To facilitate the public, the Capital Development Authority has established one window operational board. The procedure for accepting in one window operations directory is as follows:
- The assignee or attorney must receive the deadline for accepting an officer from the One Window Operation officer by granting the completed Delivery Request (TAF) along with the required documents.
- After the publication of the deadline, the accepting officer will send data to the relevant deputy director in EM-1 or EM-2 two days before the deadline. The relevant DD will check the file and ensure that the files are sent to an accepting officer at 9:00 am of the deadline.
- The associate or lawyer will have to physically attend with his / her original CNIC card at ONE Window Operation before Assistant Director (Acknowledgment) along with TAF and the required documents
- Under the supervision of an accepting officer, the parties with their thumb impressions, and signature will be photographed to confirm that a transaction has taken place.
- Upon completion of all procedures, the accepting officer will send the file and TAF with the documents to the account section for cancellation of a banking project on the same day.
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