburger by Khan Broast, Near Waterpump
Universities in Karachi
With a literacy rate of 65.26%, Karachi has some of the best universities in Pakistan. There are almost more than 50 colleges and universities that are located in the capital of Sindh. The categories of colleges and universities include science, arts and commerce.
Top universities in Karachi include:
The Jinnah University for Women, located in Karachi, is the pioneer university for women in Pakistan
The University of Karachi is the largest in Pakistan with the largest faculty.
NED University of Engineering and Technology is Pakistan’s oldest engineering institute located in Karachi.
The National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, NUCES-FAST, is recognized as one of the top universities in Pakistan. It has two branches in Karachi.
Let’s find out about Lahore now.
A lot of travelers in Pakistan start their adventure in Lahore, The heart of Pakistan. The city is known for its vibrant, hospitable and joyful atmosphere. But, we cannot forget Lahore’s scrumptious food, which you cannot find in any other city in Pakistan. Lahore has been of great importance when it comes to geography and culture. There are a lot of fun places in Lahore that you and your family can visit.
Colonial and Mughal dynasty eras can be witnessed all over the city with several beautiful historical architecture buildings. Because of Lahore’s fantastic taste, Lahore is also known as the food capital. Several places can be visited in Lahore to experience the beautiful architecture of the walled city. Rich in history and tradition, Lahore has experienced three eras: Mughal, British and modern.
City Size and Population
With the boundaries of 1772 kilometers, the current population of the city is 7 million. In the past 14 years, the city has expanded due to its growing population. Because of this, it remains the 42nd most populated city in the world. The population density of the city is nearly 63000 residents per square kilometer.
Population Growth in Lahore
With a population above 11 million, experts thought that Lahore would become a central megacity by 2025, but it has already become. With an increase in Lahore’s population, it is expected to become the largest populated city by 2050, with almost 42.46 million people.
Weather of Lahore
With an average high of 102F and a low of 83F, the hottest month in Lahore is June. Winters in Lahore last for almost 2.5 to 3 months, with an average low of 47F and a high of 66F.
Transport of Lahore
Modes of transport used in Lahore include bus services, rickshaws, taxis and metro services. Two major providers of bus services are Lahore Transport Company and Punjab Mass Transit Authority.
Places to visit in Lahore
Here is a list of places to visit in Lahore.
Badshahi Mosque
Located in Lahore, constructed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, Badshahi Mosque is the largest mosque of the Mughal era. It is one of Pakistan’s most iconic sights that people all over the country love to visit. It is known as the crown jewel of Lahore with a large courtyard that can comprise almost 10,000 people.
Fort Road Food Street
Fort road food street has some of the best restaurants in Lahore. The food street has beautiful and colorful buildings with rooftop restaurants for citizens to enjoy the view. There are both desi and continental restaurants with amazing food quality.
Delhi Gate Market
The old city of Lahore had almost 13 gates to it. When the British conquered the region all of these were destroyed. However, 6 out of 13 were rebuilt, and Delhi Gate is one of them. The entrance leads to a busy market filled with lots of happening and life. It’s a great place to visit if you want to have a look at the local life of Lahore.
Anarkali Bazaar
Anarkali bazaar is divided into two, the old and new. While on your visit to Anarkali bazaar you will get to find a lot of traditional foods, clothes, jewelry and handicrafts. Walk-in Anarkali bazaar has always been an interesting thing to do for people; even if you don’t want to buy anything, a walk at Anarkali bazaar is also enough to enjoy the locality.
Shalimar garden
Visiting a Shalimar garden is one of the most relaxing things that the people of Lahore tend to do. It is a great option if you want to spend time with your family. There is a beautiful fountain with colorful flowers to create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for visitors.
Universities in Lahore
With a literacy rate of 64%, Lahore is considered to be a primary education hub of Pakistan with some top universities. Almost 40 licensed universities offer degrees in business, science, humanities and engineering.
The University of Punjab, Government College University, and Forman Christian college are Pakistan’s oldest universities. The recently-established University of Lahore is a private university and offers programs in medical sciences, health sciences, biology and engineering.
Both Lahore and Karachi are unique in their own way. The cities are of great importance to Pakistan. Lahore, because of its historical architecture, and Karachi, because of its vastness. In this blog, Feeta.pk has listed down the stand-out features of both cities.
Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below!
Karachi Vs Lahore – Which One is Better?
Choosing Construction Materials for Your Home
Being the foundation of any house – construction materials should be selected after thorough research and evaluation. Anesthetic design with sustainability is only possible with the proper construction material. However, many remain unaware of the significance of choosing the right materials, foregoing this important step entirely.
To help you make the right decision for your home, Feeta.pk brings you a complete guide on how you should choose construction material for your house.
Estimate your Costs
The construction market offers a wide variety of quality construction materials. However, their prices may vary significantly. Opting for the highest-grade materials should be the right move if you have a limitless spending budget since durability and sustainability are the utmost priority.
However, there will be a limited spending budget in most cases, and finding the perfect materials for your home under a limit can be quite tedious. As a general rule, choose cost-effective materials without compromising overall quality. Estimating a budget can help know how much you can spend on materials, cut down on unnecessary costs and make room for better construction materials.
Availability of Materials
Source: EnvatoElements
Before deciding on any materials, it is essential to determine their availability in the market. Materials that are either rare or unique can become impossible to find in the market, or they might have to be shipped from a different country. This can raise costs and delivery times for the construction and building materials, affecting the overall timeline for the construction of your house.
Climate Conditions
Source: EnvatoElements
Construction materials for homes greatly depend on the climate conditions of the area. Factors such as average rain, snowfall, sunlight, and temperature are essential determinants of the materials. Some materials perform better in cooler temperatures, while others deteriorate under heavy rain or snowfall. This makes it necessary to consider the whole climate while choosing construction materials.
Source: EnvatoElements
With climate activism at an all-time high, the construction industry has also taken a few steps to incorporate sustainability. Construction materials are responsible for a significant portion of the world’s carbon footprint, especially materials such as cement. This has led to a rise in the use of eco-friendly construction materials. If you want your house to be greener, the construction market has several sustainable options that you can explore.
Aesthetic Appeal
Source: EnvatoElements
Another factor to take into consideration while choosing materials is their aesthetic appeal. Construction materials can drastically change the aesthetics of your house. For instance, laminated wooden flooring can give your home a touch of elegance, while opting for ceramic tiles can offer a minimalistic appeal.
The materials that you choose should also complement the surroundings of your house. A log cabin-style home may look pleasant in the hills of Murree but not so much in the streets of Lahore. Your home’s aesthetic appeal should mirror its surroundings while incorporating your unique taste.
Source: EnvatoElements
Durable construction materials are essential for any home, increasing lifespan and lowering maintenance costs. Some materials can offer universal durability, while others are climate-dependent. Generally, construction materials should be repellent to moisture, corrosion, and other environmental conditions such as heavy rain.
Structural Integrity
Source: Pinterest
For construction materials, it boils down to structural integrity and performance. The materials that you choose should withstand heavy loads and excessive weights. The choice of materials should be evaluated, and there should be no compromise on quality. Anything made out of poor quality can become a safety hazard.
Source: EnvatoElements
The best construction materials are those that require minimal maintenance. Maintenance is necessary for preserving your home’s original look. However, it can also rack up additional costs over time. To avoid these costs, opt for high-grade quality materials as they offer higher durability and less maintenance over time.
Construction material should always be selected after thorough research. Factors such as durability, aesthetics, and climate conditions should be considered. However, the general rule of thumb is to never compromise on quality, as these materials are the core of your house. For more information on construction materials, visit Feeta.pk – Pakistan’s first online real estate market.
Choosing Construction Materials for Your Home
Must-Follow Real Estate Marketing Ideas
In Real Estate Marketing, One cannot object to the fact that comprising a property is an essential matter to discuss. The reason behind this is that in Pakistan, real estate is one of the most beneficial investment opportunities which plays a big part in generating the economy.
But how does this all come into work?
In this blog, Feeta.pk will explain how this is done. And the answer is that real estate companies execute their work through the promotion of real estate companies. Now you might be wondering who promotes the brand and what is the reason behind it?
In today’s time of evolution and development, it has become important to have a marketing team that helps in branding your company. They design such techniques that help to boost the plan and make its presence known. If we talk specifically about the real estate sector, the marketing in real estate chooses the most prominent marketing company to create their name in the market.
In this blog, we will present some interesting and effective marketing ideas that every real estate company should follow
So, let’s have a look!
- Setup a social profile
- Make an attractive business card
- Make yourself easy to contact
- Hire a professional photographer
- Do local sponsorship
- Make your website and application user friendly
- Build google business profile
- Make social media adds
- Keep an eye on your competitor
Now, let us explain every idea in detail!
Setup a Social Profile
The first and most important effective marketing idea is setting up a social profile. This will give your company an instant boost if done correctly. For this, you will have to make social media accounts on all networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Setting up a social profile will help you connect to your clients and also highlight your success stories. Through your social media profile, you will educate your buyers related to real estate and update them with the project that you are working on.
In one way or another, the world is now dependent on social media, you will probably not be able to make your presence without social media as much as you can with the help of it. To make your social media attractive you will have to upload nice photos, catchy captions, and above all, you will have to be active on social media for your clients.
Make an Attractive Business Card
Design an attractive business card for your company. The card should contain all the necessary information such as the name of your company, contact name and number, email, and company address. A business card would represent your company’s brand and it is also considered to be an overall business image of your business.
Your card must be designed in such a way that it inspires people and the desire to contact the company. A business card is also considered a direct marketing tool because in-person meetings lead to sharing of business cards directly with whomever you want to share them with. By this, we can say that a business card can make or break the marketing game for you. The reasons behind this are
- It gives ease of contact details
- Create a quick first impression
- Gives a personal touch
It is a fact that successful marketing of real estate lies in professional and great photography. Photographs of poor quality will make people lose interest and result in less followership. For this, you must hire a professional photographer who has experience in architecture and home photography. By this, you will be able to make your listings attractive and gain the attention of people and then this will result in helping you to get a potential buyer. Your photos will act as a support to show your clients what you have to offer. Nowadays 3D tours are becoming a popular thing. Your professional photographer can also create a 3D video of your property which will help your clients to have a 3D tour of the house while sitting at home.
Hire a professional photographer today to make your real estate company’s listing more enticing and attractive.
Do Local Sponsorship
Being a local sponsor will help you make your brand be in the spotlight. Be a sponsor at festivals, school events, or a sports team. This means that you can get your business name or brand logo on pamphlets, t-shirts, or flyers. If you will sponsor a local group you will directly become their real estate leader for reference. Some ideas for local sponsorship are
- Donate to charity
- Sports team sponsor
- Sponsor an event such as pet adoption,
- Donate money at local schools
- Contribute monetarily to different building projects
The sponsorship idea completely lies in the motto “spend money to make money” though it is an old saying it is true without any doubt. Therefore real estate companies should take advantage of these sponsorship opportunities and donate to a cause to create a positive impact on society and build maximum exposure for your company.
Make your Website User Friendly
Nowadays people get attracted to what’s easy for them to use and understand. You must formulate a user-friendly website. The reason why a website is important for real estate marketing is that it helps to educate clients and makes it easy for agents to provide them with valuable resources. A website should deliver content that helps buyers throughout the purchasing process. Here are a few features that should be included in your real estate website
- Photos and description of properties
- Searchable listings
- Customer-centric content
- A consistent look
Build Google Business Profile
To make it easy for users to find you on google maps, search and knowledge panel, set up a google business profile. The reason why having a business profile on Google is important is that it is one of the most trusted platforms for authentic reviews. You can make your business rank higher through Google’s business profile. But this is dependent on the regular maintenance of your business profile. This can be done by logging in to your profile daily and adding new content like listings and photos.
Make Social Ads
To create a presence on social media, the feature that helps the most is paid social media ads. Making social ads for your real estate business can result in excessive engagement and an increase in followers on your profile. This feature allows you to choose your target audience with a budget that suits you. Keep in mind to choose a picture or video for a paid ad that is attractive and highlights information that you would want to give to your audience. Social media ads are one of the effective ideas that can help in real estate marketing.
Keep an Eye on your Competitors
In this era of competition, it is important to keep a check on what your competitors in real estate are doing. How are they managing their social media or how does their website look? By this, you can also get an idea of the mistake they are making and you can avoid replicating them. this will help you distinguish how your company can do better. after you do your analysis, you can come up with new ideas that how can you make your company stand out.
So, which way do you think is most effective?
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